All Chapters of Scoundrel With A Noble Heart : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
96 Chapters
Chapter 71
"I've never seen such beautiful dresses as these, Miss. You will look terrific in them. Why don't you try them on?" Mary's cheerful voice snapped Marguerite from her sad musings. She turned to see her maid picking a muslin dress in her favorite color and showed it to her with a wide expectant grin. Any woman would leap in joy, but Marguerite just shook her head. As her maid turned to put the dress back in place, Marguerite glanced listlessly at the colorful stack of thirty brand new dresses inside her closet. Today her order from Madame Le Veaux had just shipped and Mary had just done storing them in her closet, but even a wardrobe full of beautiful dresses could do little to dispel the gloom in her heart. Mary's brows furrowed with concern as she watched Marguerite, then she tried again,"How about I ask Cook to make your favorite strawberry cheese tart?" "I don't feel like eating."Her maid cast a pitiful look at her and left her alone. Wrapped in her shabby old shawl, she reclin
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Chapter 72
Matthew and Arabella spent the rest of the journey exploring each other's body in every conceivable way, discovering new things as they continued making love whenever they could. The last couple of days had been pure, erotic bliss. Matthew couldn't understand how it kept getting better and better. Every climax was more explosive than before. The more they made love, the more they craved each other's body. Their cravings for each other seemed to know no bounds. One day, they decided to delay their trip and spend the entire day making love on every surface of the rented room. They left the bed only to go to the restroom, they barely ate, too consumed by their other needs. Throughout their endless intercourses, Matthew found out that Arabella was a bold, adventurous lover that was willing to try anything at all. Much as it excited him, the fact that she seemed to be too experienced for a virgin intrigued and annoyed him. So, in the languid aftermath of their vigorous exertion, he mustere
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Chapter 73
Matthew's loathing eyes immediately roved over Jeremy's broad, muscled figure and his hands balled into fists at his sides. He remembered Arabella telling him that after the incident of the forced separation, she heard that Jeremy had already impregnated a serving wench, which meant that he'd been cheating on her all the time. Well, he couldn't blame the young, naive girls for falling prey to this cad. Jeremy definitely had his attractions. Even in rags, he was an arresting sight. A humble Adonis with hair the color of wheat, a pair of smoldering brown eyes, and a tall, muscular body. As if sensing Matthew's scathing gaze, Jeremy turned his gaze to Matthew, who had the chance to give him the death stare a moment before the innkeeper's voice startled them out of the charged silence. "Is everything alright?" "Yeah." Arabella averted her gaze, while Jeremy hurried to take their luggage, and precede them upstairs. As they followed Jeremy along the dim staircase in silence, Matthew stol
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Chapter 74
Jeremy spun around and froze when his eyes met hers in the dark. His surprised expression lasted for a second, then his brown eyes turned cold. "Is there anything I can help you with, my lady?" "I need to talk to you." She looked around, afraid to be seen. "Is there any place we can talk in private?" Eyes fixed on her face, Jeremy remained silent for a long moment. She thought he wouldn't answer her, but finally he said, "Follow me." He led her away from the open space into a secluded, shadowy path. Arabella looked around the darkened surroundings as they traveled further away from the main building. Nobody was likely to hear her scream from here, but she wasn't the slightest bit scared. She knew Jeremy more than anyone else in the world. He might be a cad, but he wouldn't seek to hurt her, that she knew for sure. She continued to follow him and before long, a shed came into view. Jeremy pushed the rickety door open and turned to face her, motioning her to precede him inside.
