All Chapters of THE CEO ALPHA’S MARRIED MATE: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
125 Chapters
Office gossipPov: MaddisonI was aware of the sneaky glances and snarky gazes as I walked into office the next day.I stopped for a chat at Olivia's desk but she was stiff and awkward with me. A tight lipped smile stretched her lips."Okay, out with it!" I commanded. "What's really going on?""What do you mean?" She blinked, or tried to blink innocently at me."Everyone is acting weird..." I narrowed my eyes at her. "Including you."Olivia sighed tiredly. "Anna got fired. It sparked even more rumours especially since we just went through the first wave with James. A lot of people are talking. Your popularity rate has shot up a bit... But for all the wrong reasons."I waited for the drop in my stomach. The nervous twists in my guts. The heavy lump in my throat. But nothing came. I was numb to the gossip."And Lois is spreading rumours about what really went down in Seattle. She said you were two timing the Van–tech hire AND Mr Winston at the same time. And the Van–tech princess had a
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Good news and dealsPov: MaddisonMr Winston had been holed up in his office for hours, dealing with the shrewd investors from Milan who decided they couldn't have a zoom meeting like every other foreign investor.During the more delicate matters of the process, Mr Winston sent me off to do whatever and it's either because he didn't want me witnessing the grueling process of trying to sway loaded investors into your filling your pockets or supporting a project.. OR, he just read into my body language and realized I was sick and tired and bored of just standing there like a very effective ice statue and not trying to talk about the booger in one of the bodyguard's nose. It was honestly RIGHT there staring right at me, as if trying to annoy me further and I was beyond irritated and annoyed at the hunk of muscle for just standing there and looking menacing with a booger in his nose.The investors left after the very successful meeting (I can tell that it was successful because Mr Winsto
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RoommatesPov: MaddisonMr Winston had been true to his words and let me off early, just to get me used to the fact that I was going to be working closely with Lady Donatella and give me some time and space to deliberate on and settle into the idea of modelling for the brand.I found Olivia also clocking out at her front desk and stopped. "Hey, you're off early."She seemed to have just gotten off the phone with someone and she had probably just had an argument with that person because the light cinnamon colour skin of her face was red and heated and her eyebrows were etched into an annoyed scowl.When she realized that I was talking to her, she sighed and shook her head. "Ugh, it's just my roommate. She's been flaking out on paying the rent for a while, coming up with one excuse or the other, so I usually cover up for her and pay her share of the rent before the landlord comes knocking. And now, my neighbor called that he saw THIS BITCH leaving the apartment JUST NOW with all her thi
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Slumber partyPov: MaddisonShe came to open the door, her usual golden hair in tight spirally coils were piled high on her head and tied up with a bandana to keep it in place. She was wearing a black teeny tiny crop top that only covered her breasts and stopped just below it, covering only half of her ribs, her nipple piercing pushed behind her shirt. And very loose gray pants that dropped low from her hips, exposing her very toned stomach and belly piercing.Olivia was very beautiful. All shades of gold and brown and this was the first time I was seeing her out of office and really in her comfort zone.She had an exasperated look on her face and sighed, "you're late!"I paused for a moment. "I am?""Yes!" She opened the door wider and ushered me in.I lugged my carry on bag with me and dragged my trunk behind me, entering into the foyer with her. She closed the door and locked up, looking at me when she was done and sighing again. "Kat was right. Lois kicked her out."Whuuuttt?!I
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An unexpected visitorPov: Maddison"Maddie?!" I heared Olivia call out nervously from the sitting room. "Someone's here to see you!"I paused from where I was folding my clothes and stashing them into a cupboard in Olivia's spare room.I walked out of the room, past the hallway, past the living room and into the foyer where the door was left ajar and Olivia was talking with someone."She'll be out in a minute," she was telling the person."Can't I come in?"I froze, realizing the voice and resisting the urge to run and hide from him. My heart attacked my rib cage mercilessly."You can't," Olivia said, her voice firm. Leaving no room for an argument. "Maddie has to recognize and identify you before I let you in my house."That soft chuckle like light rain and soft sunlight. "If I wanted to force my way into your home, I would have pulled a gun on your head the second you opened the door for me.""I'm not defenceless. I know jujitsu.""Hot."I didn't see it but I knew Olivia rolled her
