All Chapters of Different Breed of Witch: A Saraid Maddox Novel: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
83 Chapters
Chapter Ten
Wendy was feeling a bit sluggish, so she had asked Chase to take her home to his house. We would be undoubtedly causing a great deal of noise getting me trained for the fight that we knew was coming. We didn't know when, but we knew it would be soon. I walked Wendy to the door with instructions to call me when she had arrived at Chase's and again when she woke up. She waved me off with some non-sense about me being overly paranoid. Liam walked with me not to see them off but because at this point, we were not going to leave each other unless it was necessary. I hated the fact of Wendy leaving with him, but we weren't positive about anything right now and I didn't want to risk hurting her without knowing what was going on and having proof of it."You just got back so humor me and call me when you get to Chase's house and again when you wake up." She hugged me tightly and agreed.Liam clapped Chase on the back and winked, "I guess I'll see you soon friend. I turned the surve
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Chapter Eleven
"I think a shower sounds great right about now. Let's get Ava set up and secured in her room so she can get comfortable," I looked at Jax, "I suppose you want to get cleaned up as well?""Nah, I will wait until you get done. I don't want any unnecessary breaks in surveillance."I loved that about Jax. He was loyal and dedicated to a fault."I appreciate that," Liam offered. I was happy that their little dispute about my fragility was over.We walked back to the house together and separated once inside. Jax went straight to the surveillance monitors, while Liam and I showed Ava to her room, showing her where everything was along the way."We are literally two rooms away. If you feel unsafe for any reason, please yell as loud as you can."I replaced the current ward on her window with a more lethal one of my own creation. Anyone who tried to come through her window would be sliced open from limb to limb. I was serious when I promised someone my protection
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Chapter Twelve
Liam and I had just gotten our clothes on when we heard Jaxon screaming up to us from the bottom of the stairwell."Wendy's in trouble!"My body felt cold as the blood drained from my face. I ran toward the door and down the stairs."What happened?" I said as soon as I got halfway down the staircase."No time to talk, watch the cameras! I'm going to her."Jax all but flew out of the door. Liam grabbed me by the arm and we ran to the surveillance room. There was nothing there. Oh wait! There she is.The screen played the grisly scene before my eyes. Wendy ran naked, her wings completely exposed as she fled from the man she loved."I have to go to her. We have to help her Liam," I pleaded."I have to break my promise. I'm going with Jax. As soon as I leave, I need you ward the front door with the same spell that you put on Ava's room."I nodded my head in a hurry and followed him to the door. I made quick work of putting the new ward up and
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Chapter Thirteen
We had sent our package to Ireland over a week ago and there had been no communication or hint of Chase's return to us. Liam had been missing his comrade, but he tried his best to not let it show. I knew better, but I respected him enough to not make his thoughts common knowledge. Every day, at least a couple times a day I would try to locate Chase using a locator spell, but I was having no luck. Every now and again I would catch a glimpse of him, but it would disappear before I could nail down a location. That's how I knew he was still alive.We had determined that standard shipping was not going to be an option. Packages leaving and entering the country had to go through customs and we couldn't risk someone opening that box and finding the severed head. I had to send it out magically using a levitating spell."I don't know if she has even received the package yet. I don't know how long it takes for magical transport because it's never been done before." I explained to Ja
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Chapter Fourteen
Liam cleaned the wood from the bathroom floor as I held a cool washcloth over my eyes, to reduce the swelling from my endless rounds of tears."Go figure we fix one door and break another.""That would be our style, wouldn't it?"I watched as he finished getting the last couple of splinters up with his hands."I'm sorry again that I made you do that," I apologized."It wasn't your fault and now that we both know where we stand, we can and will move past this.""You're right, as usual.""Something tells me I shouldn't get used to hearing that."I stood on my toes and kissed his cheek, "Damn right you shouldn't."He laughed and playfully spanked me as I walked by him to get dressed into my training clothes.I stood in front of the mirror that hung on the door of the walk-in closet and looked at my reflection. My gray eyes had stood out against the pale complexion of my face. The dark of my hair now pulled up tightly in a ponytail seeme
