All Chapters of A Relentless Pursuit for Love: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
1349 Chapters
Chapter 131
Zamora fed Sage and Kane some aspirin before they were asleep. This morning they both felt good without any headaches despite all the alcohol they drank last night. Sage was so grateful that she hugged her and kissed her on the cheeks.Kane wanted to kiss her, too, but Sage pushed him away, “Behave yourself! Why are you taking advantage of Madam Zamora?”“I only take advantage of pretty girls,” Kane said righteously, “Are you saying Madam Zamora isn’t one?”Sage squinted her eyes at Kane.Zamora looked at both of them lovingly. 'It has been a while since I saw both of them bickering like old times. This house used to feel like home.''But now…'Zamora swallowed her sighs and hurried them to have breakfast.Leah came down the stairs and greeted everyone. She took the seat next to Sage. Sage placed a bowl of congee in front of Leah, and asked, “Have you seen Yeva?”“I knocked on her door, but there was no answer. I thought she came down,” answered Leah; she added, “I’ll go get h
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Chapter 132
Leah curiously asked Sage, too, “How did you guess it?”“Easy. She ran off to her lover after a night of grievances.” Sage said as she smirked, “Sadly, she went to the wrong guy. I’m quite certain she’s going to have another episode of grievance.”Leah blinked her eyes and looked at Kane all confused, “What does it mean?”Kane, looking as confused as Leah, asked, “Yeah, what do you mean, Sage?”Sage put jam on a piece of toast. ‘He’s a cheater,’ she thought to herself.Meanwhile, Yeva hobbled towards Julian’s apartment, hands on her waist as she cursed.She was sleepless the whole night from the pain she got from being spanked a hundred times by Sage. Her buttocks were swollen; it was as red as a beetroot. She couldn’t even pull up her jeans and resorted to wearing a dress instead.She tried dressing herself up as she was prepared to act pity in front of Julian, but he didn’t even pick up any of her calls.Yeva was almost stopped by the security guards at his apartment lobby.
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Chapter 133
As Yeva yelled, the naked woman crawled towards Julian with sheets over her, and called out to him lovingly, “Julian darling,”Yeva was fumed! Like a trigger pulled off, Yeva gave a tight slap across the woman’s face, “Who are you calling darling? Who are you?”Yeva had just been slapped by Sage the night before and she used the same amount of strength that Sage used to slap that woman. That slap caused the woman to lose her balance and fell onto the bed. The woman then crawled pitifully towards Julian’s arms and said, “Save me, darling!”This woman looked nothing over 20. Her skin looked frail and soft, and half of her face now had a huge mark of Yeva’s fingers.Julian was infuriated. He had a great night with this lovely young woman and was enjoying her company before Yeva came. He felt as though Yeva had slapped across his face instead and instantly became furious.Julian stood in front of the young woman, and yelled at Yeva with a disgruntled tone, “Have you had enough? Who do
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Chapter 134
As Yeva observed Julian surrounding Sage all the time, telling her jokes, Yeva only had one thought in mind, 'I can just replace Sage and become a princess.'She knew what her father and third uncle did, but she didn’t stop them. On the contrary, she assisted them to get rid of Sage and became the only Miss Norah. Julian was engaged to her as she wished.But as Sage returned, all her dreams turned into nightmares.Sage was still the princess, but she went back to being Cinderella when the clock struck.How could she have her prince back now? Did she need to become a princess again?Yeva slowly wiped away the tears on her face with her hands, carefully tidied up the bed, and picked up their underwear and socks on the ground. She only had one thought in mind.'No matter who he sleeps with, I will always be the only Mrs. Jefferson.'Meanwhile, Sage wanted to keep Kane company now that he had been back in Salem City, but Kane kindly refused.“I have other things to do. Don’t let me
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Chapter 135
Hunter reported to Sage about the situation about Brody Liam.The hijackers confessed as soon as they saw the cops. They seemed more than happy to stay in jail forever than see Sage ever again.Sage Norah was way too brutal to them.The cops were confused at first. They thought the hijackers were victims as they had multiple wounds all over them. After a long inspection, the cops found out the hijackers who initially wanted to beat someone up became the victim and got beaten up instead.The cops were going to warn Mr. K and the guards that lynching was illegal, but they never would have thought all these hijackers were beaten up by the same woman.Just the one.It was embarrassing, but it was the truth. These hooligans never thought they would be defeated by a woman.With the complete list of witnesses and evidence, Brody and Minnie were charged with manslaughter and were locked up instantly.“Brody accused Minnie of plotting the whole thing on her own. He said that she hired t
