All Chapters of Their Hybrid's Revenge: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
65 Chapters
Chapter 21
Jackson POVThe rogue attack has Martel and Dexter on edge. We know Alpha Maximus is behind it and he's been messing around with witches. He knows he can't take us down on his own, but I never would have thought he would get caught up with witches. "Why would he be after your guys' mates?" Darius asked with confusion."We share a mate." Damien said as he intertwined his fingers together in front of him."How? I mean no disrespect, but it's almost unheard of for two wolves to share a mate." Darius said with obvious confusion. I could tell he really didn't mean any disrespect.Damien looked at me for my approval to tell him the whole story. I gave him a nod and he went into the story. I know I can trust Darius to keep my secret, but it also makes me uneasy that another person knows about me and especially about Rose. It took almost an hour and a half for Damien to get through everything. Darius sat on the couch intentively listening and clingy to every word Damien said. "I understand
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Chapter 22
Rose POV I woke up the next morning feeling the best I have in a long time. I don't feel completely better yet, just better than I have before. My muscles ache and feel like jello. I stretched the best I could with the soreness and laid there for a minute. Why do I feel so good? The sun beating down on my skin, warming it, was amazing. I never got to spend time in the sun. Panic started to settle over me when I realized I had way overslept and was late for my duties. I jumped off the comfortable bed I was laying and a weird black fog filled my head. I felt the ground coming towards me when out of nowhere someone caught me. Sparks started delightfully snaking across my body. "Whoa there, where are you running off to in such a hurry?" A deep voice sang through my ears. "I know I am late on my duties. They will all be done before nightfall." I automatically blurted out. "Rose, you don't have any duties to do, things are different now. You need to get back into bed. You ripped out yo
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Chapter 23
Rose POVI woke up the next morning sweating. Why am I so hot? I went to rub the sleep out of my eyes, but my arms were under what felt like a log. That's when memories of last night came flooding back to me. I can't believe I broke down like that in front of them. They are going to think I am weak and no one wants a weak mate."They do not think you are weak, everyone breaks at some point, some people even break down a couple of times throughout their lives. It's normal Rose, don't overthink last night." Jewels told me sympathetically."Jewels is right, you have seen how bad the ugly side of people can be. You kept on fighting to live when anybody else would have given up and willed themselves to die. If you are that worried about it then talk to them about it, tell them how you feel." Aria said with confidence."I'm scared they will tell me that I'm right." I told them as tears started to fall down the side of my face,"We know you are scared Rose, but you are a strong fighter. You
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Chapter 24
Rose POV I lay there frozen as Damien’s words played in my head over and over again. My brain was trying to process what my body already knew. Fear started to seep into me as I started to remember the horror stories of people's first shifts. I snuck out once to watch someone shift for the first time and I cried for them. Watched them whither around the ground in pain, for what felt like hours, as their bones popped and broke as they took the form of their wolf. The worst part to me was the sickening sound and sight of their skull breaking and forming a snout. I think the easiest part of the whole thing was them sprouting fur as their body changed. I heard a couple of girls talking once saying when their fur started to grow, it was a terrible itch that you can’t scratch, but it’s nothing compared to the breaking of your bones. Now it is my turn. I can’t do this. When my 17th birthday came around and I still hadn’t shifted, I thought I had no wolf. Alpha Maximus didn’t seem to be mad
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Chapter 25
Damien POVAce came forward with me when Rose made a comment about the beatings in Maximus’s basement. I wasn’t aware he even had a basement. Ace was trying so hard to take control of my body to kill Maximus right now. Just as o was about to lose to him, I looked at Rose and saw she was trying to calm herself down, Ace calmed down not wanting to upset her more. “Did you know he has a basement?” Jackson’s voice filled my head. “No, I had no idea. I don’t think anyone knows.” I told him truthfully. “I can only imagine what kind of stuff he uses when he beat her judging by her scars.“ he growled out. “We won’t know for sure until Rose tells us. We need to ask her about it and record it.” I told him angrily. “She won’t tell us if we record her telling us. I’m sure he has her petrified of what will happen to her if she tells anyone. No one knows about that basement, it’s meant to be a secret. “ Jackson said sadly. “That’s why she won’t know we are recording her.” I told him regretfull
