All Chapters of Tangled life: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
233 Chapters
Chapter 119: Watch; what I will do to him
George's phone rang, he showed the caller to Whitney, and she smiled. "Sister, I thought you would not call back. Do you know you are disturbing me?" "Sorry, I will just call Whitney.""Cathy, are you in love with Craig?" Craig is a bit conscious but he still knows nothing about his whereabouts, he could hear the conversation but not clear. "No, I don't love him, he is nothing..." She paused. "I don't want anyone telling me that, I am the reason he gets drunk, I am still very much mad at him, I feel like killing...Goodnight!" Cathy said in a hurry and ended the call, George smiled. "I told you, you should go to bed, I will sleep here, should he need anything, and don't worry, that silly Cathy can care for herself." Whitney smiled and left, Cathy was still sleeping when Roe arrived, he touched the sleeping Cathy, who was lying on the bed. "Roe, are you back?" She hugged him. "Yes, you were sounding bad on the phone, even though, I was still very busy, I needed to come check on my bab
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Chapter 120: Philophobia
Whitney walks to Tony and Cathy, and Gregory follows behind her. "Hey sister, come over here and sit, let's eat." "I am hungry but I don't have an appetite""Why? Are you sick?" Cathy asked touching her forehead, she turned her face and looked at Gregory, she winked at him. "Is not me, is just that the pain he felt...""Is Craig alright?" Cathy asked standing up. "Go on and tell me." Whitney didn't say a word, Cathy got her keys and phone. 'Beans pie, where are you going?" "Don't ask me." She darts outside, Tony hits the table. "What was that for?" "Just letting you know that, you are no longer Cathy's priority, someone else is taking over your place." "Whitney, you are...""I don't intend to deprive you of your lunch, enjoy your lunch, I am gone, come, Greg, let's leave, Craig might need an extra hand." Whitney pulled Gregory's hand, and they both walked outside, Whitney laughed hard as she hit on Gregory. "Did you see his face? He looks hilarious, he doesn't know, I am not g
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Chapter 121: Get me back into law school
Gregory knows that Craig doesn't believe in God, and talks more like a mere human, Whitney has to return home that night because Casper is back and Mrs. Cole will be back in two days. "Welcome home, I missed you." "Did you miss me or are you happy that you are free to flirt with the love of your life?" "Casper stop talking nonsense, the deal did you get it?" Whitney asked changing the topic. "Hm! If you don't want us to discuss it, fine, I get it.""Whoa!" Whitney jumped on him. "This is good news, we will celebrate this in a fortnight when the mother is back." "Sure, she is excited to return, but I don't know her reasons," Casper said as he went inside to take his shower, he was really tired, Whitney pulled the ring Gregory gave to her "Greg, I am sorry, I have to take it off for now." She said to herself as she pulled it out, the next day, Craig was back to work but he and Cathy were not in talking teams. "Hey, bean pie!" Tony called her. "You must be tired, you should rest."
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Chapter 122: I don't want to see you here
"What did the doctor say? Is mother going to be fine?" "Whitney, get out of here, I will never forgive you, if anything happens to my mother, you are a wicked soul." He pushed Whitney who was crying as well. 'Casper, I didn't mean to...""I said get out, I don't want to see you here." "Casper calm down, Mrs. Cole will be fine, you don't have to be so hard on her, she didn't...""She is your sister, so you will take sides with her, if anything happens to my mother then it will be payback, a mother for a mother." "Casper, my mother has nothing to do with this, so leave her out of this." George is getting angry but he just doesn't want to show it. "I am not doing anything for now but I don't want to see her, she should leave before I do something bad to her." "Fine, if you don't want her here I will also leave." "All of you, get out, go away, I will survive it, and Whitney, don't ever come to my house again and I don't want to see your face." Whitney's tears drop, she doesn't see
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Chapter 123: It's License.
