All Chapters of Scoundrel With A Noble Heart : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
96 Chapters
Chapter 81
"I saw you with her."Matthew froze in place as the air left his lungs. Impossible! How could Maggie know about it? Did his man betray him? His mind whirled with questions, but there was no time for them now. What he needed was an immediate answer, and he couldn't afford to make the wrong move. He considered his options. It was nighttime and Maggie might haven't seen things clearly. He could try to convince her that she'd confused him with someone else."Maggie, you must have mistaken—""I know you like the back of my hand, Matthew. There's no way I would have mistaken you. I saw you step out of the back entrance. You talked to her at the curb, then you stopped a hackney cab and climbed into the carriage with her." She cut off, looking straight into his eyes. Matthew fell silent. Maggie had seen so much, it was pointless to deny it. Now he must find a way to convince her that it meant nothing. Arabella meant nothing to him, and only Maggie that mattered to him now.He lifted his gaze
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Chapter 82
Just when Matthew thought that his world had come to an end, Arabella staggered into a halt. She turned around abruptly, her face drained of all colors as if she'd just seen a ghost. Before he could make out what made her so scared, she whispered frantically,"Matthew, that's my mother!"Matthew's gaze roved over the place and he immediately spotted Viscountess Winthrop across the lawn, strolling with her maid. "Come, quick!" He took hold of her arm and propelled her away from the place. She offered no resistance, stumbling after him across the lawn, past the entrance gate and onto the sidewalk. It must be his lucky day, because just then, a hackney conveniently passed by. Matthew hailed the vehicle and as soon as it pulled by, Matthew opened the door and Arabella jumped into it. "Go home. I'll come to you later and explain it all."And as Matthew watched the vehicle receding into the distance, he sent a big, huge thanks to Heaven for the timely intervention of fate.*****It wasn'
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Chapter 83
Dear readers. I apologize for the slow update. Been busy with work and chores, but I'm trying my best to keep writing. Hope you still find the story interesting enough to follow. Enjoy these new chapters."Is she awake?!!"Matthew's abrupt entrance into Arabella's chamber startled the housekeeper, who sat waiting on a chair that had been placed near the bedside. Standing abruptly, the middle-aged woman stepped aside to make space for him."She is alright, Sir. She woke up an hour ago, but she felt a little bit dizzy, and after taking the medication from the doctor, she fell asleep."Matthew reached the bedside in three long, quick strides. His heart clenched at the very sight of Arabella, lying asleep in the middle of the huge bed. Her ink black hair was a stark contrast to her small, pallid face. It seemed that in the last couple of weeks she'd lost some of her weight. Without him being able to stop it, a fierce protectiveness washed over him. He stood staring down at her, while comp
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Chapter 84
Her gaze remained on his face when she took the last step to close the distance. Matthew wore nothing beneath his banyan and she appeared to know it. Without the slightest bit of hesitation, she reached under the silk."No, don't..." Soft, cool fingers wrapped gently around his length and his words ended in a moan. He wanted to pull away, but his strength seemed to desert him. In an instant, his already half-hardened sex swelled between her fingers as they gave him a firm yet gentle stroke.In no time, a drop of his manly essence was pearled on his tip. With her thumb, she smeared the thick substance over his crown, then she brought her finger to her mouth to taste it. Matthew watched transfixed when her tongue darted out to lick her thumb, and the last shred of his resistance crumbled to dust. A groan of surrender ripped from his throat and he succumbed to temptation. He took her by the hips and lifted her tight against him, his tongue plunging deep into her mouth. Clinging onto him
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Chapter 85
To Marguerite's greater dismay, Jacob seemed completely unconcerned by her admonition. He met her furious gaze with an unwavering composure."Maybe I don't know much about you, but it doesn't take a genius to tell what you are feeling right now. You've been wandering aimlessly around and looking a bit lost."The truth of the honest remarks stung, and she used anger to mask her desperation."Now you're being flippant!" She snapped, but he remained unaffected."I'm not. I just think it's not right to hold back what needs to be said.""What makes you think that you have the right to meddle in my life?"This time the rebuke struck home. It took Jacob a few moments to break the momentary silence that followed."I'm sorry if I have presumed. I just hate to see you hurting. You must know, you deserve to be happy."It was just a simple apology, but Marguerite was struck by his earnestness. For whatever reasons, this man seemed to care about her, more than anyone else in her life. All this tim
