All Chapters of THE CEO ALPHA’S MARRIED MATE: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
125 Chapters
DawnPov: MaddisonRousing awake, naked and alone in Mr Winston's bed was not how I had imagined waking up that morning. I was sprawled all over the silky sheets, the huge bed was soft and comfy and scattered with pillows. I rolled unto my back and breathed out a deep sigh.And waited for the guilt to hit.It didn't hit.I had slept with Winston... I had slept with my boss... And I hadn't regretted it. I still didn't regret it now.I sat up with now, clutching the sheets to my chest and looked around the cold, empty dark room. He was nowhere in sight. The slide doors to the balcony were slid open and there was a light rain falling outside and soft early dawn wind blowing against the curtain, sending gusts and gusts of cool, fresh air into the room.His mansion was located in the middle of a field. Outside, there were trees and fields and grasses for acres and acres of land. His house stood on a clearing in the middle of it all. There was even a lake a few kilometers from his house th
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Elevator buttonsPOV: Maddison"You're glowing," was the first thing Olivia snickered to me as I signed in the next day.I hid my face behind my hair, trying to hide my blush. "I had a great day yesterday.""More like you had a great night." She grinned at me, knowingly. She looked honestly pleased, with a satisfied grin on her face, like a cat that just got treated to a large tub of cream.I only blushed even redder and scurried over to the elevator, the private elevator used only by Winston, to wait for him as he had asked.I didn't return home last night. I spent the entire night with Winston in his bed. We went at sex as if we only just discovered it. I honestly couldn't get enough of him no matter how many times he made me reach my orgasm. Sex with him was slowly becoming an addiction. I was addicted to the taste of him. The scent of him. The feeling of him being inside me.He took me gently, rough, ate me out and let me ride him. We went at sex in his bed, on the floor, on the
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Office deskPov: WinstonThe two business meetings scheduled for the afternoon with my Seattle contractors on one hand and stock holders on the other hand, had both been a success. Later today, I'd met with some designers and cut off a few that weren't giving me what I wanted."–the Las Vegas board want to meet with you sometime next week. You never approved it but I scheduled an appointment just in case–"I tried to focus on grabbing hold of the information she was giving me but I kept staring at the curves of her breast, her hips and she was wearing those 'fuck me' that were literally frying my brain right now."You'll check with the branding committee to see how the new logos for the brand are coming about. They booked an appointment two days ago for next week Saturday. And a new set of models submitted their applications. Lady Donatella emailed them to me, I got them printed so you could see the hardcopy version. I already sent the soft copy version this morning but I doubt you e
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confessionsPOV: Winston"Is today the day?" Maddie asked, crawling into the bed and hugging me to herself, cocooning herself in my embrace."Is today what day?" I asked, a smile tugging at my lips as I wrapped my arms around her, holding her in place.I liked these moments best. When our skins were soft and cold and we were fresh out of a very very eventful shower."Is today the day you stop ignoring the fact that I know you're a werewolf?""Wolf creature," I corrected. "Whatever," She said, dismissively. I knew she rolled her eyes, so I rolled my eyes right back."What do you want to know?" I asked, pulling her closer and nestling my cheek against her hair."Are you really a hundred and fifty seven years old?"I froze, shocked that she knew my exact age. "Who told you that?"She giggled shyly, pressing a hand to her lips. "Gwyn.""Oh God, what else did she tell you?"She opened her mouth to reply my question but I changed my mind, "you know what, forget it.""So are you really a h
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bruisedPOV: MaddisonThere was laughter and loud music playing in the apartment I shared with my husband when I came back later that weekend to pack up the rest of my things.It was such a contrast from the elegance and pristine quietness of Winston's estate that it threw me in a bit of shock coming back here.I was wearing the trench coat I had first worn to see Winston because I didn't want to wear the expensive as hell designer outfits he had bought for me around my husband, to avoid him finding something to spin around and use against me.I turned my key in the keyhole, partly expecting it to stay locked because I thought my husband would have changed the lock. But the door opened, to my genuine surprise.There was the overwhelming stench of liquor coming from the kitchen and living room that made my eyes water. There was laughter and conversations going on and the grating sound of someone trying to talk over the loud music.I was almost at the end of the hallway, half an inch fr
