Lahat ng Kabanata ng To Tempt My Stepbrother: Kabanata 131 - Kabanata 140
203 Kabanata
54 || Kiss and cuddle
Calum is home late. I haven’t stopped thinking about him since he asked me out of his office. Does he know about Jackson? I saw Jackson leave Calum’s office. Jackson asked to speak to me after school but I didn’t wait. I left with Amelia because Calum couldn’t be bothered about his girl. Faint footsteps break through my thoughts. I pull the cover over my head as the footsteps stop in front of Calum’s door. I’m in his room. The door opens and a light switch goes off. His steps slow. Something drops to the chair, I assume it’s his briefcase but I don’t check to confirm. The bed dips with his weight. I freeze, afraid to meet his gaze.He taps my knee. “Cathy?” “In here,” I reply from under the cover.“What’s up? How did you get in here?” I pull the cover to my chin and reply, “You gave me your keys, r
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55 || Cover
I frown at the picture on the laptop screen. In kind words, it’s ugly. I adjust the laptop on the pillow resting on my leg. Calum’s shoulder digs into mine as he awaits my final answer. “Nope,” I say.“No?” he replies. He taps a button on his keyboard and another picture appears. “How about this?” We are trying to pick out a picture for the cover of Calum’s upcoming single—Tangled sheets. I haven’t heard the final version. He claims it’s not ready. If he hadn’t looked so cute when he said it, I might not have believed him.“This is okay,” I say. It’s the picture of a girl but her face is hidden by the thick volume of her hair sprawled over the pillow. It depicts a line from the song’s refrain. Tangled hair spread over tangled sheets. “You don’t sound so happy with the choice. You don’t like it?” Calum says. He pulls the laptop to himself and scrolls through more pictures. “I think it’s okay. I don’t know. Scott likes the first.” “The ugly one?” I blurt out.Calum frowns. “It’s n
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56 || Girls day out
“Should we do it again?” Taylor asks. Rose shrugs. “I don’t know. Should we?”Four of us crowd Amelia’s bed, our heads almost butting as we try to glimpse the video Taylor created. Rose and I are in front of the camera while Amelia and Taylor work behind the scenes to make a TicToc video using the sound from Calum’s soon-to-be released single.That man didn’t release the whole song to him but he allowed me the chorus so I could do something with it. Somehow, he still doesn’t understand that I’m in this with him forever and for free. I love making videos on TicToc and he needs the promotion. It’s a win-win for both of us. “I think this works,” I say after a minute. “We can make more. Different variations,” Rose adds. I flash her a smile. They have been willing to help since I suggested it. “I like that idea,” I murmur.
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57 || Tonight, we are princesses
I press my fingers into Calum’s lower back. He groans into the pillow, tilts his head only a little to show me his sleepy face. His morning hair curls over his forehead, and my fingers brush them away. “Good morning, superstar.” “Morning, rockstar.” Calum laughs. I pull the cover over us and his arm drops to my waist. He breathes into my hair. I take all that he’s offering before he has to leave for London. “I’ll have to go soon,” he whispers. “Hmm.” I bury my face in his chest and draw a heart on his skin. I already miss him. “It’s a shame you won’t get to see my dress.” “You can put it on for me now.” I rest my jaw on his chest and whip my fingers through the scanty hair in the valley between his abs. “Nope.” His blues dim in disappointment but I don’t give in. “That’s your punishment, Cal.” “That’s it? You’re not mad?” he asks.I don’t stop tracing circles on his chest. I can’t be mad when it’s not his fault. “Well, I wish you would be there but what’s the point when I can’
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58 || Messy, in love, unafraid
“You’re not in London,” is the first thing I say. “Nope,” Calum replies. “Are you happy to see me? You don’t look so happy, Cathy.” I’m stunned into numbness that’s why I can’t react. Calum takes advantage of that to scoop me into his arms bridal style. I look up at him with a faint smile and he peers down at me with a grin. We are lost in our world as he chaperones me to Amelia’s beach house. Wait, where is Amelia? I look around but she’s nowhere to be found.“She will be back tomorrow before we leave,” he says to my unspoken question.“You two set me up,” I murmur. “I like it.” His chest rumbles with laughter, and my body purrs from the effect. I splay my fingers on his chest, tease the buttons on his button-up shirt without undoing any of them. This is the first time I’m seeing my boyfriend in a suit. Ryan and Lucien were also in suits. Calum sets me down to get the keys to the house. I loop my arm through his and lean my weight on him. He finally gets the door and we bundle i
