All Chapters of Rise of the Alpha Queen: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
166 Chapters
Chapter 71- The Garden of Eden
Levi’s POV “I can’t believe you called your father.” Ruth rolls her eyes at my pouting as we walk through the woods, back to Jamari’s parent’s house. “Get over it Levi.” She orders me, turning to face me, anger written on her face. “In case you have forgotten, there is a powerful Demon working against all of us right now, and their target is Jamari.” She throws her hands in the air before placing them on her hips, a determined look on her face. “Excuse me for not asking your permission before I got my father, who also happens to be one of Jamari’s mates, involved with her return. He can get results and bring her home, that is all that should matter right now.” Kenji chuckles as he moves his way past me and Ruth. My face scrunches up in distaste. “You should be just as outraged as I am.” I snap at him. “We both agreed to keep Jamari to ourselves a little longer and now she’s with the bloody Angel.” Kenji shrugs. “We knew they would meet eventually. I guess fate didn’t like us keep
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Chapter 72- My Night with an Angel pt. 1
Jamari’s POV “We are in Eden.” Remiel whispers in my ear, sending sparks of awareness throughout my system, my body shivers in response. I turn around to take in his angelic beauty, in aww of his massive aura wrapping around me as he pulls me in close, his arms holding me tightly. His words suddenly hit me. “The Garden of Eden? From the bible?” I ask him as I wrap my arms around his waist, snuggling into his warmth. Laying my face on his stomach, I revel in how safe it feels being here with him. Peace washes over me as we stand, wrapped in each other’s arms. Remiel pulls away to look down at me. “No human has been allowed within the Garden in a very long time.” He rubs his hands up and down my arms in comfort, though I suspect it was comfort for him and not me. “Not since Eve betrayed my father, letting Lucifer into the Garden that he built for her.” My body stiffens at the reminder of Levi’s mother, the woman that was responsible for kidnapping me. “So your father had a thing for
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Chapter 73- My Night with an Angel pt. 2
I can’t stop the groan from leaving me as Jamari runs her tongue up the length of my cock. My fingers grip her hair tightly as she swirls her tongue around the tip, barely making contact. “Not so funny now, huh?” Before I can fix my brain to make a thought, she slams her mouth down on my cock, taking an impressive amount into her mouth. All thoughts leave my brain as the sensation of the moist heat of her mouth moves up and down my swollen member. She expertly swirls her tongue up and down my length, suctioning her mouth in all the right places. When thoughts finally return to my brain I decide I want something to put in my mouth as well. Sitting forward, I pull Jamari off of my cock, her whimpers of protests almost making me give in and let her continue. I pull her up my body, giving her a heated kiss to stop her protests, before flipping her around, placing her face back near my my hardened length. Only now, her pussy is near my face as well. Jamari repositions herself atop me,
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Chapter 74- Jamari's Return
Levi’s POV “Quit your pacing Levi, you’re starting to make me anxious.” Ruth chides me from Andrew’s lap. Andrew nuzzles her neck, placing soft kisses along her collar bone. I plop myself on the fancy sofa in the Luna’s sitting room, spreading my hands out in surrender. “Happy?” I grumble, folding my hands over my chest, a pout forming on my lips. “Happier than you.” She grins. Before I can respond Jamari’s mother walks into the room, putting her nose up at the sight of me. “You’re still here.” With that she dismisses my presence, turning her attention to the Lycan mutt. A smile lights up her face as she smooths her clothing with her hands. “Nice to see you are still with us, Alpha Kenji.” Kenji barely casts the Luna a glance before going back to his phone. I catch the flash of anger that crosses the woman’s face before she smoothes it away, putting her fake smile back on. A wicked thought crosses my mind. “Don’t be too angry with the mutt dear Luna. He is like that with everyon
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Chapter 75- The Return of Eve
Levi’s POV After standing around in silence for a few minutes I decided to break the silence. “Good thing we all know how to act around each other, or else this would be really awkward.” Jamari lets out a relieved laugh, Kenji rolls his eyes, and Remiel glares at me. We all sit in a seat and continue with the awkward silence. My eyes keep wandering to Jamari sitting beside me, nerves keeping me from talking to her. Kenji is seated across from us, still fiddling with his phone. Remiel is in the chair beside him, eyes moving from me to Jamari, his emotions going from disdain to love depending on who he’s looking at. Taking a deep breath, I turn to Jamari. “The Fates pulled me away from your Wolf Ceremony.” I glance over at Remiel who’s eyes are fixed on me. “We suspect it was to bring the two of you together since Kenji and I got in the way before.” Kenji places his phone down in his lap as he focuses on Jamari. Her brows are furrowed together as she takes in what I just told her.
