All Chapters of Tangled With The Badboys Of Shining Stars High: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
101 Chapters
Ninety one
Knock! Knock! Knock!Liliana knocked with a little hesitation. Elsa glared at the door as if the door should be locked forever. She hated the way she was feeling. She was strong. Strong girls don't cry. She should accept them. Her granny…She broke down into tears. All these years of her life, she lived with fake parents. She cherished them like they were her blood. Why did they have to leave them?If they were here, they might have refuted their claims and proved that they were their real parents and not these couple standing outside her door.“Elsa dear.” Liliana called with worry as she dropped another knock on the door.“Leave me alone, I want to be alone.” Elsa yelled accompanied with a sob. As Liliana was about to talk, Austin held her and shook his head.“Let her be. It's really hard for them to accept. Let's go meet Ellie.” He forced a slight smile. Liliana looked at the door and reluctantly turned on her heels and walked towards the living room.Ellie looked up to see her par
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Ninety Two
*Some Weeks Later*Ellie came out of the bathroom. She looked around for her phone and saw it on lying on the bed. She went towards it and picked it.Ever since they left their granny's place. Life has been good to them. They almost had problems adjusting to this kind of life. But it was nothing since Ellie already had a taste of it. They tried urging their granny to come live with them but Racheal insisted that she should stay at her place and that they could come visit her since she was always home.Elsa was worried that she will all lonely so she promised her that she would always visit her.Ellie went through her contact and saw Crystal's name with a love emoji close to it. She smiled and clicked on it. It started ringing. She placed the phone close to her ear.“Hey, babe.” Ellie greeted with a glint of mischief in her eyes.“Who is this speaking?” Crystal said, not knowing who it was since it was an unknown number. Ellie smirked.“And who do you think is speaking?” She teased.Cr
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Ninety Three
Chapter 93[Two Bleeding Hearts]Ellie sat down, wondering if she should go or not. Jayson had sent Elsa the text earlier on for her to come and meet him. She looked at the clock that was ticking on the wall. It was already 6:30 PM.I should go since Elsa is not around. She thought.She stood up and wore the clothes she had picked specifically and wore a marching heels to it. It was a simple green gown and a pair of gold shoes. She hurriedly applied little make up to her face and added the lip gloss on her lips.She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled with satisfaction. She stepped out of her room and walked down the stairs.“Ellie, where are you off to?” She heard Mercy, her younger sister. She turned towards her. She smiled and pinched her cheeks.“I will be meeting with someone. Will be back soon.” Ellie stated and gave a peck on her forehead.“Please, get me ice cream on your way.” Mercy begged with a pout. Ellie chuckled.“Sure.” She answered and waved at their two maids b
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Ninety Four
Chapter 94[Getting Engaged]“Let me just hold you like this for a while.” He sobbed out quietly. They held each other close.Ellie kept thinking about what might have happened to him. To a cheerful boy like him. She held him tightly and sniffed in his cologne.**Elsa's car drove straight into the house. She wasted no time in coming down. She carried her bag and walked briskly into house.“Ellie.” Mercy called put happily thinking she was the one. Elsa stopped and looked back but did not see Ellie. She raised her eyebrows and realized that she was referring to her. She smiled and towards her. She crouched down and said. “Little sister, seems like you are finding it hard to recognize your sisters.” She teased. Then it dawned on Mercy that it was not Ellie. She smiled nervously and moved back a bit. “I am sorry.” She apologized.“It's nothing. Now where's dad and mom?” Elsa asked as she looked around.“They are yet to be back.” Mercy answered.“Cassie.” Elsa called out. Cassie came out
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Ninety Five
Chapter 95[Asking Her Out]Jake and Ellie released from the hug and stared into each other’s eyes. She saw how his eyes were red rimmed. He must have been crying before he came.“What got a guy like you crying?” She asked.He stared up at the sky. “I can't believe I am an orphan despite the fact that my parents are still alive.” He spoke up. She narrowed her eyes on him, not getting what he said.He looked at her and smiled grimly, knowing she does not understand what he said.“You know the first time we bumped into each other at the corridor the first time we met. I had this feeling that I had met you somewhere but I could not remember. But now I remember, you were the girl I had hit on particular day while I was driving fast on the road. Despite, people telling you to get me arrested, you insisted that I go scot free. You said it was not a major hit and that you were fine.” He narrated to her and she recalled the incident also. She did not clearly see his face that day.He cleared
