All Chapters of Their Hybrid's Revenge: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
65 Chapters
Chapter 11
Rose POV Death is nothing like I have imagined it to be. At first it was nothing but darkness and complete silence. After what seemed to be an eternity, I started to hear muffled noise. What is that sound? Where am I? I started to panic and praying to the moon goddess that I am still not at Blackforest. After what happened between Jackie, Alpha Damien, and myself, I knew they were going to torture me until they kill me. I replayed the incident in my head over and over again trying to figure out who the other guy was that pulled Jackie away from me. Maybe he is Alpha Damien's beta. When I heard his voice it made my stomach do flips. I'm so mad at Jackie because if my eyes wouldn't of been swollen shut I could have seen the face of the angelic voice that I craved to hear again. Why can't anything ever go right in my life? What did I do to make the moon goddess hate me so much? I always dreamed when I died I would be with my parents once again. I ran around in t
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Chapter 12
Rose POV Their voices faded away as I slipped into darkness again. This is the most at peace I have ever been. I wondered around looking for any sign of life. I knew it was a long shot, but at least I can honestly say that I died trying. I fought my way through all the damage of the last ten years. I may be everything they say am I but I'm not a quitter. I sat down and prayed to the moon goddess to help me or show me the way back to my body, dead or alive.  As I was consumed by my thoughts, a cold breeze ran down my spine making me shiver. I lifted my head up to see where the breeze was coming from and standing in front of me is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Her long blonde hair flowed down her back in waves. She wore a pure white dress that hugged her curves in the right places. She has a soft, warm golden glow around her. Is she the moon goddess? "Why yes, I am my child. I have come to talk to you about a few things." She said as she c
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Chapter 13
Jackson POV A week has passed and Rose still hasn't woken up. The IV fluids have helped flush the high amounts of wolfsbane and mercury in her system. Dr. Monroe has been giving her IV nutrition and her coloring has pinked up a lot. All of the bruises covering her body were healing at a fast rate. We still don't know why she hasn't woken up. I was pacing around the room when Dr. Monroe came in. "Good morning beta. How is she doing?" She asked me. "She still hasn't moved an inch or shown any signs that she is going to wake up." I told her defeatedly. "I came to take some blood and check her vitals. I'm going going to increase her nutrition to wide open. I had to start off slow or it would shock her system." She said before walking over to the bed. I stood at the end of the bed so I wasn't in her way. I watched closely as she checked Rose's temperature and her blood pressure. I let out a small growl when she lifted Rose's nightgown to check on h
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Chapter 14
Damien POV When I walked into the office this morning I wasn't expecting my security and software programming team to be waiting in my office. If they are waiting for me in my office, I knew it was something serious. What I wasn't expecting was to be told someone planted a bug in our security systems.  "What did they take from the building?" I asked them as calmly as I can. "I'm sorry sir, it seems they looped security footage from outside the building to get into our server room." Head of security Jim spoke. "Why would they want in the server room?" I asked afraid of the answer. A lump was starting to grow in my throat. "It seems they took all of the files on you and your family and beta Jackson and his family." He said my leader software programmer Stan. There was regret in his tone. "What files?" I growled out. If they took the files I think they did, Jackson and his parents are not safe. "They took the files from the p
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Chapter 15
Rose POV The look on Damien's and Jackson's faces confused me. Has the moon goddess  never spoke to them. I furrowed my brows and slightly tilted my head to the side and watched them. I watched as their eyes glazed over, they were mindlinking.  "What do you mean were the ones the moon goddess told you about?" Damien asked. I looked away from him. Can I trust them to tell them? She told me to open up to them. "You can trust us. It will stay between the three of us." Jackson spoke. The looks in their eyes told me I could trust them. My heart wants to tell them but my mind says to stay away. "I know you have had a hard life. If I could take it all away I would. You can tell us anything. You are ours to love and protect, we will never let anything happen to you again." Damien said. I could hear the pleading in his voice. It did things to my heart that scare me. "You can trust them love, they won't hurt you." A female voice said.
