All Chapters of A Relentless Pursuit for Love: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
1349 Chapters
Chapter 101
A night had passed just like that.Yeva felt a piercing pain in her hand the moment she woke up. Knitting her brows into a frown, Yeva cursed at Sage nastily again.Going downstairs, she noticed that both Sage and Leah were already having breakfast, and the both of them were chuckling while talking, looking as if they were on fairly good terms with each other.Yeva opened her eyes wide and froze as she thought to herself: 'What the hell is going on?''It's only been one night, and Leah has managed to get Sage's trust? What possibly did I miss?'"Good morning, Sage."In an attempt to get attention, Yeva greeted Sage politely.Sage simply glanced at her. Leah, who was sitting opposite Sage, also greeted Yeva, "Morning, Yeva.""Morning to you, too," With a smile on her face, Yeva sat down next to Leah. Studying the looks on their faces, she asked carefully, "What were you guys talking about? You look so happy."Sage continued eating and did not say anything.Leah took a look at
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Chapter 102
Feeling horrified, Yeva shot her eyes wide open. Leah too looked at her in a daze, "How did you know?""You can get everything from the internet these days."Gnawing on her lips, Yeva retorted, "If I can't go to Jewel Norah, then let me work at Norah Entertainment. Even though I don't know anything, I’m pretty. Plus, I know quite a lot of artists.""By artists, you meant Minnie and the rest of the girls from Starship Entertainment? They were kicked out of the industry for insulting someone. The entertainment industry is also complicated for someone like you. With that dumb brain of yours, you won't be able to stay long.""What did you say? They were kicked out?"Yeva was startled by the news so much that she missed Sage's insult at her. Still in shock, she asked, "Who did Minnie offended?"Sage uttered lightly. "Me."Yeva was rendered speechless.After breakfast, Sage and Leah left the dining table. Neither of them bothered to take another look at Yeva who was still shocked by
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Chapter 103
On the other end of the phone, Yoel was still rambling on.Sage felt anger ripple through her and rage throbbing in her like a heartbeat. Tightening the grip on the phone, she seethed, "Go f*ck yourself!"She then ended the call.Seeing how Sage's face was overcast, Leah was startled but soon got worried about her. "What's wrong, Sage?"As soon as she ended the call, her phone rang again but this time, there was no caller ID and a string of numbers that Sage was ever so familiar with.Clenching the phone in her hand tightly, Sage felt the situation ridiculous.If she was right, this was the first time Jace had actually called her first.Letting out a sigh to calm herself, Sage answered his call.As soon as the call was connected, Sage heard that deep and husky voice of his. "Hey."He sounded as if he had just woken up.Indeed, Jace had spent a night in the car, and he had just woken up.He wanted to call Sage last night, but it was already too late in the night, and he did n
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Chapter 104
"I'm in a rush. Let's just cut to the chase."Compared to him, Sage seemed to have the demeanor of a business tycoon. Dressed in a formal orange suit, she looked elegant and sophisticated.But for some reason, there was a cold vibe surrounding her."Okay," Jace had always been a direct person, and he disliked people who were long-winded, either. Since Sage had asked him to cut to the chase, he asked bluntly, "Are you the girl who was kidnapped ten years ago at Cloud Forest?"Sage felt her chest tighten and felt a knot in her stomach. She thought that she had mentally prepared herself, but the moment he threw this question, her mind was immediately flooded by the flashbacks.Forcing herself to meet his gaze, she replied, "Yes. You were the one who saved me."Jace felt as if someone was tugging at his heartstrings.Even though he knew the answer, but when Sage admitted it herself, he was still startled. Meeting Sage's gaze, he felt something bubbling inside of him.Jace thought t
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Chapter 105
When Sage said those words with no emotions on her face, Jace felt as if his heart had stopped beating.He finally understood how it felt like to be disappointed and heartbroken.It was not because he had never experienced a breakup.Back then when Sienna wanted to break up with him, he remembered being angry at her for not being able to trust him.After that, Jace had chosen to believe that relationships were fragile and that was why he closed himself off to everyone else.Later, Sage showed up when he was at the worst of his health and temper. He remembered that he did not even give her a smile or even praised her.Now that he thought about it, Sage would never have stayed this long by his side if it was not because of her feelings for him."I'm sorry," Jace apologized to her again, "I've ruined everything for you."Sage pulled into a slight smile and said, "You don't have to be sorry for not having feelings for me.""I…" Before Jace could finish his sentence, Sage cut him
