All Chapters of THE CEO ALPHA’S MARRIED MATE: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
125 Chapters
designated whorePov: MaddisonWinston suddenly turned to me, "I'm going to have a little chat with Maya," he said to me through gritted teeth, "you're safe within these borders. Nothing can harm you here. Please, wait for me here, I won't be long okay?"I nodded, a little confused and curious. He was trembling in anger and I could tell it was probably because of everything Maya just said."Go," I told him. "I'll be fine."He nodded and turned around, walking in the direction opposite of the way we came.After he left, slowly, people started breaking out of their segregated groups and reconvening in smaller, tighter ones.The air around me had been sucked dry of his lightness and merriment and had been replaced by something sticky and heavy and dark and suffocating.One by one, people started to leave with their families and friends and I wasn't surprised when I saw Ethan kiss Gwyn goodnight on the cheek.I sighed and went to the one of the tables laden with food abd drinks. I pulled
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The act of feedingPov : Maddison"You should have left me for dead!" I heard a pained familiar voice shout and I stopped in ny tracks, sinking in to the ground and hiding behind a tree trunk. "I would have been better off dead! Why did you bring me back anyway?!"Nathan! I realized the voice immediately and crept around the three, not wanting them to see me so that I don't ruin their moment."I told you!" Gwyn groaned exasperated, "Winston wanted you back. He was hurting so much after you left. He really wasn't himself. He wasn't okay after your death.""He seemed very damn well fine to me when we visited him for the first time since your brought me back to life," Nathan grumbled, annoyed and frustrated. "I hate this! I hate everything that has to do with this. I've tainted the legacy I left behind. Nobody even remembers what I did for the pack anymore. Nobody even cares! I used to be Nathan the sly. Nathan the evasive. Nathan the wraith... Nathan the fallen hero of the blood moon pa
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The woman in the cavePov: WinstonI didn't remember it being so hard to her little hideout, a cave that was really just a large hole carved into the side of the mountain. Tremendously high from the ground.I hide climbed into Maya's cave for sport all the time when I was a kid. It was literally the only thing I was good at when i was still a pup. The only thing besides fucking shit up, that I was completely good at.Maya was never kind to me. But she wasn't cruel either. She was a hybrid, half wolf, half witch and she had retreated to these parts after the discrimination and stigma became too high among the women in the camp during her time.She wasn't kind, she wasn't cruel. She was only just bitter.My mother used to pay her a visit three times a week, bringing camp gossips her way and delectable foods every once in a while. And I used to tag along too. After my mother fell ill from an unnamed illness, I started paying her these visits on my own. She made me sit by the fire and o
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The Witch's TalePov: Winston"How Nathan is being treated is even more despicable than how I was being treated during my time. And the worst part is, I had no affection whatsoever for the camp. My mother was a werewolf, married to a werewolf but had been sleeping with a warlock, and when she gave birth to me, the child of her sacrilege, I was cursed to never be able to transform. My mother was dragged and humiliated for cheating on her husband, much more with a 'lesser' creature and she took her life when she couldn't stand the humiliation anymore... After she died, they turned that hate on me. i had loved the pack at first and really tried to fit in, but after my mother took her life, I became the subject of their attacks, the topic of their gossip. It wasn't much better in the household I shared with my father, he beat me everyday and tore my skin open and bashed my head against the walls whenever he felt like. He called me a whore, an abomination. When it got too much, I moved awa
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ConsequencesPov: MaddisonI was just stepping out of the bathroom, wrapped in a fluffy white towel, my hair and body, damp from the shower when the door flew open and Winston swooped in, worried out of his mind, his eyes unsettled and frantic, his body, pulsing with unspent energy.He barrelled into the room, looking around frantically, his voice dripping in urgency. "Maddie! Maddison, where are you?!""Winston?" I asked, confused.His entire body froze at my voice. He turned around and saw me standing at a corner of the room, in his blindspot and his shoulders sagged with relief."Maddie, god!" He cried in relief, walking over to me and sweeping me into his strong, strong arms.I sank into his embrace, clutching at his arm and he held me in place, sighing into my hair."God, I was so worried!" He breathed, his breathing uneven, his voice hoarse, "I almost tore down the forest trying to find you. I thought I told you to stay there?"My heart set out like a siren at the awful, awful m
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Hang from the GallowsPov: WinstonThe Supreme Court was a little more like a glorified throne room where I usually meted out judgements or solved disputes during my first few years, reigning as alpha. It lay behind two huge set of metal doors carved into the side of a a huge mountain on the other end of my territory.I had called a meeting, commanding all of my subects to gather there today for a tremendously more important announcement, an icy judgement, a ruthless punishment I was going to mete out on the one werewolf stupid enough to dare lay his hands on my mate.A growl rumbled in my chest just at the thought of it. At the thought of this... Lowlife, with the audacity to harm Maddison.I had been too young to notice it, or even do anything about it, but Maya had said that my own mother had been treated unfairly by other pack members, even though she had been carrying the Alpha's son. And she wasn't the Luna, but a certain level of respect should still have been reserved for her.