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59 || Still here
I wake up in Calum’s arms. It’s a new day. A day that decides our fate. The boyfriend is still asleep, so I decide to wake him up in the best way possible. Going on my knees, I take his length into my mouth. His eyes flash open and I smile around his cock.“Good morning to you too,” he whispers. I’m unable to reply because Calum pushes my head down to take him in. His smell floods my senses. The taste of him is all I know. I suck him into an almost orgasm and rise up to guide his penis inside my wetness. “Fuck.” “Yeah,” I murmur in the same husky tone. “That’s what I want you to do to me, Cal.” Calum flips me under him, and thrusts. The bed screams under our weight and the force of it all. He laces our fingers above my head, eyes locked on mine as he spills his seeds into me. “Good morning,” I mumble. Calum laughs. He rolls over and returns to clean me up. I jump on his back, both of us naked as we saunter to the bathroom for a warm bath. We make love there. On the sink. In the l
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60 || I want Calum
It hurts. My head hurts.I peel an eye open and shut it immediately at the intensity of light that floods my vision. Seconds later, I try again. There’s someone on the seat beside my bed. Someone that’s not Calum. Where’s my baby? Dad rouses. He rubs the back of his hand over his eyes and stretches. I glare at him. I hate him. He shakes off my stare and tries to touch my forehead. I swat his hand. The walls are white. The place smells of bleach and antiseptic. I must be in the hospital.“Why am I here?” I ask. My hand lifts to my head, and I feel the bandage wrapped around my skull. My memory comes up blank. “What happened? Where’s Cal?” “You fell and hit your head,” he says. Dad crosses his arms on my bed. He’s careful not to touch me, so I don’t scream. “Are you okay?” Okay? Is this a joke? I tilt my head to look him squ
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61 || Calum
I have no phone, no laptop, and no car. I have nothing that can give a clue where Calum is. I don’t even know what day of the week it is. I’m not living, I’m existing until the first person cracks. Dad is giving me the silent treatment. He’s upset. How can he be upset when all I did was fall in love? I sit up, tilt my head this way, then that way and blink. My vision clears. I stare at the window. That’s all I do. But Calum hasn’t shown up. The door jiggles. The knob twists. I don’t move. I don’t open the door. “Catherine,” Dad calls out from outside. “Cathy.” He pounds on the door. I flop on my back and stare at the ceiling. The pounding on the door increases, and I place a pillow on my face to drown the sound. “Catherine.” “Go away,” I whisper in a voice I’m certain doesn’t reach him. I want to be left alone.
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62 || Gone
Home is where Calum is, so I wait behind. Not in the hospital because I’m not wanted there, but outside in Dad’s car. My fingers strum the steering wheel, and my phone vibrates with texts and calls from Dad. I don’t pick. I can’t.I can’t tell him he’s right. That it’s just us now.Hours roll by as I sit in the car and wait with my stomach gnawing in hunger. I know when Dani leaves. I see her, and she sees me, but we don’t speak. An hour after she’s gone and I can’t endure the suspense anymore, I storm into the clinic. They cannot kick me out when I’ve done nothing wrong. Dad hit him, not me. Thankfully, another lady is on duty. My face is set behind a mask of indifference as I approach the counter. I cough into my palm. “Hi. I’m here for Calum Dissick.” “Gone,” she says without looking up at me. “I’m sorry, wha
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63 || You are here
My eyes flutter open. Two things are evident. One, I’m not in Dad’s arms. I’m on my bed. Two, I’m not alone. Is Calum here? He came for me? I blink rapidly, my vision clears, and the person on my bed smiles. “You came. You are here,” I tell her. Amelia is not Calum but she’s a welcome face. She nods, her hand reaches up to cup my cheek. I move in so we are almost touching. “You didn’t have to come, Amelia Greene”“I had to. It’s what he would have wanted. And you didn’t sound so good the last time.” Because I didn’t feel good. I tug her pillow towards me to share it with her. She stretches the corners of my lips till they move into a smile. Her brown eyes sparkle and I can’t help the laugh that escapes me.“Dad let you in?” I ask. Her reply is a small smile. “You guys are always setting me up.” “Because we
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