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Chapter 76- Family Reunion
Levi’s POV “Hello son.” My feet stop their movement at the sound of my father’s voice coming from within the windowless cell that he has resided in for over a millenia. “Nice of you to finally visit your father. It’s been what”, he pauses to think, “a thousand years or so since your last visit.” “I’m surprised you’ve been able to keep track of time.” My feet begin their descent down to where my father’s cell is hidden away from the world. “Being locked away in a windowless cell in the heart of the Demon Realm must make it difficult to keep track of the passing days.” I wave my hands in front of what looks like a normal wall and chant, “Revelare quod est absconditum.” The wall shimmers before disappearing, revealing a cottage hidden in plain sight. The cottage wall disappears leaving the whole place open to my view. My father stands before me, somehow knowing exactly where I would be standing. “That’s better.” He smiles at me, looking me over from head to toe. “A thousand years ha
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Chapter 77- Welcome Home
Jamari’s POV The feel of fingers running up my body from my feet up to my thigh awakens me from my deep slumber. The body beside me moves away, giving me space. The hand running up my thigh moves higher up, cupping my breast. A smile curves up the corner of my lips as my nose registers the scent of fire and brimstone. “I want to show you something Red.” Levi whispers in my ear. Kenji pulls me in close, placing a soft kiss in my hairline. “You’re coming too mutt.” He orders Kenji, surprising us both. We both got up from the bed, grabbing clothing and throwing them on. Levi comes up and wraps his arms around my waist from behind, pulling me in close. “Where did the Angel run off to?” “The Angel is right here.” Remiel says as he walks back into the room. “Where are we headed off to?” “It’s a surprise for Jamari.” Kenji offers up when Levi ignored Remiel’s question. “Shall we go?” Levi extends his hand out to Kenji, Remiel walks over placing his hand on Levi’s shoulder, as Levi kee
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Chapter 78- Room for Everyone
Levi’s POVThe massive door opens as we walk up the short distance from the driveway to the front door. Alfred stands in the entryway, a delighted grin spread across his face. “Jamari.” He spreads his arms out in invitation for a hug. “I am honored to finally meet you.”I turn to Jamari standing beside me, Remiel’s hand still in her grasp. “Red, this is Alfred.” She smiles up at him. “Alfred has agreed to move from the Demon Realm to keep our new home running smoothly.”Jamari’s eyes widen as she waves her free hand in front of her. “I can’t ask you to move from your home for me.” Alfred steps forward, swallowing her hand in his massive one. “Don’t you worry yourself over me my dear.” He brings her hand to his lips and places a quick peck. “I have served the Morningstars since before our Levi here was even a sperm in his fathers nutsack.”“Alfred!” I gasp, Jamari giggling like a school girl from beside me. Alfred waves me away before continuing. “I am honored to now serve the woman
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Chapter 79- Safe Room
Remiel’s POVTaking a tour of the house that Levi and the Lycan King bought for Jamari had put me in a bit of a funk. Jamari is everything that I have longed for in my other half, but having to share her with multiple other Kings is quite the shock to have to get over. Despite my possessive nature trying to rear up, aka my Angel, I am determined to make this work with Jamari and her mates. This mansion is Levi and Kenji’s way of showing Jamari that they accept her and her destiny, even when that destiny includes multiple men.This place truly is amazing as Jamari said. Watching the look of amazement grow on her face with every room we entered made being here all the more worth it. I would give her anything she desires if it kept that blissful look on her face for eternity. Warm arms circling around my waist pulls me out of my thoughts and back to the nursery we are currently standing in. “I understand if you need more time to become comfortable with everything that comes with being
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Chapter 80- Family Troubles
Levi’s POV“While we are in this room we are safe from any prying eyes that attempt to spy on us.” I lean back in my chair and clasp my hands together in my lap. “The pantry is a safe zone as well so no one will be able to tell that there is a secret room in the back.”“Though I’m sure they will suspect something if it is the only room unavailable to their prying eyes.” Remiel the ever pessimistic says.“Well, not the only room unavailable to prying eyes.” A wicked grin spreads across my face as enthusiasm flashes in my eyes. “Kenji had his pack witch spell all of the bedrooms from prying eyes as well.”“Why not spell the whole house?” Jamari asks innocently.“You can either spell a structure to be safe from prying eyes, or you can spell it to be impenetrable from people teleporting in. We chose to go with the latter.” Kenji explains to her, leaning forward in his seat, resting his arms on the table. Jamari frowns. “Why can’t you do both?”Remiel is the first to explain. “Too many sp
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