Craig's tears drop, he hates himself more. "Does he have to hurt her because of me? Yes, Tony is right, it was me who killed her mother and shattered her life, not him, I am such a bad omen to her." Craig dragged the gun out. "Craig, what are you doing with a gun? How did you even get a gun?" "I bought it on my way back, it's licence don't worry." He grabs the door, and Gregory goes after him. "Where are you going?" "To stop the madness, to end it all." He darts into his car, and Gregory goes with him, he is flying, and Gregory is getting scared. "Craig, where are we going?" "I told you, you will see it, I needed to have done this right from the beginning." He is right in Roland's mansion, Gregory grabs his hand. "Craig; let's leave from here, this will cause you more trouble.""I will not leave until I accomplished what brought me here." He bangs on the gate. "Roland comes out," Craig yelled. "Stop it, let's leave." When the security opens the gate, Craig matches him, giving him
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Chapter 124: So fast
"Oh! You think there is no bullet." Craig pulls the trigger, and Cathy runs into the bullet, it meets her hand"Ouch!" Cathy yelled she looked at her hand that was bleeding, and Craig's eyes bulged out, he threw the gun away and ran to Cathy. "Baby!" Craig called and hugged her. "I am sorry, you should have let me finish this idiot." "Arrest him." Victor gives the order to security. "Don't touch him." Roland yelled, the security just stood still, and Victor looked at Roland. "come on let's take her to the hospital." Roland said. Cathy tries to suppress the pain, the blood is pumping like water, Craig takes off his shirt and ties her with it. "I am sorry! Sorry baby!" He said again as Cathy passed out. "Shit! Can't you drive?" He yelled at Roland's driver, Roland didn't say a word to him, he was just staring at him through the mirror, so his son could love someone like this. "Craig calms down, she is not dead, she is just unconscious." Gregory tries to calm him, getting to the hospit
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Chapter 125: It's just you in my heart
The security got off the way, Craig smiled, and Jessica ran to Jeremy. "Please, let my son be." "Let him be? That rascal of a boy, who called himself my nephew is teaching him to be rude, I will deal with both of them." Craig laughed hard as he drove, Flora was looking at him, this boy was a rascal. "Do they think I have a bullet in it?" He said and laughed more, he increased the speed. "Craig, go slow, can't you see it's not just the two of us?""Sorry, ma!" He looks at Flora through the side mirror, Flora moves her head a bit, showing that it's fine. "Thanks for saving me." "It's okay, we are sorry, it's because of me, that my dad locked you in that place, I am sorry." Gregory said, Flora looked at him, and now she saw the reason why Gregory must have had to break up with her daughter back then, maybe, he also wanted to protect her from stuff like this. Craig drives her to George's mansion when Flora alights from the car, Whitney is outside she has returned from the hospital and
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Chapter 126: I am leaving
"Hey man, where did you go? You disappeared on us." Gregory asked as Craig walked in. "I needed air." "Guess what?" "Her mother caught you too misbehaving and she yelled at you." Gregory looks at him. "Are you alright?" "I am leaving." "What? Where are you going?" "I want to go to Germany, I will have my ticket fixed and I am fixing yours as well." "What?" "Relax, I just want you to be with me for the first two weeks, so I don't go crazy, my staying here every day, reminds me of the fact that I was a big part of her trouble and she told me to my face, that I should pity her." "So you leaving? What about me? How about the...""Stop it, I have informed Brian to be here, and he said he will be here in two weeks, so for those two weeks, I will still carry on with my job but I will be doing that from my house." "Do you still want to return to your mansion?" "Yes, I need peace of mind too." Gregory sighed badly, Craig was packing his stuff, and then he saw Cathy's mailbox. "You d
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Chapter 127: I have somewhere to go
Whitney has to go to work the next day, but she doesn't go to Casper because Casper is mad at her, Casper doesn't come to work because he is the only one who can care for his unconscious mother, Gregory is busy with the company's other projects, Craig didn't come to work, he is trying to get his ticket so he can leave for Germany. Cathy needs to get her treatment, so she leaves for the hospital, when she is done, Cathy is with her check-up, and she is leaving when she sees Casper crying in the lobby. "Who is that? Is that not Casper? What is he doing here?" Cathy said walking to him. "Hey!" "Hello Cathy, what happened to your hand?" Cathy looks at him. "I was shot mistakenly, so what are you doing here and crying?" "Didn't Whitney tell you?" Cathy looks at him in surprise. "Tell me what?" "That my mom is in comatose for a week now?" "No, they didn't tell me, I am so sorry, so you are the only one caring for her." "Yes, I hated your sister, I don't want her coming close to me and
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Chapter 128: Love me like Craig
"Hey man, sorry, I was a bit busy, let me get my secretary to get you coffee." "It's fine, I will not take long, I just want to discuss something with you." 'Oh, you want to tell me, that you, want to run away with my sister?" George asked, Craig, gulped his saliva. "Relax, I know you love her, just tell me, you want to kidnap her." Craig laughed. "Anyways, why are you here?""I am here to give you some documents. Documents?" George asked him. "Yes, I need to give you this, I want to give it to you for a long time but I didn't get to see you and since I will be traveling, I need someone to manage it, till I am gone." George laughed. "I know nothing about aviation, so I can't...""Is not that, is a chocolate company, so you can." George's mouth falls open, and seeing the documents before him, he hugs Craig. "Thank you, so you are the one that got the company, I was disappointed when I found out that, my uncle is no longer the CEO of the company and someone else, has bought the comp
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