All Chapters of A Relentless Pursuit for Love: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
1349 Chapters
Chapter 111
While Leah was in the washroom, Luther grabbed the opportunity and asked Sage, "What's going on? Who's upsetting you?"Sage took a sip of her sake; she did not say a word. Hunter explained the afternoon's events, from beginning to end. Luther immediately understood and said, "Pfft, he's just trying to buy you a meal. It's no big deal." Sage slammed her glass on the table, looking frustrated. "You got it the other way around. He wants me to buy him a meal!" "Fine, fine," Luther corrected his mistake and said, "It's okay, just treat him to a meal. It's not like you can't afford it. Furthermore, he is bringing the porcelain plates, right? One meal in exchange for four porcelain plates? That is totally worth it." Sage looked at Luther coldly and scowled, "It's not about the plates! I don't want to have a meal with him!""Okay, see now. This is all your fault," said Luther. "You set the conditions and he agreed to them. So, now you have to fulfill your end of the bargain. It's jus
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Chapter 112
They left the Japanese restaurant soon after they were done with dinner. Hunter walked Leah to her car, while Luther waited for Sage at the entrance. Sage's phone had run out of battery, so she had taken Luther's phone and was now playing some games on it. Halfway through, Sage turned to Luther and said, "Is Kane in Salem City?""Hmm?" Luther looked like he wanted to evade the question. "That's impossible." Sage found out the messages and showed them to Luther. One of them was a photo of the VIP lounge at Skye Hotel. There were pretty girls in the booth underneath bright neon lights, and in the midst of all this, there he was— with his braided hair and fair skin, sitting in the center. Kane looked extremely charming. The second message read, [I'm in the area. Don't tell Sage that I'm in Salem.]"Oh, sh*t!" Panicking, Luther snatched the phone out of Sage's hand. Kane could not have picked a worse time to have sent him a message, and Sage had seen him in the worst place possib
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Chapter 113
Jace left the Japanese restaurant and headed straight back to Skye Hotel. Zayne, looking at Sage's car disappear into the distance, asked Jace, "Mr. Yuriel, do we follow her?" "There's no need." Jace felt that if he were to continue with his actions, he would truly become a stalker. "Just ask your men to keep a close distance." Jace felt somewhat frustrated. He rolled down his window and lit a cigarette. The flame burned dimly in the night. Jace allowed his thoughts to carry him away. He could not stop thinking of the photo of Sage and Luther— their faces so close together. Sage had never liked her photo taken. He did not even have a personal photo of her. The only photo that they had taken together was their wedding photo. However, it appeared that whenever Luther was around, Sage was always close to him. Even if they had grown up together, they were way too close. Jace was green with envy as his heart turned sour and jealous.His phone rang loudly. It was a foreign numbe
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Chapter 114
"Jace looking for Sage? I won't allow it!" thought Sienna.Sienna flew into a rage. She could not be bothered to heed her aunt's advice to calm down and immediately got her people to investigate Sage's identity.Oddly enough, no matter how hard they tried, none of them could get any information on Sage Luz. It was almost as if she did not exist. At that time, Sienna had figured out that something was not right. She suddenly recalled Sage's helicopter and used that as a lead. Turned out, the helicopter had an exorbitant price tag, and there were no more than three people in the world who had one. One of them was in Salem City.How was a girl from the countryside able to pilot a helicopter of all things? Peculiar indeed.Sienna had blamed herself for being too careless. Then, suddenly, a viral video had surfaced and had given Sage's identity away. It was a video about an arrogant drunk woman. Though only her back could be seen, Sienna instantly recognized it to be Sage. Sienna ha
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Chapter 115
Sage's car did not get hijacked on the only way back to Rosa Garden but instead at a narrowed winding road.If one had an aerial view of the road, one would see something that looked like a straight line leading directly from the city center to Rosa Garden. It was the fastest way back, and only the people who frequented Norah Residence knew about it.Sage's father, Sawyer Norah, had people build the road, and its only purpose was to shorten the distance between the city and home.It was why the road was discreet and dark. No streetlamps had been installed. It was also hidden by the dense wood, looking gloomy and desolate. The hijackers were clearly lying in wait here for the perfect opportunity. This was not the first time that such a thing had happened to Sage. Ever since she was fourteen, such things had happened to her many times, and she was not shocked by it. She even felt a little nostalgic. She knew that her parents were not common citizens. Sage had inherited her parents
