All Chapters of A Relentless Pursuit for Love: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
1349 Chapters
Chapter 141
Sage looked at Jace who had a shocked expression on his face, and said calmly, “Mr. Yuriel, please don’t lay it bare.”‘That is her painting!‘What else do I not know about Sage?’ Jace thought shockingly.Jace tried to suppress his astonishment and curiosity as Sage stared at him silently. Sage was a woman full of surprises. He might look stupid if he continued to be in shock as he learned new things about her.This was no normal painting. It was replica art, and it was not something one would tell everybody about.Sage knew Jace was full of questions. Jace looked lovingly at the painting and touched it carefully as though it was fragile to touch; Sage felt that he looked rather funny.Sage opened her mouth, “It was a painting I did in my childhood. It was about 14 years old. I went to an art gallery with my father. I fell in love with Mr. Dunford’s poetry. To me, this poetry signifies come what may. We don’t have to be afraid even we are faced with the worst situations in life.”
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Chapter 142
Myles Damian’s cooking was so excellent that even if it was just some common home dishes, he was able to make it exquisite and extremely mouth-watering.“Enjoy your meal.”Sage and Jace sat across from each other. They talked about the turf club project as they ate. Both of them were of a few words, but they were hitting the nail on the head. Just as he started speaking, she would have already known what he meant. Their tacit was no match.Both of them were happy and the atmosphere was rather harmonious. It was like two old friends meeting up.Sage suddenly recalled something Yoel said to her, “You can still stay friends even if the marriage didn’t work out.”Her pupils contracted, eyes on Jace. It was obvious that he put an effort into putting together his outfit today. Even though Jace was always seen wearing formal suits, the sage green suit with juniper-colored cufflinks matched with a bright red tie was not his usual style. He looked almost Yuppie.Jace was extremely charism
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Chapter 143
Even though Jace had gotten used to Sage's coldness, he still could not bear with her use of harsh words.“Meeting a lady?”Jace was all confused and asked, “Me?”Sage leaned back and looked up with that cold, distant eyes again. “Nothing to be ashamed of. It’s pretty common to have friends with benefits. But being a two-timer? Bit unethical, don’t you think?”'Old habits die hard. If he can still be involved with Sienna when they were still married, there’s nothing he wouldn’t do now that they’re divorced.''One disloyal episode and you’re out. The rule applies to everyone, including friends, employees, or even ex-husbands.'Jace thought long and hard about who she was talking about and finally realized who the pretty woman was; he asked “You mean, Suki West?”“Ah, so that was Suki West. She’s gorgeous. I thought you only liked innocent-looking girls like Sienna. You have a pretty wide range when it comes to girls,” said Sage lightly.Jace’s lips tightened. He looked solemn.
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Chapter 144
Sage was stunned.She said as Jace stared intently at her, “I’m just saying. You could make your arrangement, Mr. Yuriel. It’s getting late. I’ll see you soon.”Sage got into the car and left.Jace watched her car go out of sight. He looked down and let out a bitter smile.'What am I fantasizing about? Am I fantasizing about her telling me that she hopes I'd stay back and go to the festivals with her? If she were to say it, I'd surely stay back.''But, she hates me so much now that she would feel terrible even to take a look at me.''Then why would I appear before her and make her apalled?'“Just get in the car, Mr. Yuriel.” Zayne waited for him to get in. He couldn’t help but hurry Jace as he saw him frozen staring into the nothingness for too long.Zayne wanted to tell him to give up and stop making both sides suffer anymore.Jace waved his hands and said to Zayne, “Let me take a walk around. I’m not getting in the car.”Salem City was an ancient city full of colonial build
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Chapter 145
Sage immediately told her driver to turn back to Bridge Lane.She had Zayne stay on the phone so she could secure their location. Sage knew Salem City inside-out. She found them not long after Zayne informed her of the approximate location. She brought Hunter and the others to rush over, too.Jace was lying on the floor with blood all over when she found them. Blood ran down his face, and his cheeks were badly bruised.Upon seeing Jace, Sage’s felt a sharp tug on her heart, and her pupils constricted.She couldn’t believe Jace was so seriously wounded. 'Who has the right mind to do this to him?!'“Madam, you’re here!”Zayne’s face looked pale as he held Jace in his arms frozen. Zayne was so worried that he could hurt Jace further and he wouldn't be able to forgive himself!He had already called for an ambulance and the cops, but Sage managed to arrive earlier.Sage rushed towards Jace, and her face clouded over as he asked. “Who did this?!” “We don’t know,” Zayne shook his he
