All Chapters of Destined to Reign: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
170 Chapters
My Mate, My Savior
Isla Kalashnikov (P.O.V.)“Get up there, before I make you. You work for me, and you have to do as I say. You are nothing but an object to women. Do you think I do not see you dressing up for attention from men? You want the attention that badly that you always have your body on display. Look at what you are wearing. Your breasts are on full display. Now get up there and do not embarrass me.”I was stunned. I could feel myself on the brink of crying and I did not want to move. I was both scared and hurt. I found myself just looking at Dimitri in disbelief.I slowly got up from my seat and made my way to the stage. I stood in line with all of the other girls. I felt so out of place next to them. They were the typical trophy wives or trophy wife wannabes. They seemed really excited to be here. They were all giggling a lot and fixing their hair and makeup despite the fact that they were on stage in front of hundreds of people I simply s
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A Second First Date
Isla Kalashnikov (P.O.V.)“So, what do you want to do now?” Alessandro asked.We were currently in the limo as the driver drove around aimlessly as per Alessandro’s request. I could tell he wanted to take care of me and make sure I was okay. When we got into the limo, we simply sat in silence as I recollected myself. It took a while for me to come to, but when I did was grateful that Alessandro gave me some space to do just that.“Would you like to go home? I would understand if you would prefer to just be alone after what happened.” Alessandro spoke again.I looked at him and he was looking down at his lap as he toyed with his fingers nervously. I could tell that he was nervous and really want to hang out with me but was putting his feelings aside to adhere to my comfort instead.I smiled in appreciation and shook my head.“I do believe I owe you a date Mr. Petrov as you did just pay thre
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The Date
Isla Kalashnikov (P.O.V.)“I know. I rented out the location for a couple of hours and paid the workers something a little extra for every thirty minutes of overtime that I have made them work. It will be just like a regular carnival but without the crowds and screaming abortions…I mean children. I have always wanted to go to a completely empty carnival. When I was a kid, my father would always take the family to carnivals whenever someone in the house was celebrating a birthday. On those days it would be so hectic and busy, that by the time we got to the carnival, it would be so crowded that most of the rides would be closed by the time we got a chance to even try to get onto one of them. There are many rides I have never gotten to try. Simply because of that and because by the time I got to the right age that I could ride the ones I wanted to go on, I had become consumed by responsibilities because my father died, and I was left to take care of
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Isla Kalashnikov (P.O.V.) I did not want to admit this, but this was my very first time at a carnival. Sure, I was not getting the full experience which included the crowds and loud noises, but I was already having fun with Alessandro.I hopped onto his back without a warning, almost making both of us toppling to the ground. I made sure to wrap my legs around Alessandro’s waist and my arms were automatically wrapped around his neck.“Do not choke me. I like oxygen more than I like having you on top of me.”We both laughed and he carried us over to the first ride. The Ferris wheels. I always saw these in the movies. They looked like fun.“How about this first?” Alessandro asked.I nodded and climbed off of him. We got into the ride and waited for the guy at the station to start the ride. The poor fella looked tired as hell. I could tell that he resisted the urge to sigh before he ap
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New Beginnings...Again
Isla Kalashnikov (P.O.V.)After a date night with Alessandro and all that occurred during and after our date, Alessandro and I had created a special bond that I felt like I should not get too comfortable with. I was on edge ever since Alessandro and I started talking more again and hanging out even though I felt like he had cleaned up his act much more since the last time I ever considered being with him exclusively. The effort that I wanted months ago so that he could gain my trust after breaking it multiple times was being displayed evidently and while I was grateful for this, I was sort of paranoid about it all. I felt as though if I were to get comfortable with him again, he would cheat on me or stop trying as hard. I am also scared that he would be using me for whatever reason.I do not want to boost my own ego or anything along those lines, but ever since I found out I had all of these abilities – though I may not know how to use them prope
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My Cute Boss
Isla Kalashnikov (P.O.V.)I was almost at the office now and I deeply considered calling Alessandro to see if he wanted anything to eat. Though it is already nine o’clock so I could only assume that he had eaten breakfast. Besides, I sort of did not want to stop to get anything, I just really wanted to get to the office to scope out the scene there since the last time I was at the head office, everyone ignored me and treated me badly. Now that I am sort of acquainted with his back, I would hope that everything would be a little different.Finally, I could see the building and I drove up to it quickly and entered the garage. It was jammed pack in here. I began to drive around in circles looking for a parking spot. When I got to the top level of the garage, I saw Alessandro’s car and beside it was an empty parking space. Excited and relieved, I drove up to it, only to see a cone occupying the space. In front of the cone, however, was a plaque
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An Improvement
Isla Kalashnikov (P.O.V.)I smiled and giggled a little bit as Alessandro blushed deeply.“Aww, it is okay. I think it will be fun to throw paper balls at you whenever I get bored or hungry. Whichever comes first, also this is your office. You should not give it up for someone else’s convenience, but I do appreciate the gesture. You are sweet.”I pinched his cheek which caused him to blush even more and smack my hand away from his face.“Shut up.”I chuckled at his childish response.“Okay, so give me a tour of my desk.”“Okay well, that is your desktop, it has every software needed for you to fulfill necessary tasks daily along with some things that I may send you every now and then. The laptop is for your own personal use. It is
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Stalker Alert
Isla Kalashnikov (P.O.V.)It is about the end of the workday for Alessandro and me. I had a really great day today. As my first day on the job, I could honestly say that I found the correct work environment for myself. Everyone respected me a lot, here at work and it was not the type of respect that came as a result of dictatorship, it came from pure democracy. I was charismatic, and respectful myself toward my work colleagues and even made a couple of friends.After Alessandro gave me a tour of the office, we dove into work straight away. Work did not feel like work, rather it felt relaxing and fun. Although the workload was a bit heavy, I did not feel overwhelmed by the pressure at all, and I took my time as I continued to work so that I could produce quality content. When lunchtime came around, Alessandro and I were both too busy with work to even consider going out to eat, so we simply made a meal out of whatever we could use from the fridge. Thank
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Isla Kalashnikov (P.O.V.)Dimitri began to drag his finger along my skin before he stuck his hand under my shirt to caress my ribs. Due to the fact that I am highly ticklish, the instance his finger made contact with my ribs, I jumped, and the bottom half of my body rubbed against Dimitri.Oh no.I did not mean for that to happen.“Mm, I see that the wh*re wants me just as badly as I want her.” Dimitri taunted.“What do you want from me Dimitri? Must you haunt me everyday for fun?” I asked Dimitri.“I want you…I want your powers. I want to be able to harness them. See, while I was away on my little trip after Adelina cursed me or whatever, I went on a little detour through Europe and finally China. When you think Dragon, you think Chinese or Japanese right? That is what I thought as well. Lucky me for having a brain and knowing how to use it. So, I went to China in search of a witch or an
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Power & Control
Isla Kalshnikov (P.O.V.) I continued running until I saw the makeshift forest ahead of me. It always made me wonder how the magic of the forest did not die with my parents, but I guess now I have the answer. They were never dead.I could run through there and risk getting lost by myself or I could follow the road and hope that Dimitri has some sort of common sense in him to not attack me in public.While I kept on running, I thought about what I should do. However, before I could make up my mind, I was tackled to the ground. Thankfully, the soft lawn under me was enough to break my fall.“We got a runner folks. Did you honestly think you could get away from me?” Dimitri asked as he weighed his body down on mine to keep me from getting up.I grunted as I struggled to lift his body to get him off of me.
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