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Chapter 16
Maximus POV   I took three days to myself locked in my office away from everyone to form a plan and a backup plan to get Rose back. My main plan is to have a witch mask my scent and blend me in with the shadows so Moonlight's warriors don't catch me. I plan to have her go with me so once I have Rose back in my hands again, I'm going to have her portal us out.  There is no way we will have enough time to perform the spells on Rose that I want to be used on me. I just have to make sure I catch her when she's alone. Maybe I can offer some rogues a place in my pack if they run along the border of Damien's territory furthest from the packhouse. I opened the top middle drawer of my mahogany desk looking for the key that goes to a compartment that is inside the bottom right drawer. I finally found it after I stabbed myself with thumb tacts multiple times. I need to clean this out one day. Nothing is the same without Rose being here to clean everyth
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Chapter 17
Damien POV I tried so hard to keep Ace under control while Rose was talking to her wolf for the first time ever, but when she started talking about her abuse, my control started to slip. I lost complete of him when Rose started yelling at her wolf. "The moon goddess told me the same thing. To open up to them. Let them show me what love is. But how do I know they are different?" She yelled. Ace let out a thunderous and murderous growl.  Ace shoved me to the back of my head. He's trembling tremendously and I fought against him so he doesn't fully turn. I peered through his eyes to see Rose shaking and crying. She was trying to climb up the bed and away from us but the headboard stopped her.  "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry!" Rose started screaming at me as tears flowed freely down her face. My heart broke seeing her like this. I never wanted her to be afraid of me. Ace was too blind with rage, that he wasn't seeing what he is doing to her.
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Chapter 18
Jackson POV When Jewels came forward I was expecting her to be scared like Rose. I underestimated her by hundreds of miles. Jewels has a very blunt and straightforward personality with an I don’t care attitude. The way Jewels stalked toward Damien had me worried, she had a glint in her eye that had me convinced she was going to kill him. I was torn between protecting my alpha and saving my mate from herself. I got lucky when she stopped right in front of Damien and turned to talk to both of us. When Jewels said Rose wanted to stay in the darkness and die, My heart sank and shattered into a million pieces, but I couldn't blame her at the same time. I would want to die to finally be at peace if I lived through nothing but extreme pain and loneliness for 10 years straight. Yet, I still couldn't help but be hurt. Rose knew she had found us and still didn't want to stay for us. Nothing could have crushed my heart and soul more than hearing that. I was not completely surprised when Jewe
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Chapter 19
Damien POV I would be lying if said Jewels' underlining threat that she will protect Rose from her mates, didn't hit a nerve. I would never do anything to hurt Rose, but I understand where she is coming from given Rose's past. I wish I could torture everyone that has laid a finger on her, especially Maximus. Jewels' spit-fire attitude blew my mind, she is the complete opposite of Rose. It makes me wonder who Rose really is underneath her scars and trauma. Just when I thought Jewels couldn't hurt me anymore than I already was, she told us that she saw all of Rose's memories when she woke up. I knew it was bad from the scars that covered her body but it really hit me when Jewels said even she doesn't know how Rose fought through it and stayed alive. That's when I felt my control on Ace start to slip. Ace's anger is strong and intense as a hot poker being heated well beyond the right temperature. He became lost in a trance on all the ways he could torture and killed everyone that eve
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Chapter 20
Damien POV I let Ace take over complete control. My anger fueled his determination to get to the south border as fast as he could. Grass and dirt were flying through the air behind us as Ace's claws dug into the ground. We weaved in and out of the thick trees that surrounded our village. I was two minutes from the border when the snarls of fighting could be heard, singing through the forest. I pushed Ace to run faster and harder. I broke out of the tree line and the fight in front of me had me stunned for a second. Rogues were attacking my warriors with a speed that is not normal for a rogue, or even a sane wolf. Their moves almost seemed like they were calculated. I snapped out of my thoughts and jumped into the fight. I pounded onto a dirt brown rogue and bit down on the back of his neck, ripping him off one of my warriors, Zeek, and threw him against a tree. I looked back at Zeek and he gave me a small nod before tearing into the throat of another rogue. I turned around to fini
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