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Chapter 146
Jace was sent into the operating theatre for further examinations. Sage’s heart skipped a beat as his hands let go of her.She stood in front of the theatre momentarily as Yoel rushed to the hospital. Breathlessly, he asked, “How is he?”“He’s in there now,” Sage pointed at the theatre entrance.Yoel frowned deep and asked, “What happened? Why did he got beaten up out of nowhere? Did you manage to find out who did this?”Sage couldn’t be bothered to answer his multiple questions. Zayne answered and said the police came and collected evidence from the crime scene. They are investigating it and they asked if Jace had made any enemies lately.“We just came to Nadeem City not long ago. We are not even familiar with this place yet, not to mention making enemies.” Zayne said as he looked at Sage, and he mumbled, “Well, there is Mrs. Sage…”Sage gave Zayne a sideways glance and asked him, “You think I did it?”Zayne waved his hands repeatedly and said, “No, I don’t mean that.”Yoel kn
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Chapter 147
Sage’s diagnosis was accurate. Jace only looked badly wounded, but all of his wounds were superficial.Kane only told the guys to beat him up lightly. He was also worried that the Yuriel Group would come after him. Though it was just superficial wounds, Jace might not just let that incident slide.Sage hated that Kane did this without her consent. She hated trouble and Kane always got her into it. 'Did he think my life is too easy in Salem City?'She was also puzzled about Jace. Jace was in the special forces and he could’ve fought back. Sage looked at Jace with her hands crossed and her face frozen.Jace had woken up and was dressed in a hospital gown. He wore a bandage on his forehead, and his face was pale as a ghost. Few hours before, he was still an energetic man who would quarrel with Sage and then he became a patient.“Why are you looking at me like that?” Jace sheepishly asked Sage, “I look pitiful, right?”Sage said coldly, “Not as pitiful as you were three years ago.”
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Chapter 148
Yoel and Jace were both from the special forces. Yoel knew for a fact that even if it was an assault from behind and with a gunny sack wrapped around his head, Jace would still least struggle to defend himself.Unless he knew it was a trap and still went for it.Jace looked up at him lazily, “Did you think I purposely got myself hurt?”“Normally, you wouldn’t, but now it’s hard to tell. I heard someone got rejected by Sage tonight again.” Yoel teased him, “Maybe, who knows. You are trying to get some sympathy out of this. This is all too familiar to me. I did that before.”Jace said, “I did what I had to.”“A-ha! I knew it!” said Yoel excitedly, “You’ve gone mad! Were you not afraid that you would lose your life? Trying to win Sage back like that?”Jace said unfathomably, “These hooligans can’t harm me much.”“It’s true, you do the stupidest things when it comes to your match, even someone so brilliant as you.” Yoel shook his head as he looked at the bruises all over Jace’s face
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Chapter 149
Fighting noises were heard transmitted from the private room. The girls outside were terrified as they heard it while silently mourning for Sage.‘Does she know who she’s up against? ‘Wait a minute. This doesn’t sound right.’“Hey! Hitting your own brother for a jerk? Are you out of your mind?”The girls outside were all staring at each other in disbelief. ‘Who is the one yelling? Kane?! Does that woman dare to lay her fingers on Kane? Is she courting death?’ they thought. Luther was calmly taking videos of them from the door. His expression was pained as he saw punches after punches Sage threw on Kane's face. He then sent the videos to the group chat.The others sent in an emoji of candles, with a message, [Hold on, Kane!]Luther lifted Sage away from Kane moments later as he warned, “Can it now. He’s going to die if you continue punching him.”A whole 5 minutes later, the room was quiet once again. Sage sat on the couch, and Kane had ice on the corners of his mouth. He look
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Chapter 150
“Kane, I’ll be honest with you. I’m still in love with Jace Yuriel.”Sage looked down and finally opened up, “Stop making trouble for him if you don’t want me to suffer.”Both Kane’s and Luther’s pupils constricted as they heard it.It was already midnight by the time Sage left Skye Hotel.What a tumultuous night. It was filled with ups and downs. The joyful moment of her retrieving her beloved porcelain plates was replaced by terrible events that had happened.“Do you want to head home, Miss Sage?” her driver asked.Sage thought momentarily and said, “Back to the hospital, please.”She was still worried about him.The private ward was filled with darkness with only Jace on his sickbed.Sage frowned and silently scolded the two who were unreliable. 'Didn't they say they would keep him company? There's not even a bodyguard at the door. Aren't they worried that something would happen to him again?'She closed the door behind her gingerly and walked toward Jace. He was asleep.
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