All Chapters of The Case Of The Alpha: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
59 Chapters
Chapter Forty-One
I've never seen Brandon drive like this before, he was zipping us around corners so quickly that I thought the car would tip over. I didn't complain though, because of the annoying rouges back at that place, we were about two minutes late. I know that didn't seem like that many minutes, but when it comes to Richard, every minute counts. I didn't have a clue what we're about to pull into, but also I did have a little suspicion, yes I know I'm contradicting myself there. Over the years we've become familiar with the way in which Richard likes to operate, but there's been times when he's just hit the ball so far out of the park that we have no idea where it came from. Take for instance the threats on Lukas, when we learnt that he was operating outside his normal location between the two packs, we were absolutely stumped on what the heck was going on. It's now we know what we know, the picture has become more clearer over time. Hopefully my assumptions about his next steps are
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Chapter Forty-Two
Half an hour later, I was sat on the step of a medic van after getting looked at. The medic had wrapped up my hand that was cut with the glass, apparently I was lucky that I dropped the piece of glass when I did. They also gave me some oxygen to help me stop coughing, even though I told them I didn't want or need it. I look around the car park of the factory, people were still trying to put the fire out but you could tell they were struggling. Why is it that people either want to attack me or set a building I enter on fire? Do I just have that affect on people?Brandon was talking on the phone with Morgan which left me alone for a little awhile, Morgan was on his way but kept being held up by the director or other agents needing him to sign things. I soon remember the note that was in my back pocket, I hadn't had a chance to read it yet. I stand up slightly pulling the little note out, it read "Dearest Taylor, I just knew you'd be able to figure out what
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Chapter Forty-Three
I woke up in bed a little disorientated and mega confused, I remember driving home in the car with Morgan and then that's it. My normal brain starts to work telling me I probably fell asleep and instead of waking me up, I was carried here to bed. I look over and see Toby fast asleep beside, I was so busy yesterday that I didn't get to see him even once. This is just a glimpse of what life's gonna be like if I decide to stay here, unknowing of the next time I'll get to see my mate.I little sigh escapes my lips as I sit up slightly, rubbing my eyes I turn to the clock, seriously it's 2am! Why can't I have a normal sleep schedule?! I debate whether to try and fall back to sleep, but something sitting on the floor catches my eye. The black rucksack from Richards was sitting on the ground, who would have carried that in from the boot? I even forgot it was there if I'm being honest.I carefully and slowly move Toby's hand from around me, once I was free I slide out of b
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Chapter Forty-Four
I soon arrive at the door of the main room, the lights were on which tells me Morgan was already waiting for me there. I scan my keycard the door immediately, unlocking. I push my back against the door to open it, the boxes still taking up my arms. Morgan was sat at his desk waiting for me, but turns when I walk in smiling. "How do you know?" I ask walking into the room, hearing the door close behind me, he just rises from his chair with a smile. "I know you Taylor, I just sensed that you'd be awake right now" he smiles where his eyes soon land on the boxes that were in my arms, I walk over to one of the tables gently placing them down. "I found these at Richards place yesterday, they caught my eye immediately, for good reason" I say turning the boxes around so he could read the front "they were under his bed in a suitcase, these were the most looked after thing in that whole house, read the names" I tell him stepping back at little, he glances at me sl
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Chapter Forty-Five
I woke up a little late for me, Toby was actually the one to wake me up worried something was wrong. I assure him I was fine before getting my butt in gear, we had so much work we needed to get done today. What was plain on my agenda was to track my mum down, only problem was I had no idea how. Toby and I walk together to the main room, which also doesn't happen a lot either. The whole way he kept asking if I was okay, I was trying not to act off but it was hard when I learnt what I did last night, could my mum be helping Richard? Once we make it to the main room, the whole team and Lukas were already there waiting. I send them all a little smile before walking straight to Brandon, he was the only person I could think of that could help me. "What is it that you want my area expertise to help you with?" He asks before I even sat down, I smile taking my seat beside him handing the name of my mother. He immediately, begins to type away on his laptop hackin
