All Chapters of Rise of the Alpha Queen: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
166 Chapters
Chapter 61- The Blood Moon pt 1
Kenji’s POV “Is everything ready for tonight?” I ask, not glancing up from the papers spread out across the Luna’s desk I have taken over. The sound of Beta Yuriko plopping herself in a seat in front of me pulls me from the report that currently has my attention. “What’s with you?” Yuriko looked like someone just killed her dog and she was formulating her revenge. Her eyes meet mine as she scowls at me. “He’s a fucking man!” She growls in disgust, her arms wrapping around her small chest. Yuriko was always smaller than the other wolves in our pack, but that didn’t stop her from beating her way to the top and into the position of my Beta. She is the fiercest warrior I have and I owe a lot to her. I stare at her in confusion to which she responds with an eye roll, letting out a huff of air. “My mate.” She grumbles. My eyes widen in surprise. Yuriko has found her mate, but why does she look so unhappy? Then her words from earlier register in my brain and I can’t stop the laughter f
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Chapter 62- The Blood Moon pt 2
Jamari’s POVI couldn’t stop the anxiety that washes over me as we step out into the courtyard. Memories from my eighteenth birthday flash in my mind causing me to pause at the entrance. I find myself stuck in my spot, staring out at everyone gathered around to witness my transformation. Or what I am hoping will be my transformation. I feel Levi grab my right hand and give it a light squeeze as reassurance that he is by my side. I grip his hand tighter, not wanting to lose the comfort his presence brings, as Kenji grabs my left hand in his. I glance down at our joined hands, taking a deep breath in to ready myself for what comes next. ‘You got this.’ Flits through my mind in the background as the familiar voice of my newly acquired wolf tries to calm my nerves. I lift my right foot and begin to descend the stairs, taking the plunge and walking towards the same stage that torments my dreams still. The closer my feet bring me to the stage the louder my heart thumps in my chest, nerve
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Chapter 63- The Blood Moon pt 3
Ruth's POVAfter leaving Jamari’s room I went in search of Andrew. Tonight is the Blood Moon and I have a good feeling that the moon will reveal that Andrew is my other half. I have already decided to accept him and Cody even if it turns out he isn’t destined for me, but I am still anxious to find out. Strong arms wrap around my waist from behind, my body relaxing into the familiar tingles that erupt everytime Andrew touches me. A content sigh leaves my lips as my arms wrap themselves around Andrew’s arms. “There you are gorgeous.” Andrew whispers in my ear, nipping my lobe with his teeth. My arousal spikes instantly as the scent fills the small hallway. “Careful little mate.” Cody growls in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. “There will be plenty of time for that later.”I turn in his arms, placing my hand on his chest. Lifting up on my toes my teeth nip at Andrews, well Cody’s, lips. “Looking forward to it Cody.” I whisper before dancing out of his arms and skipping down the h
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Chapter 64- The Search for Levi
Ruth’s POV“Where is he?” I struggle to keep my demoness side in check as she tries to emerge from my seething anger. How dare Levi just vanish like that! Typical demon reaction to run away when things get tough for them.So maybe some of my anger is bubbling up because of old wounds from when my mother abandoned me the first chance she got. That doesn’t matter right now! Levi fucked up and he deserves to feel my wrath, even if it is not all because of him.The two receptionists jumped from their seats the moment I burst out of Levi’s office, they now stand in front of me clutching their hands to their chests, fear wafting off of them in waves. My demoness sniffs the air in pleasure, licking her chops in my mind.‘Hungry Bitch, cool it before you cause them to have a heartache before they can answer my question.’ My demoness pouts, but pulls herself back from the forefront of my mind.I turn my attentin back to the useless women behind the receptionist desk. Maybe now Levi will allow
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Chapter 65- Runaway Mate
Kenji’s POVOnce Jamari noticed Levi’s absence she shoved out of my arms and dropped to the stage floor. Within seconds the sound of bones breaking fills the night as she begins her first shift into her wolf form. Gasps from the crowd echo all around us from the crowd, I tune them out to give my focus solely to Jamari. Most werewolf pups have years to train their bodies to prepare for this first shift, but Jamari only had two weeks, making her first shift harder than most. A howl of pain fills the night air as Jamari throws her head back in agony, fighting against her body that is trying to shift.Her howl breaks me from my trance. I rush to her side, keeping space in between us to allow her room to finish her shift. “Don’t fight against your wolf Jamari, you must work with her to allow her to break free.”Her frightened eyes meet mine and I can tell that she can’t hear a word I am saying. ‘We should have prepared her more for her first shift.’ Ren paces my mind, worried for our mate