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Chapter Fifteen
Jax sent a swift kick to my gut that doubled me over followed by an upper cut to the chin that sent me flying across the yard. I landed flat on my back and for a split second it felt like I couldn't breathe. Something in my ribcage had cracked. I heard it. I could sense Liam's panic as he started to run towards me."I'm ok," I yelled across the yard as I directed my magic to mend the fractured rib.I felt the warmth expand throughout my body as I stood to my feet. When I examined myself, all of my bruises had completely vanished, and my rib was healed."My healing magic must be getting stronger. I just healed all of my bruises and my fractured rib."I could feel Liam's relief as I cracked my neck and prepared myself to run at Jax. I pushed off and ran as fast as I could. I was quick thanks to being part vampire, but not as fast as Jax. If I didn't successfully perform this maneuver it was going to feel like I had collided with a semi. Jax was running at m
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Chapter Sixteen
"Such fitting weather for a funeral," I thought to myself as I stared out at the rain. With Wendy being a faerie, we couldn't hold a traditional human funeral, so Chase and Liam crafted a coffin for her with their own two hands. It was beautiful, fit for a Queen, and a thousand times better than the ones you could order at a funeral home. Her resting place would be in Liam's back yard, in a beautiful spot lining the woods. Chase couldn't bring himself to return home yet, so we thought it was best to put her to rest here.Jax and I had tended to cleaning her up and dressing her, working diligently to remove any remnants of the monster that killed her. Jax had taken me to the cottage yesterday to pick out something for her to be laid to rest in. It took me hours to find her favorite yellow dress that I had made for her.Jax had taken two pictures from her nightstand to have blown up so they could sit beside her casket. One was of her and Chase. He had dipped her back and she
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Chapter Seventeen
My heart was pounding and the muscles in my legs were screaming in protest, but I couldn't stop running. This was the toughest training session yet considering I was fighting three men with supernatural powers and one well aged witch. I stole a glance behind me to see Jax closing in."Faster!" I yelled to myself.I turned my attention forward and almost ran into Ava. She sent a spell that would have connected with my head had I not ducked out of the way in time. With the flick of my wrist I threw my magic at her and sent her to her knees. I spun around to face my attackers just as Jax had closed in on me. There was no time to think. His concrete hard fist was coming at me.I blocked one hit, now two, and sent him flying back with one swift kick to the sternum. I stepped quickly to the side to avoid the hit coming at my head from the left. This time from Liam."He sure got over his idea of taking it easy on me." I quietly noted.I blocked his hit and before I
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Chapter Eighteen
The drive home felt like it had taken twice as long as the drive there."I can't wait to get these shoes off," I said, cutting through the silence.He reached for my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. We pulled up to the gate and entered the pin to open it, so we could finish the drive to the house. Some of the lights were still on so I assumed Jax had taken over surveillance.We walked through the house to the surveillance room and were surprised to see Chase still watching the screens."Where's Jax?" I asked Chase.He turned to us and shrugged his shoulders and said, "I guess his date went well.""Ugh, eew!"Liam didn't bother to hide his chuckle. "I can take over, so you can go home and rest," Liam offered as he placed his hand on Chase's shoulder.I understood that we all have personal lives, but I was aggravated with Jax. Chase had just lost the love of his life and he promised to be back here to take over surveillance. I had never known
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Chapter Nineteen
The smell of coffee woke me from my slumber. I glanced at the clock on the bedside table and realized it was almost noon. I hated sleeping in past seven. I scanned the room and located my plush house robe on the chair and left the warmth of the bed to retrieve it. "Why is it so cold in here this morning?" I asked myself.The sounds of Liam and Chase's laughter traveled up through the floor and had gotten louder as I made my way through the hall and down the stairs."Good morning gorgeous, we are in the dining room." His voice was full of excitement."Okay, I'm a little cold this morning so I will join you after I get a cup of coffee."I rounded the corner at the bottom of the steps and made my way to the kitchen where I happened to see Ava washing dishes at the sink."Good morning, Ava," I greeted politely.I was pissed at her and Jax for their disappearing act last night, but I have a rule that no problems are to be handled without being properly caffe
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