All Chapters of The Case Of The Alpha: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
59 Chapters
Chapter Twenty-One
We walk down the stairs in the pack house, the bomb squad start shouting for us and anyone that was left to get out. Henry just shook with fear as we went, I place my hand on his shoulder as we reach the bottom and head towards the door. "People are gonna hate me when they find out" he says nervously as we reach the door, the whole pack was still waiting behind the barrier. "We won't discus this with anyone, I told you we were going to get you help" Toby says turning to look at Henry, I send Toby a smile before we all walk through the doors leading outside. Once we were out, the whole pack just erupts in screams and cheers. Henry couldn't believe his eyes as he looked around, I looked behind me sending a confused look to Toby. The smile didn't leave his lips as we reach the button step, where Morgan and the Gamma Jordan, were standing."There he is, the traitor" Jordan snarls over at Henry, who coward away which just gets me all kinds of worked
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Chapter Twenty-Two
The car ride to the alliance was silent, I could just tell by the way Brandon was acting that he wasn't happy. But I didn't actually understand why, having a new member on our team will be great. We get to train him into an incredible agent, that's what me and Riley enjoyed with Brandon. Riley would be the more harsh one out of us, while I would be much more caring and compassionate. I take a look over at him, he might look annoyed but I could tell by his expression that he was upset more than anything. I sigh looking out the window but then turn to him again. "Are you really going to allow us to just sit in silence for hours?" I aak breaking the ever-long silence, it was his turn to sigh but does nod. "Morgan is trying to replace me I just know it" he sighs which does make me give him a weird look, that was far from the truth "before you try and say otherwise, I can just tell" he says looking as though he was about to cry on the spot, where did he even
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Chapter Twenty-Three
We finished just before the end of the stack of papers, I would have carried on but Julian was literally falling asleep. I could have forced him to carry on but that wouldn't have been right, I also know what next two people will be on that list. We went to bed around 2am, still Morgan and Toby wasn't back, I was growing worried but I knew if something happened I would have heard about it. Waking up this morning alone was weird, for the last few weeks I've had Toby waking up beside me. But it did mean that I could get up bright and early and start work, the list of victims will be finished in less than an hour so we could get on with more work. It was around 6am when I walk into the main room, Brandon, Julian and Lukas were already there waiting, but no Morgan. I walk over to his desk slightly where it does calm me, his gun was sat in his draw which meant he and Toby arrived safe last night. "I heard Toby walking to bed around 4am, so he won't be awake
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Chapter Twenty-Four
Toby was soon close behind me as we both walk back into the main room, Morgan was still looking over at the wall of victims with Julian and Brandon. "Hey Taylor, we need that clever brain of yours" he says without turning around to look at me, I send a smile to Toby who as I pass smacks my butt before I making my way over to join the guys at the board "just look for something, maybe a pattern" he tells me moving aside so I could look, where my eyes begin to scan the board. I go from each victim just taking all the little details in, where they were found, when they were found, how did he beat them and what was left. Wait, what was left? I get closer looking at the details from what was left behind, something I never really payed any attention to in the past. "I know that face, your clever brain is starting to work" Morgan smiles from beside me as I start comparing things, than it comes to me. "I think I've got it, I don't know what the it is b
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Chapter Twenty-Five
A few hours go by until I'm fully ready for the dinner, I don't get to dress up that often due to my work so when the opportunity arises, you know I go all out. As it was more of a fancy dinner, I wore a red silky dress with a slit up the side, I paired the dress with a pair of silver high heels and a pair of stud earrings. I take a look at myself in the mirror and smile, I look and feel like a normal girl. I know how that sounds but I'm surrounded by men all the time, not that there's anything wrong with that because I love my job and the people I work with. But I guess there's just sometimes I wanna feel normal, I take one more look at myself before grabbing my key card and leaving my room. I make my way down the hall, the noise from my heels filling the little space. A few years ago if I tried to walk in these, I probably would have fell flat on my face. Riley and I had to go undercover about a year ago, when we were preparing they all had a laugh that I looked like a p