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Ninety Six
Chapter 96[He shattered it all]“You know… I met him first. I met him…” She hiccupped. He patted her shoulders.“Calm down. I am here.” He whispered. They were both hurting.She soon released from the hug and sniffed in. She dabbed the tears off.“I first met him that day. He was in a fatal accident. I had to give him my blood at the hospital. Yet, he did not recognize me. I felt heartbroken. I gave him sometime thinking he would remember me but I was wrong.” She said and released a deep breath.“Accident?” Jake asked with an arched eyebrow. She nodded positively.“I don't remember Jayson getting into an accident like that.” He said. She looked up to him and stopped walking.“W-what do you mean by that?” She asked.“Jayson and I have together for so long to know he has not been involved in any major accident.” Jake explained. Confusion crossed her face as she heard this.“B-But I saw him. It was him. He had that oceanic blue eyes.” She said with her hands slowly shaking. She was clea
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Ninety Seven
Chapter 97[Outburst; Remorse]Elsa stood dumbfounded. She could not move as what Ellie said to her echoed in her head. Mercy hissed out at her and walked up the stairs to meet Ellie. Ellie actually happened to be Mercy's favorite. Austin walked closer to meet her and he pulled her into a hug before he pecked her on her forehead.“She does not hate you.” He said silently.“B-but she said it, dad.” Elsa cried out.“No, she doesn’t. She only said it because she was angry.” He soothed her back. She hugged him tightly.**“Ellie, darling.” Her mother called out as she entered her room. She saw standing close to her window, staring at the moon and stars.She walked towards her and noticed the Mercy entered also.“I know how you feel but can you talk to me please.” Liliana begged her and gently turned her towards her.“You don’t. You don’t understand anything.” Ellie spoke up.“All nineteen years of mine, I was neglected. I was told to emulate her. I was told to walk in her steps. I stayed
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Ninety Eight
Chapter 98[Finding The Mole]They drove straight into the twins’ house.“Hey, Jake.” Ellie chipped and ran towards him happily. They also noticed Crystal was there with them.Ever since Aria fumbled, Jake made sure to cut off the ties with her. Ellie did not bother to talk to her again since Jake was her boyfriend now.The two guys, Jayson and Jake, both came in their own cars.“C'mon, let us move.” Jasper said and dragged Julia with him to his own car. The relationship between all of them had grown immensely.Elsa got into Jayson’s black Mercedes-Benz while Ellie and Crystal got into Jake's red Ferrari. Jasper drove in his own car.As they got to the shopping mall, they all got down and walked into the mall.Just everyone had dispatched to go look for the things they want. Jayson held Ellie's hand, making her to stop walking. She turned around to see who had stopped her only to see Jayson. She slowly removed her hands away from his grip and stared at him.“All I just wanted to say,
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Ninety Nine
Chapter 99[Meeting An Old Friend]Jayson's parents including Jayson, Ian and Julia stormed out of the house.Ellie, Elsa and the rest all waved their goodbyes at them since it was a family issue and it is none of their business. Although, Jayson promised them that he would give them some feedback.They drove to Ian's house with Ian driving before them, leading them. He was thinking about what happened all of a sudden. It seemed like a shock to him. Just a day, he saw his look alike that is most likely his twin. As he got to his house, he honked the car towards the gate. The gate was pushed open by a man and they all drove in. Before Ian could get down from the car, Jayson's dad already did.“How dare him?!” He seethed as he marched towards the entrance. Jayson's mother was worried.“Stanley!!” Cole yelled out as Stanley climbed down the stairs with a glass of wine in his hands.“Long time, no see.” Stanley said with a smirk, playing on his lips. He looked just how he was years ago. J
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Chapter 100[Christian's Apology]“Happy birthday to you.” Ellie wished her younger sister as she gave her the gift she got her.“Thank you, sissy.” Mercy appreciated her with a grin on her lips. They had done this to replace the first one that was messed up and also celebrate their family reunion. The J-Stars, Julia and Crystal all made their appearance. Their parents smiled as they watch their daughters play around. The relationship between Elsa and Ellie was slowly returning to normal.After taking a few pictures, the party ended and the few people who came left for their houses.*“So what do you think about what I asked you?” Jayson asked with nervousness. A blush crept on Elsa's cheeks. She touched her cheeks and looked away shyly.“Come and pick me tomorrow's evening.” She managed to say. Jason nodded with a smile and got into his car.“See you.” He said and drove off.*“Hey, Ellie.” Ian called out to her. He had also come alongside Yeon Hwa.She looked at him and smiled.“Tha
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