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Chapter 26
!!!!!!!!!!TRIGGER WARNING!!!!!!! The next couple chapters contain abuse, blood, and SA! Read at your own accord. Rose POV "Before I start, do you guys need to record this or have someone here? That way you have some evidence to use against him." I asked looking between them. I could have sworn I saw guilt cross both their faces. "I can record it if you want, we don't need anyone here. But yes, we do, and having it on record will help a lot. No one is even aware he has a basement, he said when he became alpha he moved the holding cells to an above-ground building he had built." Damien said as he pulled his phone out. He had me confused about this building. "What building are you talking about? The cells are still in the basement, he just had more put in. That's where he takes everyone when he needs to blow off steam or needs a release." I said to him as I tried to swallow the bile that was threatening to spill out. "What do you mean but blowing off steam or needs a release? Rose,
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Chapter 27
Rose POV!!!!!!!TRIGGER WARNING SA!!!!!!!!I lost count after 20 of how many times he struck me. After what felt like hours, he finally stopped. My whole body felt like it was on fire. I lifted my head slightly to look down at my body and I was horrified by what I saw. There was not an inch of skin across the front of my body that was not split open. I let a tear escape my eye, these will turn into scars and my mate will never want me now. I laid my head back down on the table and blinked away the tears in my eyes before he could see them. "I see that tear, now we're getting somewhere," He said before he slowly licked the side of my face where it had fallen. "You know I love it when they cry." He whispered in my ear before walking to the other table.I fought the urge to vomit while he was licking the side of my face. His breath reeked of whiskey and cigarettes, that's all I could smell along with the strong scent of blood. I turned my head toward Alpha Maximus's direction t try to s
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Chapter 28
Maximus POVAfter Hazel left my office that night, she called and said doing a powerful spell right from the beginning would only trace the magic back to her. She suggested doing something small like casting a spell over some rogues to calculate and make their attacks faster. I asked her if there was any way to make it to where they had a set target to focus on, but she said it would be impossible without an item that belonged to the person.I told her I would check the blanket Rose used as a pillow for a lock or two of Rose's hair. As soon as we hung up, I got up from the chair at my desk and locked the door to my office then I walked over to the window and closed the black-out curtains so no one could see into my office. Absolutely no one knows about the small box-shaped hole under the rug that is in the middle of my office. I made it myself two months after I became alpha.I pulled the rug back and pushed on the floorboard gently and it instantly popped open. Inside is a small wood
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Chapter 29
Jackson POVThe whole time Rose was telling us what happened to her, she had a vacant look on her face. She was no longer Rose, just an empty shell of her. She was reliving one of the worst moments of her life. By the time she got to the middle of her story, she had tears rolling down her face. Rose never noticed because she was so lost inside her memory.I'm normally calm and collected, but hearing the things Maximus did to her had me shaking violently with anger. I want nothing more than to rip that disgusting, excuse of man limb from limb slowly and painfully. I want him to suffer just like he made Rose suffer. While I wanted to kill Max, I also wanted to pull Rose out of her head and hold her in my arms until all her pain and suffering were gone. I know that it will never happen because that is something she needs to do herself but I can try. I looked over at Damien to see how he was holding up and I was surprised at what I saw. He was sitting perfectly still, his breathing even
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Chapter 30
Rose POVI shot upright in bed as pain rippled through my entire body. I was drenched in sweat and my clothes were sticking to my body. A wave of nausea slammed into me like a tidal wave, I threw my body across a hard lump in the bed just in time to throw up on the floor. There was something off about the liquid I puked up. "Rose what's wrong?" Jackson asked with a groggy voice before he turned on the bedside lamp. "Oh, my goddess Rose!" He shouted as he shot up in bed holding on to my shoulders.At first, I didn't know what he was so worried about until I opened my eyes and saw the blood all over the floor. I realized then, that's what I threw up. Tears filled my eyes when another wave of nausea hit me and I violently threw up again. The pain got worse each time I threw up, after the fifth time, I stopped counting. I was becoming exhausted and on the verge of passing out. My hair was soaked from how much I was sweating. All of my bones hurt and I have the worst headache anyone coul
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