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Chapter 86
Finally, Jacob came up with an acceptable solution. He asked for adjoining rooms for them. Marguerite's reluctance to stay there grew stronger as they followed the innkeeper climbing up the unlit, rickety stairs. They could barely see anything beyond a few steps ahead of them, for the only source of light was the small candle in the quiet man's hand. Marguerite felt her anxiety grow as they reached the second landing. The pitch black darkness made it impossible to make out the color of the walls or to see the end of the corridor. Marguerite forced herself to move forward. It took a great deal of self control not to run away from this hideous place. Finally the innkeeper stopped in front of a door and unlocked it. He preceded them into the room and lit some candles before entering the other room through the adjoining door. The man briefly showed them the adjoining bathroom inside both rooms then left them both in privacy."Not bad, isn't it?"Jacob cast a glance at the neatly made bed
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Chapter 87
Taking the woman's advice, Marguerite and Jacob sauntered down the small cobbled path leading into the nearest village. Within minutes, they reached a stream spanned by a stone arch bridge. Beneath it, the river was gloriously bathed in the sunlight, golden flashes shimmering on its softly rippling surface. At either edge, wild bluebells began to reveal their blossoms, stretching out in rich blue carpets along the riverside. Again the spectacle took Marguerite's breath away. She stopped to admire the view."I've never seen anything like this in London. Everywhere you look you can only see rows of buildings and gloomy sky.""Nobody has taken you to travel before?" asked Jacob, furtively relishing the look of wonder on her face."Never. My father was too busy working. Matthew followed in his footsteps, he almost never left the club," She paused for a second, then added, "Until he met Lady A.""He is such a fool." His voice was soft, but she could hear the intense earnestness in his voi
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Chapter 88
Dear readers, I'm sorry for the very late update. Trying my best to juggle family, my current job and my passion for writing. Please keep in mind that I only want to deliver the best for you. Please feel free to let me know what you think of the story. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 🎊 As the trip progressed, Marguerite soon found that she could sit comfortably with Jacob for long minutes without the need to speak. To her great relief, he seemed relaxed and content with the companionable silence between them, not trying to entertain her with constant conversation. After a while, the quiet surroundings and the smooth motion of the vehicle made Marguerite feel sleepy. She'd just dozed off when suddenly the deafening sound of a gunshot rang out, startling her awake. The carriage lurched to a sudden halt and she was jolted forwards. Blinking back her confusion, she searched for Jacob in the opposite seat and asked fearfully,"Jake, is that robber?!" "You stay here, I'll check." Ja
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Chapter 89
Hello, so sorry for the late update. I've been juggling with my kids and my job recently, but I hope to deliver the best for all of you. Your comments are very helpful, so please tell me what you think about this story, about the characters, and what you like.The harsh words scraped against Marguerite's ears, conjuring nightmarish visions that coiled in her gut. Guilt twisted like a viper as she questioned sending Jacob back in. Relief washed over her in a tidal wave when a moment later Jacob emerged from the entrance, his soot-streaked face etched with grim determination. A whimper drew her attention to a small, trembling form nestled in his arms – Chester. "Jake! Thank goodness!"Returning the child in her arms to its mother, Marguerite sprinted toward them. Oblivious to the true source of her panic, Jacob mistook her frantic dash to him for concern over the puppy. He chuckled, passing the wriggling ball of fur into her arms."This little boy is shaken, but unharmed."Marguerite
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Chapter 90
Dear readers, please don't forget to leave a comment below to help me understand what you like. I'll do my best to deliver the best for you.After a brief chat, they set their sights on the town market, hoping to find food and perhaps secure passage to their next destination, Vermont. The walk took about thirty minutes, and by the time they arrived, Marguerite's stomach was grumbling loudly. Despite the hunger pangs, she pressed on. Just as a wave of faintness washed over her, they reached the bustling market. Jacob, ever observant, noticed Marguerite's pale face and stopped short."Maggie, are you okay?" he asked with concern."I'm feeling a bit lightheaded," she admitted. "Maybe I need to sit down."Jacob gently took Chester from her arms and offered Marguerite his other arm for support. His firm grip steadied her as he guided her to a nearby bench."Don't worry," he assured her, "We'll find a doctor if you need one." He carefully placed Chester on the bench and helped her sit."No
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