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Dead Man WalkingPOV: WinstonNot a single day passed when I didn't think of killing that motherfucker. The rage I'd felt that night was only superceded by my care for and worry for Maddie.My priority had been Maddie that night or I'd have properly fucked him up right there and then. Fucked him up and fuck up all those other low lives present as that dick head was humiliating and beating up someone he had once called his wife.My hands tightened into a fist every time I remembered that night.I had called Gwyn up to look at Maddie's wounds. I didn't want a human doctor because the entire healing process would be a lot slower than my most gifted healer.Our anatomy and the human anatomy was not different at all unless we changed to our wolf form, so it was a no brainer why I opted for Gwyn.I almost didn't expect her to answer my call.My relationship with her had been tentative these days because of the fact that I had tried to use coercion on her. But the moment I'd called her up an
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loved by mePov: winston"How is she?" Gwyn was asking through the phone.I sighed, tiredly. "I don't know... She's just... Numb. She won't talk, she just eats when she can and sleeps all day. She has frequent nightmares that she never wants to talk about. I don't know what to do, Gwyn."She sighed, sad and tired. "Just be patient with her. She went through a lot. She got beat up by someone she used to love and care about. Give it some time."I sighed, massaged my forehead, "I know I know, it's just frustrating, you know? I want to help her so bad, but I don't know how.""Don't be so hard on yourself. You're there for her, she knows that and that's honestly all that matters."I sighed, not knowing how to take her words for it."Hey, Winston?" She asked through the phone."Yeah?""One more thing I forgot to mention when I was healing Maddie...""Go on...""I encountered a mental block on certain parts of her childhood memories when I was looking for any sign of brain trauma up there."
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sunset dreamsPov: WinstonWe took a walk down the private beach behind the beach house that day. It was the first time since we arrived here that she agreed to step out of the house and into the sun. The sand was hot between our toes and the sun warmed our backs as we talked and laughed and soaked in the sun.Most of her scars and bruises were gone and she had dared to wear a skimpy two piece bikini and a large pink kimono trailed behind her.We were holding hands and I was just happy to see her smiling, the wind blowing in her hair, her rose coloured cheeks. She had started eating and talking more and even poking fun at me again abd some of the Maddie I used to know no longer made fleeting appearances. They were now here to stay. I was happy she was getting back to her original self.She had opened up about how she really felt and we had filed a police report when she was still bed ridden and now, she was more intent than ever in following through with the divorce.The sun had set n
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puppy love and miraclesPov: MaddisonI roused awake the next morning with an ecstatic joy and hope in my heart that I couldn't shake off.We were on a beach house on a private island owned by Winston and the entire building featured an open plan concept, where from specific places in the house, you could see the sea and shore from the comfort of your room.Right now, I was stretched out in bed in nothing but my underwear, the silky white sheets cocooned around me like an embrace and cold, salty air from the sea blew into the room, caressing my cheeks. I smiled softly at all or nature, one of the first times I was genuinely happy, and grateful for being alive.I stretched out on the bed and sat up, scrambling out of bed, giddy with unnecessary happiness and joy in my veins. I felt like dancing. I felt like singing. I felt like screaming to the world about how happy I was.I slipped into one of Winston's plain white Tee that was so big on me, it dropped to my mid thighs and the collar
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: not quite back to lifePov: WinstonI can't.I can't...I can't believe my eyes.Gwyn and Ethan, my alpha and omega stood in fron of me, fragile smiles on their faces, a wary look in their eyes as I stared at the person between them that wasn't supposed to be there with them.What... When... How?I swallowed and realized that I must be running completely mad. I turned to Maddie to ask if she was seeing what I was seeing and her deathly pale face like death told me everything I needed to know.I was staring at my beta.They had brought Nathan back to life.Except... Something was wrong. Something was horribly wrong.For starters, Nathan's hair had been more red than brown, a deep russet colour. But now, it was more brown than red, a deep bronze colour, his eyes were craftier than ever, that stubborn Daredevil glint in his shiny brown orbs. His face lacked the golden hue he used to have and he was now deathly pale with blue lips, but that must be because he hadn't had a decent dose of
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