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RevealPov: MaddisonI hadn't seen Gwyn in a while, so you can imagine my shock and excitement when she walked into the C-suite, reserved for me and Mr Winston, her six inch heels, clicking on the marble floor."Hey Maddie!" She greeted first, smiling warmly at me. She was ethereal. So beautiful, she seemed to glow. There were pearls of water droplets on her hair and shoulders, probably from the light rain that was pouring outside. She was wearing a snow white cashmere sweater, tight fitted skirts that stopped at her thighs and showed off her beautiful, flawless legs and two solid gold bracelets rattled on her wrist as she raised her hand to wave at me."Gwyn!" I cried excitedly, standing up and pulling her into a warm hug. Hmmm. She smelled so nice. Like something sweet snd spicy, like butterscotch and vanilla.She leaned into the hug, her arm clasping around my back."If you're here to see Mr Winston," I started immediately, because the man didn't have much time left before his next
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ScarePov: WinstonA hand banging on the hardwood of my desk right in my face caused me to raise my head up at the intruder.Gwyn's eyes were blazing with terror and unbelievable horror. "Winston, what did you do?!" She asked, her voice deathly quiet, her face, deathly pale."Gwyn," I said, raising an annoyed eyebrow at her, before going back to going through a request to extend paternity leaves by an extra month. "Do we have a problem?""You revealed your true nature to Maddie?!"I froze, my pen hovering over the spot where my signature was meant to be. "How did you get this information?" I asked, trying to restrain how anxious I really felt."Maddie!" She exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air and pacing about my study. "Maddie told me that she saw YOU transform. Are you trying to fuck this up for yourself?! For the rest of us?! The entire clan?! Are you trying to scare her away?! We're on the verge of an attack and a possible seige. In case it hasn't occured to you yet, we need o
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Inner modelPov: MaddisonMy stomach dropped as I peered out of the window of the shiny luxury car as we rolled into a parking spot and caught sight of the building that was going to be my photoshoot studio for the day.Yes, you heard me. Photoshoot studio.Thanks to Mr Winston, Mighty persuasion from Olivia and Kat and my deep rooted love for money, I decided to do the shoot after all and abandon ship if I didn't like the end product.Really, it was a win win. I get to try out being a model and get paid. And if I flop trying out to be a model, I still get paid for the time and effort... Just a little less than I would have gotten paid if I had gone all the way.Mr Winston drove me himself and looked over to me as I struggled to get out of my seatbelts. "Have you ever done this before?" Came his kind, yet domineering voice."No." I admitted. "Not really.""It's going to be okay. I'll make sure you're comfortable in there," he assured me. He reached out to take my hand, but thinking be
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Concussions and oraclesPov: WinstonIt was a long drive to the doctor's office with Maddison yowling and mewling like a frustrated kitten in the passenger seat. From her movements and speech, she was dizzy, unbalanced, and incoherent and kept crying about how I didn't have to do this for her. She was fine, it was just a fall, she just needed to go home and sleep it off and it will all be better.But she was downplaying how hard she had fallen. I had seen it and I swear, an earthquake ripped through my chest when I saw how her head had bounced against the floor and made a BANG sound.There was a large bump on her head, an actual swelling the size of a tennis ball.I had felt around her head to check if her skin was broken and she had shrugged me away insisting that she was fine... And tried to stand on her feet. She swayed and would have fallen again if I hadn't reached out to grab her.Dr Collins was a good friend of mine. He had been over the years and the only human so far that I h
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MakeoversPov: Maddison"Madday!!!!!" Olivia yelled, pounding on the door of my room. "Hurry your ass out here! I booked an appointment with the hair stylist at YOUR request! And we're running late!""I'm coming! I'm coming!" I yelled back, not too loud so that I don't get another headache.I looked at myself one last time in the vanity and resisted the urge to look away.These days, I could look at myself without being uncomfortable with my reflection. Without finding things that I wanted to change about myself... However, these days, my embarrassment came from the memory of what Mr Winston and I did in the examining room of his personal doctor.My heart started racing. My cheeks flushed red. I was going to die of an embarrassment so potent, it was searing the skin off my bones.And the only thing that began running through my mind was Oh shit oh shit oh shit HOLY SHIT! WHAT DID I DO?! WHY DID I DO THAT?!The reality of what I had done didn't really set in until the next day when I w
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