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Chapter 136
Hunter signaled at the security guards to let go of Lionel. He then spoke sternly to Lionel, “Mr. Liam, Brody has crossed the line too far this round. Remember the fake accounts he created to spread lies about Miss Sage? She let him go because he was young at that time. This time, he hired hijackers to assault Miss Sage. We are never letting him go this time!”Liam repeatedly agreed with Hunter with sweat dripping off his face, “Yes, yes, it’s all my fault for his upbringing. I did not expect my son to do something so foolish!”Hunter smiled coldly and said, “We know you are busy and have little time for your son. He needs to be educated somewhere else.”Lionel couldn't stand the mockery for much longer now.He tried to suppress his true feeling and forced a smile. He clenched his teeth and said, “Hunter, you see, Brody is my only son. We will not surrender easily without a fight especially when it comes to him. Don’t think for a second you can bully us with the support from the Yu
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Chapter 137
Sage had cooked meals for Jace in the past.If she could remember, she cooked for Jace multiple times, and she tried keeping each meal interesting and innovative, so he could fall in love with her because of her cooking. No matter how she tried, Jace never even take a glance at what she prepared for him.Sage sometimes felt sorry for herself for trying too hard to impress Jace in the past.Love could make someone feel worthless.If given a chance, Sage wished to travel back to the past and slap that woman Sage Luz for letting herself feel so lowly. 'Jace won’t fall in love with you no matter what you do for him, you idiot. Stop daydreaming!'But all of a sudden now, Jace wanted to taste her cooking again. ‘Isn’t he worried about me poisoning him to death?’ thought Sage.Sage let out a cold laugh and said to Hunter, “Make a reservation at Tasteful Restaurant then. Damien can whip up a few dishes as he wishes. Also, prepare a five-million dollars cheque debiting from my account.”
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Chapter 138
Yoel took the tie, put it on Jace, and continued, “I’m much more experienced at this than you. Where are you guys meeting tonight? Is Sage cooking for you? Can I tag along?”Jace said firmly, “No.”Yoel was rendered speechless. ‘Some good friend he is.’Yoel was going after Sage, too, but after he found that Sage had a crush on Jace for a decade, he got cold feet and decided to give up.Sage spent her entire youth on Jace. Yoel longed for a love like this, but he wasn’t fortunate enough to have it.Not everyone in this world was lucky to have found their true love.Yoel wasn’t ready to fight this battle to win Sage over. It was just impossible.Both of them met at 6 o’clock sharp at the entrance of the Norah Group Headquarters. They were always incredibly punctual.Sage signaled at Jace to follow behind her car, but Jace got down and held at her wrist, saying to her, “Get into my car.”“I’ll take my car,” said Sage with her brows furrowed.Sage thought in her mind, ‘Is Jace p
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Chapter 139
It had been years since Jace drove. He was driving as slow as a snail.Sage did not make a sound, and she did not hurry him up. She knew how tough it was to drive once again for someone who had been in a car accident.After her parent’s deathly car accident, and not long after, Jace the man she loved so much was also involved in another car accident, Sage was so traumatized by cars that she swore off driving for a while.She had witnessed every step of Jace’s recovery after the accident. From only being able to lie down to sitting, kneeling, and finally standing. Every step was filled with buckets of blood, sweat, and tears.The tears of his loved ones, that was.She’d never seen Jace cry even when he was experiencing immense pain after surgeries. He must have been swallowing his tears to the heart.“Don’t mind me driving slowly. I got to get used to it again,” Jace broke the silence in the car.Sage said lightly after hearing his words and said, “No rush. Just take your time.”
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Chapter 140
“I’ve brought you the porcelain plates.” Jace fulfilled his end of the promise and pass the plates to Sage. Sage gleefully accepted the plates. She opened up the box, and carefully wiped her hands with wet wipes. She then daintily picked up a plate in her hands and observed it.People could tell if someone was truly passionate about antiquing by looking at their gesticulations.Under the warm lights, Jace asked Sage gently, “You like it that much?”Sage answered with her eyes glued to the plates, “Obviously.”Sage tried to keep her excitement down about these little porcelain plates back then at the auction. She wanted to bring these plates home so badly. Never did she know Jace was going to bid the plates, too.She knew Jace was an obsessed antiquer. Wealthy people loved collecting antiques, which was commonly known, but she didn’t know he was such an avid antiquer.She also knew if they bid against each other, they would ruin the market rate for these plates and the media woul
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