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Chapter 75
Hello readers, hope you like this chapter and please feel free to drop your thoughts on the comments below. Each and every opinion from you matters to me and I'll do my best to deliver a story that will satisfy you.Once inside the privacy of his room, Matthew strode to the table at the center of the room and braced his hands on the solid wood for support. The pain of Arabella's betrayal struck him like a blow to his head. No, worse. Much worse. It felt like a twist of dagger to his heart. Trying to calm down, he dragged a lungful of air, but every breath seemed to drive the knife further in. Matthew had heard his friends weeping over heartbreak, but he could have never understood the reality of how painful a broken heart could be until it happened to him. It hurt like hell. But he deserved all this. He'd lied and neglected another woman who truly loved him and cared for him. He was a fool to think that because Arabella had given him her virginity, that meant she reciprocated his fee
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Chapter 76
Dear readers, sorry for the long wait. I hope you'll like this chapter. Please keep dropping your opinions and comments. I can't reply to each one of you, but I read all the comments, every one of them. I'll try to deliver the next chapter faster. Thank you and enjoy!*****The last couple of hours had been pure hell.Matthew had spent every minute trying to convince himself it was a good thing he finally managed to get rid of that troublesome chit, but it could do nothing to dispel the gloom that engulfed him. The insides of the carriage only served to remind him of his torrid moments with her, and the long hours of enforced idleness and silence had nearly driven him off his head. He couldn't seem to stop reliving the moment he caught Arabella with Jeremy in the deserted shed. No words could possibly describe what he felt the moment he entered the shed and found her in Jeremy's arms, letting that wretch touch her intimately. She offered no resistance when Jeremy ran his filthy hands
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Chapter 77
Hello! Sorry for the very late update! I'm working on the next chapter already. Please drop your comment and let me know what you think!Marguerite's footsteps echoed along the corridor as she made a dash for Matthew's chamber. Just a moment ago, a servant rushed to her suite to deliver the news. Matthew had returned, and he'd collapsed the minute he appeared at the back door. She'd been worried sick when she heard that he fainted, but Mary had calmed her down, telling her that she needn't worry about Matthew's health and that he must be exhausted from the long journey. When Marguerite entered his bedchamber, he'd been laid down on the edge of the massive bed, while two footmen worked efficiently to remove his sodden clothes. She hurried over to the end of the bed and helped take off his boots. In hardly any time at all, Matthew had been divested of all his clothing. When Marguerite dried his body with a clean towel, her eyes accidentally fell on the forbidden zone at the juncture of
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Chapter 78
"Matthew, you're awake!" Marguerite jumped up from her chair and reached for him."How are you feeling right now?"He opened his mouth to reply, but he could only produce a raspy croak. "Sorry, you must be parched."She turned towards the nightstand and grabbed the knocked glass. After quickly wiping the spillage with her handkerchief, she replenished the glass with water."Here, have a sip."She helped him sit and brought the water to his mouth, keeping her hand on the glass and sliding her arm behind his head. He took a big gulp and started to splutter."Slowly." She stroked his back until he stopped coughing, then she eased him back into the pillow. "Are you feeling better now?"Marguerite asked gently, looking so concerned that his heart tightened. He weakly replied,"Yeah, thank you.""Great. I'll get you some beef tea. I know you hate it but you need it to restore your energy."But at the moment, there was nothing he wanted more than to have her by his side. He needed nothing
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Chapter 79
The sudden, unexpected proposal delivered such a jolt to Marguerite, the shock of it momentarily reduced her to silence. Intent on convincing her, Matthew got to his feet, holding her arms firmly yet gently as he forced her to lock gaze with him,"Maggie. I know you may doubt me because of what I've done but I promise you, I will never disappoint you again. I will do my best to make amends for my past mistakes. Please give me a chance to prove it to you."Marguerite's heart started racing, her mind whirling with fanciful thoughts. She'd been dreaming and fantasizing about this moment since forever, but this, his change of heart, seemed too sudden, too drastic.Could it be true?"Matthew, it's not that I don't believe you, but... before I answer your question, I want you to be honest. Are you still in love with... the lady?"At the question, Matthew tore his gaze from her, his jaw clenching. "Maggie, it doesn't matter anymore. I'm done with her." She frowned at his answer."It does m
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Chapter 80
Dear readers, I'm so sorry for the very late update. I have another job recently and there's a lot to juggle. However, I hope you don't lose interest in this story. I'll do my best to give my best for you. Enjoy this chapter! Sorry if it's too short. The next one is in progress and I hope I can deliver it sooner."I'm pregnant."The words struck Matthew like lightning on a clear sunny day."No! It's impossible. I've always been very careful!" "Except for the last time we made love. You got carried away and forgot to withdraw on time."He froze as his brain began to play back the momentous events. He remembered that morning so vividly. He'd been so emotional after her acceptance of his weakness that he abandoned himself in a moment of unbridled, uninhibited passion. He'd made love to her multiple times throughout the day, and in one blissful moment he'd poured everything he had into her, literally as well as figuratively."But... but you said you could take care of it!" "I thought I
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