All Chapters of Dragons Trust: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
141 Chapters
Zuria's P.O.V
As planned we invited the guys over. Cain and Abel both decided to study engineering here. They are both good people, apart from being good with hearts of gold, they are also objectively attractive and wealthy in their own right. Although a minor hiccup is my friends taste and preferance..."Zoe. This here is Cain and this one is Abel. Guys this is my roommate and new friend Zoe.""Zoe, you are stunning.""Are you seeing anyone?""Guys behave. Sorry Zoe, they usually behave better than this.""It's fine... I find the dark headed one cute.""Hey Zoe. Sorry I'm late, I was stuck in the gymnasium doing everything apart from actual sport. Everyone assumes werewolves are ment to be constantly active it's just- oh sorry you have company."Something must of happened because who she considered the twins froze and their heartbeats elevated. She focused on each of the three's tumpping heart and assume they wolve are familiar or maybe thers more.
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Zoe's P.O.V
"Ah, that's better." The wolves shifted and ran off. Zuria assured me before she took off the same direction. Sometimes it hard to think that woman is actually blind especially when she's off to fight some demon or what not. Back to the hot as sin matter at hand. The guy dramatically dusted himself off, and the stomach overflowing with butterflies fluttered. "The name is Christian. I have been expecting you my Vita, what I did not expect you showing up with a dog up your heels though." Taylor bit the air at the guy with his teeth elongated gaze murdering the Christian guy. His unimpressed expression made her cross her arm in dismay. "How do you know me?"
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Christian's P.O.V
At last my fated and I are reunited, she's more beautiful up close. From the second I got a glimpse of her in a vision to this moment when she shows up in my world. A deep desire to claim, break and protect her woke a dark side that I immediately shot down.Beside her was perhaps a lover? He still wished to rip apart for he seeks to take what was mine. Perched in the tallest branch, he scoffed in disgust. Out of all the beings or at least at a bare minimum humans in the world she chose a damned dog.In a time black as day wolves were used as hunters alongside elementalist who murdered innocents. With them were wolfs with supernatural abilities used to hunt and kill aside from humans. Hunting with weapons to slow or temporarily paralyze the paranormal before they delivered the final blow, pathetic they never fought fair hence why everybody just fled. That's how the 'human' hunters got the upper hand especially in making my father a beast feared today.
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Loki's. P.O.V
I am a damn prince of hell. Ruler of the demons. I am an emperor of the highest underworlds dealings. A damned, a fallen, a demon, an angel. How dare a basic elementalist dare target king in his own kingdom?! This damned caramel semi curvasious beauty face hell without fear, he was in his demonic form and she did not even bat an eye. Her eyes are a cold almost lukewarm white, her plumped lips made- "Dammit!" He roared damaging the punching bag with more furious attacks. Donavon moved the punching bag an he roared pissed. His eyes much have scared him because they all immediately submitted to my fury. He transformed to his true form roaring in compete fury. He does not want fear or crave to have everyone bow down to him, fuck. He wants that challenge that tried to kill him, his wants the challenge that is to be hell's queen, he wants to own her.
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Zoe's P.O.V
"Zuria, are you really going to leave because-" "No. I have to speak to my fathers. I have never been exposed to demons like those before, I don't know what to make of this." "You have to admit that they are hot... Oh, sorry... The problem is that you walk, talk and fight with so much precision that I sometimes forget-" Instead of offending her she laughs packing a full bag. "Thank you. Zoe, be safe. I don't know what is happening here but I want you to protect yourself. Cain and Abel will help with your and Taylor's security."
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Zoe's P.O.V
"Yah. Whatever. You said you will tell me why exactly my mom wanted me to come here." Okay, I may have borrowed some of the attitude and bravery from Zuria and it is fitting given the circumstances. "You are my destined and your mother came to me because she wanted to be sure that you are going to be safe." The way he stared into my eyes, the was my heart skipped a beat and the way my entire being longed to be with's honestly scary because I believe him. Not just because he kept me safe from his own brother but because our relationship did not feel forced. "Who or what are the demons?" "What are going to do... Storm a capital?" "Those things murdered my entire family."
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Zuria's. P.O.V
Why did I challenge him to a death match? I don't know in normal circumstances if I would be able to fight such energy although I am confident that if I did... I wouldn't go down without kicking or screaming. Why did he protect me from his friends who clearly wanted to rip me apart? I mean their hatred at that moment was so palpable a blind person could see. Yet his wings engulfed me and I felt the soft hiss of pain he endured trying to protect me. Why the hell did I hesitate? I couldn't do it. I was so close to destroying the demon but my heart couldn't handle it. Even thinking of hurting him brings me more pain than it would cause the man. A hunter never hesitates, hesitation has killed many experienced hunters and somehow I am not part of the statistics. A demon spared my life after I unintentionally hurt him, insulted him, threatened him and almost assaulted him. My life was spared after I thought, promised and almost executed ending his pitiful existence.
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Zuria's P.O.V
"Listen up. All of you, pay attention. Today you will put you blindfolds on. As a hunter you must be able to fight without depending on your sight but other senses." I demonstrated by walking toward the bear shifter, his aura is thick which means his bulky of big. "Common big guy bring it." "I can't fight a woman." I faced the audience and turned my back on the guy and he seems to relax his defense. "Shifters can shapeshift, demons can lurk in the dark, vampires can manipulate, fae can put on a glammor spell and a woman can be Jezebel." With great speed I gripped his arm and with all the might she manage to drag him down... a dragger appeared in her hand and she rested the threat on his neck, calm and as collected as she should have been with that demon.
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Loki's. P.O.V
I always deal with the underground world because I know Christian won't be able to deal with all the evil in this world. That's the thing with the good guys, they always have someone who protects them from the darkness and Christian has me. Down here I am not one to be messed with, I did not have to transform to my true form for everyone to know that I am the dark lord of the night. Mess with me and my objectives are clear I will cheat, kill and destroy. I will leave a line of bodies but possess the souls, I burn destruction in my reign. Christian is not made for this life. His not meant to see the level of whickardness there is in the world he wants to find his mother and force her to be apart of it. The supernatuals are ruthless, the humans are evil, the angels are deceitful and the devils seek order as well as descipline. We are called monster but yet I'm here controlling the numbers of mafias and gangs, by all means necessary.
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Zoe's P.O.V
I don't know why in back here but I am drawn. I can not eat, sleep- yes his also in my dreams. Point is that something is calling her here, to him and she also curious why. "Zoe." I saw Loralei who smiled and hugged me. These demons I despised for attacking me and my friends, they are really nice by nature. Their protectiveness reminds me of me and my best friend. "Hey. Is Christian here?" "Yes his upstairs inside his room." I already knew he is here, I can somehow feel his presence. I guess I just wanted permission to go in or something, I nodded starting my search.
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