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Chapter Twenty-Six
I drove the first half of the way so Toby wouldn't know where the alliance was, it was crazy the amount of times Toby's been out of the alliance and he still hasn't got a clue where it is. I pull up just before we reach the place so Toby could take over, people might asks questions if they see me driving into the fancy dinner and not Toby. Honestly, I was happy he took over as I haven't fully mastered how to drive in heels yet. We soon spot a bunch of cars lining up to go into a huge mansion, this must be place and woah there's gonna be a lot of people there! The mansion was very elegant, it was huge with lights going around each window, people in even posher outfits walking around. Down in the front entrance were valets, that would open the door to the Alpha who would run around and open his mates door. The queue was rather long but was going quickly, as I take a closer look I see a man checking the women's necks before they walk in. "They're checking for marks"
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Chapter Twenty-Seven
I thought the outside of this huge mansion was elegant, it does not compare to how fancy the inside looked, whoever owns this place is really rolling in the money. Toby continues to lead me further into the building, many people were stood around in fancy clothes, drinking fancy drinks, probably talking about fancy things. This place was packed with people everywhere, it reminded me of the lunch hall back at the alliance I avoid like the plague. We soon arrive in a gigantic ballroom, the walls were gold with balconies up the top. This place was even louder than the halls we just walked down, this is gonna be fun, eye freakin' roll. "Are my eyes deceiving me, Toby?" A man just across the room says astonished, Toby stops in his tracks looking over at the man with a smile on his face "you're the last person I thought I'd see here" he smiles as we walk over and stand beside him and who I'm guessing is his mate. He wore a black suit, with his hair slicked back so it w
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Chapter Twenty-Eight
I remain as quiet as I can, I couldn't let whoever this dude was find me here! He pulls something out of the draw before leaving the room once again, I looked in all the draws and they were completely empty, apart from a document about the rent, why would he need that? "They're about to start a speech at the front, where are you?" Toby asks snapping me out of my questioning thoughts, I did need to hear whatever speech they were gonna give. I crawl back from under the desk and stand up straight, I fix my dress and hair before walking towards the door of the office. I slowly open the door to make sure the dude wasn't still out there, I stick my head out first looking both ways to see both hallways clear. I quickly leave the office and make my way down the hall and towards the stairs but before I could make it, someone takes ahold of my arm and stops me. "What are you doing up here?" A man asks me, he held my arm in such a tight grip that it was starting t
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Chapter Twenty-Nine
I had two of the men pulling them along, Denton being one of them. For the whole way outside, he just kept saying how this wasn't the end for M.S.P and there was a bigger boss who will continue with his work, does he think he's in some kind of movie? Even as the trucks to take them to the alliance came into view, he didn't shut up. Even some of the people outside were getting arrested, so this was one big plan! "You people think it's over" Denton continues as I put the cuffs around his ankles, waist and hands, just like what we did with Toby "I don't know how you found me this time, but you aren't finding him-" he starts to rant but Morgan places the sack on his head, before throwing him into the back of the van. "Finally, it's like that dude likes the sound of his own voice" I say before cuffing the rest of the guys, one by one they're thrown into the back of the van with Denton. "Are you okay?" Morgan asks as I bolt the heavy duty lock to the back of
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Chapter Thirty
It was a few days after the explosion, I'm totally fine maybe my arms are a little sore but that's it. But annoyingly, Morgan said I need a few days off which at first I thought he was joking, but no I've been off for two days! He was gonna keep me off for longer but I begged him last night, which he finally agreed to. Toby has been by my side every second, he wouldn't leave me alone to even go to the toilet, let's just say our relationship has got closer due to that. He didn't like the idea of me going back to work so soon either, but I need to be here not laying in bed all day. He went back to his room to get some things, while I made my way alone to the main room. I didn't think I would ever miss this corridor, but it was bringing a happy tear to my eye as I make my way down. I scan my key card opening the door up, all eyes go to me as I walk in. Brandon, Julian and Morgan were all sat in the room waiting. "Taylor!" Brandon exclaims running over to me, he's a
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