All Chapters of Selene's Chosen Queen: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
118 Chapters
87 Both?
Alex POV                 “What do you mean Finlay did this?”Livid, no livid doesn’t touch how incredibly P*SSED off I am! HOW is it even remotely possible that the goddess damn LUNA was left alone in the cells with her ab*ser? How is it possible that she was within his reach even? I cannot… I have no words!                “ASHTON! EXPLAIN!”He lets out a low, loud, warning growl, but I don’t really give a sh*t!                “How DARE yo-“                “NO! Not how dare ME! How DARE YOU! How did this happen? How was he able to do this to her?”Osain, Cal
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88 She's Happy!
  Ashton POV                “BOTH of them will be ok.” She is going to be ok. I can finally breath a little. It has felt like there’s been an elephant sitting on my chest, not able to get enough air, suffocating me in guilt. I shouldn’t have let her walk away like that.                 “Wait…” One of the guys calls out.                 “Did you say both?” HUH?! BOTH?                 ‘Both… more than one?’                 ‘That would be the definition of both. Well, more specifically about 2.’    &nbs
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89 How Many?
Alaina POVWaking up to the incessant beeping tells me a few things. One, I’m still alive, two, they saved me… again, three, I have a wicked migraine, and four that I am not nearly as angry as I was when I went to see Finlay. I am acutely aware that there is talking, and movement, around me but it takes a while for me to really wake up. Being in that limbo state of not quite being awake, but not still asleep either, is frustrating! That all being said, waking up to a cold, slimy, thing being put on my abdomen is disconcerting and more than a little creepy. Had I not heard the machines beeping I would have thought that I had been kidn.apped again!As I open my eyes I can feel Ash’s hand, gently, grabbing mine and giving it a kiss, that is probably one of the most comforting things someone could do for me as I wake up!              “You had me so scared love.”&
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90 I Only Need You
Ashton POV              “But one of the more troubling things… is the prophecy and the ritual.”I forgot to tell her SH.IT! How does she know about the rituals?              “The rituals… I forgot about…”              “How did yo-“              “Ash, there are things that the elders in Ben Lomond told me. So, we have another week and a half, two to be safe, before they can’t do anything.”              “And these are MY pups, the ritual is for you to have a girl with someone who is not your mate.”I can feel my chest puff up w
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91 You Were A Patsy?
Alaina POV I know I am not making sense to Ash and them, I know that I seem a little crazy right now but I get it! Walking down the hallway to the cells I make the guys stop just inside the door, promising I wouldn’t get within arms reach of the bars ~que eye roll~.              ‘Que the eye roll? Really Al? He almost kil.led you!’              ‘Oh, shush you!’              ‘Don’t you shush me!’I hear Ash try to cover a laugh with a cough. Turning I can see his face is red, and he is having a serious issue holding it in. What is so goddess fu…              *Did Ty link you
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92 She Can't Be Right... Can She?
Isla POV I grew up being told I was special, I grew up being told I would change the world, I grew up being loved and doted on. Until I didn’t shift. Then I was basically cast aside. Dad told me that I was a shame to him, to our pack, and that my mother gave her life for a ‘good for nothing, useless, wolfless, leech’. I’m not sure what hurt more, HIS disappointment or the packs.I don’t remember my mom, according to dad she di.ed while in labour with me, and her wish was for me to be loved. Which I was, for 13 amazing years! I was the apple of my daddies eye, I was treated with love and respect from the entire pack, and I had been promised to the Beta’s son. I spent my days playing, I had a tutor, and had absolutely zero cares in the world. That was until the day of my 13th birthday, the pack finally gave up waiting for me to shift, before I was shunned, a pariah, used as a way for the warriors, and my
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93 The Great River Escape
Isla POV            “Good, now, 30 laps of the territory. You want to cause issues for the Alpha then you will pay for it.”With that they all take off the warrior that talked back hanging back for a second, as if he wants to talk, but as he slowly walks towards me and looks around his eyes go wide, and he takes off with the rest. That was interesting, but I look over my right shoulder and see the Beta walking towards me. My shoulder sag, as I hang my head, either my dad told him to come deal with me, for the issues in his office, or he’s here to deal with the fact that I, literally, ran into his son earlier today. Either way I am so scr.ewed!              “Isla.”He calls out to me. I take a deep breath in through my nose and slowly let it escape through my lips before turning around to talk with him.
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94 More Help
Unknown POV   40 years, that’s how long I have been waiting. Waiting for her to be born, for her to start the prophecy, the woman I need. Dad always told me that I was special, he never told me why, and that I am “destined for great things”. I don’t know how I am supposed to do all these great things he talked about when he never actually told me what to do, or who “the one” is! He did tell me that once she is born, I will feel the surge of power, a bigger surge when she comes of age, another when she met her mate, and the last surge when she is with pup, and that I need to keep her away from him. I was supposed to get to her before she met her mate, now she’s with pup, I fu.cked this up so bad! Walking through the woods of Scotland it took me months to realize she wasn’t here anymore. Where the h3ll did she go, and when? I had made my way to Ben Lomond pack, to see it in complete ruins, and left with absolutely no information on where she might have gon
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95 Weekend Away- Part 1
Ashton POV It seems like all we do is sit in meetings, deal with Finlay, and try to figure out this prophecy. Usually, we go to bed so late that the second our heads hit the pillow we are completely out but I can see the stress is taking a serious toll on Alaina. She has lost weight, bags under her eyes, and Clara has been worried about her, so I have decided to get away for a couple days. No where super special but I hope that it will let her relax a little. It took a bit of finagling to book, on such short notice, but the cottage at Kootenay Lake will be perfect. Quiet, secluded, and we can just lay in bed and relax for the 3 days. It’s going to take a day to get there and back, then the 3 days there, I’m praying that it will be long enough to at least help her sleep and eat better than she has been.                “I need you to pack a bag.” I whisper as I walk up behind her, wra
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96 Weekend Away- Part 2
Alaina POVAsh telling me that he had a surprise for me threw me for a bit of a loop, but as I lay here, I couldn’t be happier, or more appreciative. I felt a little awkward as his eyes roamed my body, looking like I would be a nice snack, however it oddly turned me on at the same time.When he took off my underwear, I felt exposed. Logically I know it’s not our first time, clearly, it still feels like I shouldn’t be doing this with him, like I am too damaged and being completely na.ked it’s like he can see all that.Ash places my legs over his shoulder and slowly lowers his face to my already wet core. My body has a mind of its own and my back arches in anticipation of what it coming next. He sucks my, and using his tongue starts to flick it. I can feel him slowly, and ever so slightly, open and close his mouth, changing the angle and suction. I can’t help the moans that escape my mouth, and by moans I don’t mean a litt
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