All Chapters of Moon's Betrayal: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
209 Chapters
Chapter 61
EMMA “You can say that again, doll. You handled it like you did this all the time. We’re highly impressed with our mate. Stop thinking that this is your fault. It’s Douchewad’s fault. Your father put this safety measure in place for this purpose. Now, why are they like me?” I ran my fingers through his hair, loving how it felt. I have always liked his hair. Shorter on the sides and longer on top. His hair had a slight natural wave to it, so it always looked messy but the type that looked like he styled it that way on purpose. My favorite was how it looked after sex. I loved anchoring my hands in his hair while we are together, just as much as I knew he loved having mine wrapped around his hand. It was one of many things we agreed on. Kai’s hands ran across my waist, giving me comfort from the sparks. It was pleasurable, but it also helped me center myself in reality and stay out of my head about Ezekiel. There were certainly many benefits to this mate-bond. “Ancient spirits were th
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Chapter 62
EMMA ‘Doesn’t matter. We stopped him. Now, we can get answers,’ I linked since it was painful to talk. I rested my head on Xander’s shoulder and truly looked at the rogue. I had seen rogues before. Ezekiel dealt with them quite a bit, so there were always some coming and going from Blacktree territory. This one, however, seemed different than them. ‘It was a coordinated attack meant as a diversion,’ I said. The rogue looked extremely confused. There was no malice in his eyes, but I did see pain there. It was a deep type of pain which often bred desperation. It was not exactly what I would expect from someone who wanted to attack us. Perhaps there was more at play here. Luxor bounded into the area and Johnson shifted before approaching us. He knelt down, thankfully hiding his manhood. Shifters did not care about nudity, but I was not eager to see my friends and squad nude. He took in the gashes on my face, and I watched as rage flashed across his face as well. The patrols stayed i
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Chapter 63
EMMA This was my first time visiting these cells. I was nervous but also curious to see them. The cells in every pack provided an important tool that protected the pack because it allowed for a safe location to house dangerous threats. The cells at Blacktree were dirty and disgusting, filled with mice and mold. From the beginning of his reign of terror, Ezekiel would throw me in them for days or weeks on end. He did not let me out even to go to the bathroom. It was incredibly degrading. But it never broke me. Many nightmares sprang from my time in those cells. The things they would do still haunted me from time to time. Hopefully one day it would no longer haunt me. I knew why I put up with everything that I did, but it was beginning to feel inconceivable that I used to be that girl. The punching bag, the slave, and the one who took beating after beating for a pack that did not care about her. What stopped me from hurting them back was how much the pack had meant to Papa. It was hi
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Chapter 64
EMMA He was not obligated to apologize but he did, and that meant a lot. I offered him a legitimate smile of appreciation. He was different than what I was expecting, but that was not a bad thing. “I’m sorry for attacking you back. What were you doing out there in the first place?” My question hit him hard. His shoulders began to shake as he clasped his necklace. He was not just uncomfortable, he was scared, but not scared of us. “Ezra, we can’t help you unless you place some trust in us. We don’t want to hurt you. This is a conversation between you and me. Does this have to do with Blacktree?” His eyes darted to mine. “I thought so. I’m assuming they sent you after me.” He looked away from me and nodded. His eyes were troubled when he looked back after a few moments. He held a lot of pain within himself, and I hated that. It was something that I knew we all understood better than most. Everyone in life had to deal with their own pains and sorrows. Unfortunately, ours held a lot o
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Chapter 65
EMMA “Thaddeus, Lucien,” I greeted, smiling at the guards as we approached the building again. They both looked happy that I remembered their names. They stood taller once they saw us before submitting themselves as well. I noticed that this pack desired to always show their best to their Alpha and now me by extension. When Xander took me to the clearing, he said that the wolves were showing off for me, trying to impress me. I wondered if these counterparts sensed what I was to become. Wolves typically had better intuition when it came to things like that. “Luna, Alpha,” they bowed their heads with smiles on their faces. ‘We knew you’d be the perfect Luna for us,’ Kai murmured happily. I blushed, remembering those words from earlier. ‘Doll, if you can keep your dirty thoughts under control, we’ll reward you,’ he promised. Fuck me. I reigned in every ounce of self-control I had. They both felt my determination, and I finally began feeling their emotions again. It was like a weight