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Chapter 66- The Hunt for Levi
Ruth’s POV After leaving Alfred at Levi’s castle, I decided to head into headquarters to gather up a few of my men to assist in my search for the soon to be dead Demon King. I don’t care what Alfred said about waiting to hear his explanation, I was going to kick his ass first and ask questions after he’s gotten a good thrashing. The longer I’ve had to stew in his betrayal of Jamari, the more pissed I have become. I knew he acted like a man child when it comes to stressful situations, but I’ve never known him to run away like a coward. When I get my hands on him… My thoughts are interrupted by one of my Generals, Azazel. “No one has seen Levi since he left with you earlier this morning.” He relays as he makes his way to where I sit, fuming. I slam my fist on the long conference table, making all of my men flinch in their places, all except for Azazel. “I havne’t seen you this pissed at our King since he ran off and joined the circus back in the sixties. What did he do now?” I shi
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Chapter 67- Jamari is Missing
Levi's POV“Nice to see you too Ruth.” She shoves the dagger closer to my throat, blood begins to drip down my neck, onto the floor. “What brings you to the Fates?” I get out around the dagger pushing into my neck.She pushes her face closer to mine, close enough that I can feel her breath on my cheek. “You fucking ran!” She spits at me. “You ran like the coward I alwasy suspected you were.”“I didn’t” My mouth snaps shut as her words sink in. “You think I’m a coward?” I ask, insulted she would say that.She eases up on the dagger as she looks down at me. “You ran from her Levi.” She tells me quietly. “How could you do that to her?”“I didn’t run.” Ruth pushes the dagger closer to my throat, embedding the dagger into my throat, blood spilling down and pooling around us. I place my hands over hers, “Ruth, I didn’t run. The Fates pulled me here.”She stares down at me skeptically. Something in my eyes must have convinced her because she pulled the dagger back and picked herself off of m
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Chapter 68- Assistance from Above
Remiel’s POV It’s been a week since my visit to Levi’s penthouse in Vegas and I still can’t get her scent out of my head. Jamari. Her name invokes images of a feisty redhead and deep down I know she is meant to be mine. But I can’t start a war with the Demon Realm over a woman I’ve never met. A woman was the downfall of my father, God. He and Lucifer both coveted the same woman, Eve, and in the end it cost my father his life and Lucifer his freedom. It took ages for the Angel Realm to recover from the loss of their King. I couldn’t do that to them once more. These thoughts do nothing to stop the longing that I feel every moment that I am away from her. How can I become so fixated on a woman that I haven’t even met? My Angel can’t fathom a life without Jamari in it. He keeps whispering to me that we should go steal her away and claim her for ourselves. The silent nudging of my Angel has become harder and harder to ignore as the time drags on without her. Many times I found myself te
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Chapter 69- Jamari's Escape
Jamari’s POVA distant sound calls to me from within my mind. ‘Mari. You need to wake up Mari.’ I groan silently as I try to roll to my side. Panic begins to set in when I realize that I can’t move my body. What is happening to me? I fight to regain control of my body with no success. I whimper reverbearates within my mind as I stop fighting.‘Mari.’ My ears perk up at the silent call of my name.‘Rieka. Is that you?’ My breath catches in my chest as I strain to hear the voice of my wolf. ‘I am here Mari.’ Relief washes through me when I catch the sound of Rieka’s voice with my sensitive ears. ‘Rieka, thank the Goddess you’re okay.’ As I relax I find that I am able to open my eyes and look around. ‘Where are we?’ I ask her as I wait for my eyes to adjust to the darkness around me. The weight of a bed beneath me is the first thing that I notice, making me think I must be in a room of sorts.The room is warm and doesn’t smell bad so I must not be locked in a cell. The atmosphere has t
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Chapter 70- Rescued by an Angel
Jamari’s POV ‘It’s too bad we don’t have the power to teleport.’ I grumble in my head. ‘Then we wouldn’t have to sit around and wait for someone to rescue us.’ I’ve had my wolf for less than an hour and I am already in a situation where I find myself useless and in need of saving. I lay my head back on my knees, hugging my legs tighter. I thought gaining my wolf and becoming the Wolf Queen would end these feelings of being less than. A whimper makes its way past my lips before I can stop it. Who am I kidding? I’m no Queen. I’m the same Jamari that I have always been, alone and afraid. ‘You’re not alone Mari. You will never be alone as long as we are together.’ Rieka lets out a sad whimper as she crawls closer to me on her paws. I can feel her presence at the front of my mind, it sends calmness through me. ‘We will learn teleportation soon enough.’ Before I can ponder that thought a blinding flash of gold appears in the room with me. Rieka begins to prance happily in my mind. ‘I to
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