All Chapters of THE CEO ALPHA’S MARRIED MATE: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
125 Chapters
AshesPov: MaddisonI was fuming by the time I walked into the building, barely able to contain the rage bubbling in the pit of my stomach.The email I'd received yesterday from none other than Mr Winston His Royal Dick Highness himself was etched in my head:I have noticed that majority of the employeesWorking in this Manhattan branch have a thingAgainst one of the most diligent workers in the officeThis is a stern reminder that bullying and gossip mongeringWill not be tolerated. Already, I have compiled names of everyoneInvolved in this heinous act and they are not to show their face at the officeAgain. Do well to not be caught victim of this.Attached to the damning email was a file containing all hundred and sixty two of my colleagues that were required to vacate office immediately.I remember my heart constricting in my chest and forgetting its pumping action. I remember my lungs suddenly not knowing how to receive oxygen anymore. I stared at the texts and reread and reread
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Pov: MaddisonKissing Winston was like getting sucked into a hurricane of storm and passion and drunken desire.I was burning up and falling apart and he was whispering sweet things to my ears. Things he said he had waited years, decades to do. Things he was dying to show me.He kissed my lips, gentle and soft at first and then, his arms tightened around me in a way that made me safe and secure.I was suddenly airborne.He had lifted me in his arms and we went flying across the room and before I knew it, my back was against the soft leather of one of the long couches in the lounge area of his office.Winston was on top of me, covering my body with his and covering me with kisses that made every nerve in my body quake and vibrate with need."Winston," I whispered, tugging at his crisp white shirt, fumbling with the buttons, grasping at the lapels."I'm here, I'm here, Maddie." His hands were bunching up my skirt and he was lying on top of me and every part of me had caught fire and bur
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AttackPOV: WinstonI drove like a mad man all the way to the conservation in long island I had long since bought and paid for, for the peaceful coexistence of my pack.The Blood Moon pack was sheltered from the outside world and had been protected for decades, ever since I became alpha of the pack.For over fifty years, they conservation had been protected against external attacks. There was an effective guard system and I had witnessed decades and decades of peace and tranquility, leading and protecting the pack with everything I had. I had done better than previous Alpha's before me.But this. This destroyed everythingI fought tooth and nail, with claws and teeth to give the pack the safety they had today. I led them away from other warring packs, fighting for territory and dominance and gave them a place of their own. And soon, we grew and bloomed into the most feared pack of the west coast. During my reign, we had an era of peace the others had never witnessed. In fact, it was
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abominationPov: WinstonI was still shaking in rage by the time the fight was over. "You called for me, Winston?" Gwyn appeared into the room where a medic was tending to my injuries. They weren't nearly as fatal as I expected. A few scratches and a stab wound to my thigh.The medic spread a hand over the stab wound and I felt my cells awaken at her command, the bleeding stopped, my skin cells started climbing over themselves to repair tissue damage and knit over the wound. Within seconds my wound was completely healed.I stood up, thanked the medic who bowed to me and spread a finger over my face, probably healing another scrath there. She turned to take her leave when it was over."Gwyn." I regarded my omega, standing at the threshold of the door. She looked better. She had changed out of her shredded clothes and there were no longer visible wounds or scratches on her body."Winston," she swallowed, folding her arms and mentally bracing herself for what I was about to ask."Nathan
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HonestPOV: WinstonI'll be honest and come right out and say this: I expected it. I expected getting clocked in the face. I expected foul play from Theo and smelled his bullshit from a mile away.But I didn't dodge it. I closed my eyes and braced myself and he swiped the stinging metal across my face, smacking into the side of my face and almost knocking me to the ground.I stood my ground and worked my jaw, staring down at the scum, very displeased and very annoyed.He knew he had fucked up but he grinned, balling his fists and bouncing on his legs, preparing for another attack.He went for a kick but I knew better.I dodged his leg in the air and he tried to punch me. I held his arm, and turned him around, twisting his arm around him until he was grunting in pain.Sweat dribbled down his neck, his breathing was urged. "Winston, man–""Why did you do it?! What was your motif for breaking into my territory?!"His reply was a weak, pathetic whimper. He bit back a gasp as I twisted hi