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Favourite fixPov: WinstonMy entire body freezed mid strike as I felt another presence join me in my private sparring room."I thought I would find you here," the very familiar voice said aptly.I exhaled the breath I had been holding and completed the punch–kick sequence I had been been doing on the sparring dummy, before I turned to him, grabbing my bottle of water and draining the contents thirstily."Who invited you in?" I asked my best friend now, raising an amused brow.He looked at me, shocked at first, and then he caught on to the fact that I was actually smiling at him, and his lips stretched into a conniving grin that was so Nate... That grin that made him look like you two were in on a private joke or something. Even if he had no idea what you were talking about, his goofy grins made you think he did."Thanks, man," he said now, his voice turning serious as he went to perch on the raised steps to the boxing ring. "I... I was actually going to leave today, immediately afte
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fighting stancePov: MaddisonEthan was a brutal taskmaster. Cold and calculating and belting out orders, pushing me to my max.I had changed my diet to contain more protein and carb contents as per Nathan's instructions and I had jogged and worked out and pushed my body to the extreme under Ethan's tutelage and Gwyn helped with my meditation and tutored me in basic human anatomy.The first day of my training with Ethan, I was a sweating, sobbing, puking, breathless mess on the floor of the sparring courtyard in the big house that was really the grandest mansion I had ever seen.On the fourth day, I wasn't doing much better, but at least, I had learned to throw a punch without causing much damage to myself, and I wasn't as breathless and winded after each early morning jog."You're punching all wrong," he told me in my first day. "When you hit your target, you want to strike with the first two knuckles, not that flat front part of your fist or the smaller knuckles on your ring or pink
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Heart to HeartPov: MaddisonAfter the study and books aspect was out of the way, I found out that I actually looked forward to Gwyn's lessons the most.I was currently sitting cross-legged, high up on a cliff, eyes closed, facing the setting sun.I felt her presence all around me, her voice was soft and delicate as she explained to me the basics of the technique she had used on Nathan that time."Chakra is a Sanskrit word and it means “disk” or “wheel” and it represents the various energy centers in your body. These wheels or disks of spinning energy each correspond to certain nerve bundles and major organs. To function at their best, your chakras need to stay open, or balanced. If they get blocked, you may experience physical or emotional symptoms related to a particular chakra."There are seven main chakras that run along your spine. They start at the base, of your spine and extend to the crown of your head. But these are only your main chakra points where energy is gathered in the
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The SetupPov: MaddisonSomething is wrong.Something is wrong.Something is terribly wrong.That was the sound track playing in my head when I roused from my sleep that night and checked my phone.It was almost eight o'clock.It was almost eight o'clock and I was still asleep.Any moment now, Ethan would knock on the door to inquire about why I wasn't down in the courtyard for the early morning jog.I never sleep this late in the mornings... Because, since the assault from William went down my mother always calls me up at seven in the mornings.But today, I didn't see her phone call."Winston!" I cried alarmed. "Winston, wake up," I begged, already sliding out of bed.He sat up, awake and alert immediately, searching my face frantically. "What happened, Maddie? Did anything happen to you?""Yes. I need you to drive me back to the city. I need to see my mother," I explained hurriedly as I slipped out of my nightdress and shimmied into a pair of jeans and tugged on a tank top.Winston
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