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Chapter 116
For a moment, they were so stunned by the fact that she just got out of the car without fear in the slightest that they could not even react.The hands of the tough man nearest to Sage were numb from hitting the glass. "Don't listen to this b*tch! If the glass is that sturdy and strong, why bother getting down from the car at all?"Sage smirked and said, "It's just boring to stay in the car. I've missed fighting. I haven't fought in three years after getting married. You'll be my warm-up." She flung a punch at the man, breaking his nose bridge. "Ahh— Shit!" cursed the man, pressing his nose. Blood ran down his hands. The six feet tall man was in so much pain that he had slumped to the ground. "Beat this b*tch! Beat her hard!" All of them surrounded Sage in an instant. Sage remained unfazed. "Who sent you, and what is your purpose? The very least you could do is to give me an explanation," she said boldly. "You should know your enemies best! Don't you know who already?" The ma
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Chapter 117
The leader of the gang, Scarface, could not believe how skilled Sage was when it came to knives. The gaping wound on his chest hurt madly, and his face twisted in pain. He could no longer hide his pain. Scarface spat on the ground and bellowed, "You b*tch, I'm going to kill you!"As he was spitting out his threat, Sage grabbed his wrist and gave it a forceful twist. The veins and muscles tore, and he shrieked in pain. Then, he was kicked to the ground. Sage coldly asked him in a low voice, "Who sent you here?""What the f—" Sage punched him to the ground. Mud filled his mouth as he cursed. Sage caught his arms and jerked them back. "AHHH!"The cry scared all the birds in the woods, and in a flurry of rustling and movement, they took off. Scarface's arms lay at a weird angle. They looked as if they were broken. He was sweating buckets, and the other hijackers were too stunned to make a move.Sage, still unfazed, said "I'm going to ask you one more time. Who sent you?"She bra
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Chapter 118
Jace looked at Sage through the lens of his camera. She was ravishing. Although he could only see her side face, she possessed a soul-capturing aura.Hunter and Leah could not stand sitting in the car anymore. They had planned to assist her. To their surprise, she would be able to handle everything on her own. Leah's heart could not stop thudding from the excitement as she witnessed Sage handle the situation. 'That's my Sage,' she thought as she watched. Leah wondered when would the day that she was more like Sage come. "Are you done?" asked Sage as she turned to look at Jace."I'm all done here." Jace nodded.He could not understand why he was being so obedient, and Sage did not seem surprised by his sudden appearance at all. As he stored his phone, Jace had mixed feelings. He had come with the intention of saving Sage. He had imagined her to be like a timid and weak character in a soap opera. Upon finding herself to be in danger, she should be hopelessly yelling, "Save me,
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Chapter 119
Seeing their endless fight, Sage solemnly said, "Enough!"She wanted to go home. The night grew dark and cold. She had no interest in watching them fight anymore.Both men stopped the instant they heard Sage's voice. They stood firm and assessed each other from head to toe. Jace studied the man who had appeared out of nowhere. The man looked pretentious with his braided hair and tanned skin. The collar of his black shirt was flipped up, his chin was raised, and he looked arrogant and wild.Kane Hudson stood opposite Jace and looked down at him with cold eyes. Jace looked prim and proper in his suit. 'Wow, this guy has some moves, as expected from someone who had served in the special forces,' thought Kane. "You're Jace Yuriel?" Kane asked as he thought, "This is the jerk who made our girl's life miserable for three whole years."Jace was surprised that Kane knew who he was. His eyes narrowed, "Who are you?"Kane scoffed and replied, "I'm your grandfather."He walked toward Sa
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Chapter 120
'How could Sage tell me that this is none of my business?'Jace felt as if Sage had plunged a sword through his chest, piercing his heart, shattering it into a million pieces. He suppressed his anger, pretended to be calm, and asked her, "Who is this guy? Your old flame?"'Why are there so many men in her life? She just had dinner with Luther and took an intimate picture, while now, she is hugging another man…'Sage felt a prick on her temples.'Is Jace questioning me? On what terms?'Sage found Jace to be unreasonably ridiculous. He had never failed to anger her the moment she felt herself softening toward him. This was his strongest suit. "Not everyone has an old flame whom they can't get over like you, Jace," Sage said. "My love life is not as interesting as yours.""You don't need to know who he is. He's someone I know, and you don't need to know anything more." She grabbed Kane by the waist and said, "Let's go."Kane tried hard to contain his laughter. He was impresse
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