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SuspiciousPOV: MaddisonI couldn't get the image out of my head.The image of those dead bodies. That young girl in Winston's tight grip and that bloody mess on the floor of that horrible room.I had gone into shock and fainted on the sight but when I woke up Winston was staring down at me, worry etched into his eyebrows, his beautiful face twisted in concern and sadness."Maddie–" he reached out to me gently.I escaped his grasp and rolled away from him, fear gripping my bones. I was staring at him holding a lifeless girl in his tight grip. Her heart was still beating in humanoid hands with wolf fur and claws and enlarged arm muscles.I remembered him turning to me, his eyes a furious red hue, a raging demonic glint in them.And then he stopped when he saw me.I remember staring at whst was left of the body on the floor, realization finally hitting me. The scream tore out of me, shrill and piercing, horror and fear, washing over my nerves.I was paralyzed with terror and when he rea
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SolicitPOV: Maddison."Thanks for meeting with me," Gwyn told me as we pulled out our seats in the overpriced coffee shop.I sank into my seat, my hands trembling. "He's cheating on me."Gwyn froze. "Who?""My... My husband."She swallowed. Cleared her throat and adjusted in her seat. "How do you know for sure?""I saw their texts."She rubbed her chin, thinking pensively. "How long?" I whispered the question that have been gnawing on my mind. "How long has he been seeing this woman?"Silence."Is she even the only one?!"More Silence."How many others ARE there?"Gwyn only stared at me, sadness and concern swirling in those baby blue orbs of hers."Why would he DO this to me?! What did I do wrong? What am I doing wrong?!""It's not your fault, Maddie," she looked at me with eyes of azul.Oh God, I broke down, tears streaming down my face. My hands were trembling as I tried to take control of myself and cover my face."Oh honey," Gwyn came over to hold me in her arms, hugging me tig
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hurtPOV: MaddisonIt was a short drive to Mr Winston's estate in uptown Manhattan. I gasped as her car rolled into the compound, taking in the marble statues situated at each side of the large home and the marble fountain spewing water in front of the building."Do you think he's home?" I asked, getting out of the car, my shoes made crunching noises because of the gravel stoned path.She sniffed the air for a bit and grimaced, her face twisting into a displeased frown. "Oh, he's home alright." And under her breath, muttered, "and he has company."I straightened my pants and realized in horror that I was still in my pjs.Too late to change my mind now because Gwyn's Chevrolet was already geared up to leave."You're on your own now, kid!" Was the last thing Gwyn said as she waved me good bye, restarted the engine and drove off.I took a deep breath, practiced a calming mantra and walked up to the front door in slow precise steps.I swallowed another breath, tried to put a stop to my he
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SickPOV: MaddisonI hailed a taxi back home when I grew sick of moping by myself at the coffee shop downtown.I felt like collapsing in my bed the moment I walked through the threshold of the door.My husband came to welcome me at the door immediately."Maddie," he exhaled, as if relieved. "I was beginning to get worried.""I'm fine," I grunted, not ready to even have a conversation with him.I tried stepping around him to get into the living room and binge on Kdrama but William obstructed my path.I tried to step around him again but he blocked my path again.I placed my hands on my hips. "William, what is the meaning of this?" I asked.Just when he opened his mouth to answer, a voice... A feminine voice came from MY living room. "Wiiiiiiiilll? Baby, who's that at the door?"His eyes widened. He literally went "Oh shit!" As I shoved past him, sick of this bullshit.Surprise surprise! He wasn't alone.There was a girl with strawberry blonde hair in a very risque dress with cutouts ar
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Make lovePov: Maddison"Let's take this to the room," he whispered as his lips engulfed mine and he hugged my body to his.I went weak in the knees as his erection pressed into me. His bulging hardness was practically nestled between my legs."You feel that?" He rasped hoarsely to my ears, his breathing, uncoordinated, panting a little bit. "This–" He pressed his hips into me, his hardness rubbing against that part of me that magnified every touch by a thousand folds, "this is what you do to me, Maddie. Everyday. Every night. I can't get you out of my head, no matter how much you yell at me, scream at me, go back to him, you always attack my mind, Maddie. I'm enchanted by you."His hands fumbled with the belt of my coat and I clamped my thighs together, already unbelievably wet as the coat came undone and fell to my sides by the action of his hands."Oh," he whispered, his voice trembling, "oh my god, Maddie,"He dropped to his knees in front of me.I swallowed as he looked up at me,
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