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Chapter Forty-Six
I was soon walking back to the main room, Toby wouldn't let me leave until I told him he owned me, it took a lot of persuading on his part, that's all I'm gonna say. He did leave the room with me but we saw Lukas on the way, he was heading to the gym to burn some iron, or that's what he said anyway. He asked Toby if he wanted to join him which he agreed to, so that left me walking the halls by myself. This did give me some room to think about things, mostly about my family who are on the other side of the law. It's crazy to me that we've all took such different routes, they've became criminals and I've became the agent that is hunting them all down. If you would have told me a year ago this is who I'd be hunting down, I wouldn't have even known how to respond. But now I'm here living it, it's insane to me. I was soon scanning my key card and walking back into the main room, Morgan was over with Brandon having a conversation. While Julian's huge pile of papers fal
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Chapter Forty-Seven
It was late the next day, the day of my dreaded party. Most people would be happy that their job is throwing them a party, while I am insanely grateful for everyone taking time out of their lives to celebrate my achievements, I just hate the attention. It's also the night I'm gonna have to arrest my family, something that seemed great at the start but after seeing that video, I didn't know anymore. The whole day was spent with us going over plans, there were many different options but we finally settled on one. After Morgan does the speech for me, I'm gonna be scanning the party to see if my family turned up. If I find them, I am to go over first and start having a chat with them just acting normal. When I'm ready, I will start saying the normal things I would when arresting people, which will alert the team and they'll run over to help me. In hindsight that seems like a simple enough plan, but I didn't know if I'd be able to handle it emotionally, it's been a weird few months.
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Chapter Forty-Eight
After a few more tears and me having to fix my makeup, we were walking down the hall on the way to see the team. I was so nervous about the next few hours ahead of us, Toby assumed it was just because of the party I was feeling this way. Morgan doesn't want the little fact of us inviting my family, or the plan of us arresting them to get out to anyone who isn't in our team. He thinks that will just have everyone on edge so it won't look like a normal party, which will just make my family see all the red flags and will probably leave. It did suck that I couldn't talk to Toby about my nervous fears over arresting my family, but I knew I couldn't jeopardise the whole of the plan, unfortunately.We soon meet the rest of the team at the exit door to the building, even Cooper was standing there waiting. He isn't a main member of our team but works on the documents and files, which is why he knew about Lukas and Toby arriving without clearance. "Taylor, you did not disap
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Chapter Forty-Nine
Morgan and I both walk off stage together, it was really nice of him to say all of what he did. I'm kind of glad he didn't let me read the speech beforehand, I would have spoiled how great it was gonna be. Now the speech was over, it was go time. Toby told me he just needed to use the bathroom, which left me alone to get the job done, thankfully, I wouldn't have to try and explain the situation away if he asked. I began to weave through the crowd, every now and then someone would stop to talk to me, I would have to smile and be polite but in my head, all I was looking around for was my family. I had just finished my first lap of the ballroom, when my eyes go to the outside patio door. As I take a look through I see Jasmine sending me a huge wave, I think I just found them. I take a look to Morgan who was still stood by the stage, I lock eyes with him for a second he immediately, knew where I was about to go. He sends me a nod and a smile before I walk over to the door, to
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Chapter Fifty
My family were carted away kicking and screaming, mostly rude comments sent my way. I would just smile and wave them goodbye, like anything a criminal says towards me is gonna affect my day in anyway. The only people in my family who were still sat in what was left of the hedge, was my father and his brother Dominic, they weren't going down without a fight but they were definitely getting one back.Stood by the patio doors of the mansion were, the Director, Morgan and Toby. All of them looking my way, isn't great when you know people are talking about you but you have no idea what is being said. I finish my conversation with Brandon before making my way over to where all of them stood. "Well this has been an explosive party, but I wouldn't expect anything less from you Miss Westlake" the director smiles as I bow my head a little in respect, I'm glad she wasn't mad about the whole secret operation we had going on right under her nose thing "the way you handled your
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