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Chapter 66
EMMA Ezra took in all that I said and mulled it over. I felt his happiness towards my relationship with Xander, and I felt his hatred towards Ezekiel. Wait, how could I feel it? I shot a questioning look to Xander who was just watching our exchange carefully. Ezra patted my linked arm comfortingly before removing his hand. It was a very simple but genuine gesture. “You seem like you are a natural Luna. You showed compassion and patience when it was not necessary. You are also offering up a room in your packhouse. The way you speak to your people shows how much you care for them. These things are not taught. They are innate.” I smiled softly with his words. Hearing it from an outside opinion, one not tied to me at all, made me feel a bit better about how I was doing as Luna so far. We had yet to go through the official ceremony or anything yet, but everyone had already taken to addressing me and treating me as their Luna. The ceremony would link me to the pack, but I was still their
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Chapter 67
EMMA I did not have much time to take in and figure out how I felt about the whole bonding thing because I heard the front door close and hopped down from the counter. Ezra came around the corner, looking much different than even an hour ago. I wondered if that was how it was when I came here before I felt comfortable. There were times when my thoughts wondered what transpired between them saving me and me waking up in this territory. I just never asked because I could not bear see either of their faces when they told me. I could only imagine what Ezekiel and Heath said. “Johnson got them the food?” I asked. I forced my negative thoughts away and gave him a smile. I wanted him to feel comfortable and welcomed here. I needed to make sure he had everything he wanted. I believed Xander when he explained about the bonding, so that automatically made me feel responsible for him. Even if there had not been the bonding, I would still feel that way because Ezra deserved kindness. “Yes, Lu
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Chapter 68
EMMA Soft butterfly kisses danced along my skin. I sighed and leaned into the feeling. The kisses were whispers that sent sparks along my skin. So pleasant. “Time to wake up, my Luna,” lips whispered into the shell of my ear before nipping my earlobe. “No,” I whispered back, angling my neck for more of his kisses. No matter how much I got from them, I still felt starved afterwards. They always knew how to take care of me though. I never doubted that. What Kai wanted to try made me nervous, sure, but I trusted him. When I saw him holding back, it tugged at me because they should be able let go and fully enjoy themselves. I was sturdy. Honestly, it was the most incredible feeling to be filled with him like that. I opened my eyes to the most beautiful silver rings. “Morning, handsome,” I said. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. Our lips set an unhurried pace. It was soft, sweet, and very intimate. I owed Xander for switching us to the same room instead o
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Chapter 69
EMMA It took a few minutes, more like twenty minutes, to reign in my utter shock over the inheritance amount. One plus side was that I could now make very wise investments. I knew that Kurtis was Blood Moon’s resident expert on the stock market, so perhaps I could have him give me a few pointers and teach me how to manage large sums of money because I was determined that this money would benefit our pack as well as others in need. We had split up, and I shooed Xander off to get Ezra’s clothing and a few other things he might like. Xander seemed suspicious, but he placated me anyways. I knew he had a thing for first-edition books, and thankfully the order finally came in. It was a ten-book collection from his favorite authors. Kai helped me since I could not ensure Ethan would keep his trap shut and asking Xander would have been pointless in keeping it a surprise. I certainly owed Kai something big for this. I felt my cheeks heating, and Ethan’s laughter pulled me from my thoughts.
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Chapter 70
EMMA “Would you believe it’s only been about a week? It feels like a lifetime though. I guess that’s how the mate-bond works,” Sylvie said, her eyes dancing with devotion. Instead of the same devotion, Devon’s gaze was on me. He was obviously here to gather intel. What he was unaware of was that I had some forewarning and knew what was going on. “I’m glad that you also found your mate, Emma. When did you turn eighteen?” Devon asked. I looked up at Xander adoringly gave his hand a squeeze. I, however, did not have to fake the adoration. Xander and Kai were my world. Xander looked at me with unfiltered love in his copper orbs. “Actually, I’m seventeen,” I said, turning my attention back to Devon. Devon raised an eyebrow at my admission. If he was sent by Ezekiel, then he obviously knew my age. I really did not like this guy on principle alone, but he was dangerous, and it was taking all of my willpower to not jump over the table and end him right here and now. “Then how do you kno
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