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Chapter 106
Looking out through the window, Leah stared at the black car that was pulling away slowly, and she wondered who might be the person in the car who was able to cause such sadness in Sage.…Sage had brought Leah to the company.This was the first time Leah was at the Norah Group. Staring at the tall building, clean and neat main lobby, as well as the polite employees, Leah was excited.Everywhere that Sage went, people would stop to greet Sage whereas Sage simply nodded, not even taking a look at them. She was exuding charismatic and imposing vibes.Following closely behind Sage, feelings of respect and admiration for Sage were written all over Leah's face.As soon as they entered her office, Sage said to Leah, "Make yourself comfortable. Would you like a drink?"Leah replied, "I'm fine with just water."One of her assistants had entered the room just in time to make a cup of coffee for Sage and poured a glass of warm water for Leah.Shortly after, Hunter entered the room. At t
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Chapter 107
Leah was still trying to wrap her head around what Hunter mentioned earlier about a ten-year-old child who he had to take care of when she heard the conversation between Hunter and Sage.Leah wondered to herself, 'What did he mean by 'back on good terms'?''Could it be that the man in the car earlier is Sage's ex-boyfriend?'Furrowing her brows slightly, Sage said, "What's with the fuss."Hunter collected himself and crossed his arms over his chest. "Sorry, I was too agitated."Sensing that something was off, Leah quickly said, "Sage, I'll let you get back to work, and perhaps Mister Hunter can send me to Norah Jewel so that I can adjust myself to the new environment.""Okay," Saga added, "You can talk to Hunter if you have any questions. Make sure to stay humble when you're there, and do more, talk less."Leah nodded. "Okay, Sage."She then tugged softly at Hunter's sleeve. Hunter turned to see the nervous look written all over Leah's face and found it funny that this girl was
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Chapter 108
Sitting in front of her office desk, Sage looked up to see a man, tall with broad shoulders, walking into the room, dressed in a suit and tie. He was exuding a charismatic and imposing vibe.This was the first time that they were meeting for business in such a formal setting. It was new… yet strange."Please, have a seat." Getting up onto her feet, Sage gestured to Jace.Sage was in the same suit that she had been in earlier today. She did not dress up just for him, but somehow, there was something different about her.This was the second time that Jace was in her office. The last time they met, things did not end well between them, so he did not get the chance to take a careful look at her office.The style of her office was somewhat different from her previous style. Rather than a warm tone, the office had a Victorian style, and it was actually rather similar to the style of his office.After he took a look around, a painting on the wall captured his attention. It was a paintin
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Chapter 109
Sage had been continuously surprising Jace since their divorce, but right now, the way she looked at work surprised him the most.Jace had met a lot of female CEOs, and most of them were either too emotional or too imposing, but he had never met someone like Sage, who was gentle yet stern, frank and direct.Besides, she was well aware of his plans and his intentions.Jace heard rumors about her, but he was witnessing it first-hand.He had been underestimating his wife all this time.Jace had mixed feelings. Flipping to the last page of the contract, Jace was about to sign the papers.Taking a sip of her tea, Sage gently reminded, "There's no rush in signing them. You might want to take a careful look at the contract and make sure there isn't any issue before signing the papers.""There's no need for that. I have trust in you." After putting down the date, he took out a rose seal and stamped his name on the paper.Sage's pupils dilated. She did not expect him to keep the rose se
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Chapter 110
Sage instantly felt that Luther was her savior. "My apologies, Mr. Yuriel. I already have an appointment scheduled beforehand. Let's meet some other day, shall we? It'll be my treat."Even though he was rejected over and over again, Jace did not feel awkward or defeated. Instead, he asked, "Sure, and when shall we meet?"Jace was indeed stubborn.Sage felt a flicker of irritation, but she held back her anger and forced a smile. "When you're willing to give me that set of porcelain plates."Sage knew that there was no way that Jace would be willing to give her those plates anyway.The light in his eyes dimmed slightly. He looked as if he was thinking about it seriously. After a pause, he replied, "Okay, tomorrow it is then."Sage was dumbfounded."I'll pick you up at six in the evening tomorrow. I'll leave you to be then. See you tomorrow."Before Sage could even reply, Jace turned around and left with Zayne.Watching him as he left, Sage was left flabbergasted. Looking at Hunt
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