All Chapters of Moon's Betrayal: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
209 Chapters
Chapter 71
EMMA I idly fiddled with an app on my phone until deep bass notes thumped softly throughout the truck. The steady beat washed through me, filling me with a steadiness of my own. Music always helped give me something to focus on so that my mind could filter the rest through the background. It split my attention so that I could compartmentalize without losing my shit. This tactic had been useful so far in life. My mind was often a mess and more so right now. It was filled with a million unanswered questions, so I needed all the help that I could get. Hearing my wolf’s voice and guidance filled me with excitement that not even the Devon situation could extinguish. I spent so many years thinking they had killed her, that I would never be whole. For shifters, the wolf was just as much part of us as we were – two halves that fit together to make one whole. After our first shift, they became part of us forever. They shared a mind with us and provided a special type of companionship. I rea
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Chapter 72
EMMA The night sky was darker than anything I had ever seen before. I looked up, expecting to see the moon or stars, but there was nothing. There was only pure darkness everywhere as I turned around in a full circle. Something about it made my blood feel like ice in my veins just like how I felt when the shadow and Devon touched me. It was the same type of blanketed darkness that was void of any light. Where was I? Everything felt so surreal. Brilliant hues of red, orange, and blue danced together in the distances, blending together like a flame atop a candle’s wick. The flame grew in size and blended perfectly as the hues swirled and danced around one another. It was beautiful. It was mesmerizing. I had never seen anything like it before. My eyes were transfixed on it. The flame had to be at least four feet tall. Its beauty entranced me, and I was unable to look away. It flew towards me at a blinding speed, but I felt no fear as it approached. Instead, a tranquil peace enveloped
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Chapter 73
EMMA Xander leaned up against the wall and held me in his lap. His fingers ran through my hair, comforting and soothing me. I felt gross from all the sweat on me, but his touch brought both physical and emotional relief. My head was leaning against his shoulder, and I looked up at him with a smile. I finally shifted, and he helped me through it. I was glad to have shared the experience with Xander and Kai despite how painful and weird it was. I should not be surprised whenever weird things happened to me because the odd and unexplained always seemed to follow me around. “My wolf’s name is Phoenix. Well, she’s the wolf spirit. She said that I was different because I’m both the human and the wolf,” I tried to explain, my brows furrowing. Was it possible for your wolf to be crazy? That would explain quite a bit. ‘Far from crazy,’ she snorted in my head. “Obviously, you must be crazy, Phoenix,” I muttered. I saw Xander’s amused smirk and realized I spoke out loud. That would take som
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Chapter 74
EMMA Somehow, I woke up before Xander. The clock said it was only 7:10 A.M. I got about four hours of sleep, but I felt very refreshed regardless. I looked down at my mate and smiled. His usual sexiness was there as always but the peacefulness on his face while he slept made him incredibly irresistible. He stood beside me despite every crazy thing that happened. It did not matter how out there everything was because he took it in stride and reminded me that we were in it together. Hopefully, we could get past this whole destiny thing soon so that we could just focus on being us. It took a few minutes to carefully untangle myself from Xander so that I did not wake him up. I pushed my pillow closer to him, so that he had my scent still and got dressed before heading down to make breakfast. Well, I supposed it was our scent since they merged together. I noticed that his had more of a sandalwood undertone while mine has more of a vanilla undertone though. We had fallen into a fairly go
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Chapter 75
EMMA The three of us spent time together throughout the day. We just talked and hung out. We even spent a couple of hours in the gym to allow me to work out some of my nerves and stress. They took turns training me, and I started sweating in no time. Xander had great pointers for hand-to-hand. He gave me a few new pointers on the best pressure points in human form. I nearly had him pinned before Kai shifted and threw me off-balance. Kai had me pinned underneath him when Xander shifted and began tickling the hell out of my sides. Then they were both asses who took turns tickling me by switching control. I called a truce before we tried to catch our breath between laughs. It was exactly what we needed. My mates were amazing. Despite this being hard on them too, they did what they could to make me more comfortable. I truly did not deserve them. “Food!” Ethan hollered from the hallway. Food sounded great. It was an early supper today because doing this rescue mission on a full stomach
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Chapter 76
EMMA ‘Do we need to link Ezra with the sigil as well to protect his mind?’ I asked Phoenix. ‘No. Ezra’s mind is already protected with his Witch heritage. He is from a very powerful lineage.’ Well, that bit of news was a reassurance. One thing at a time. We all met up in the living room to go over the plan one last time. I laid out the map once more. My eyes scanned it even though I knew every detail on it by heart. I just needed to reassure myself that I laid out every bit of information so I could think through contingency plans. Many things could go wrong, so I needed to be prepared for each one. I was an Alpha after all. As such, it was my duty to consider all possible outcomes. Was this worth the risk? Yes, it absolutely was. However, I had to ensure that I had enough back up plans so that I could improvise with a moment’s notice. “The entrance to the tunnel is right here. The code to enter is 16815514924.” I had them write the code on their forearms just in case they neede
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Chapter 77
EMMA Rachel looked torn about leaving me all alone, especially after coming to rescue her. Thankfully, she nodded and hurried away, following my instructions. I closed the door behind her softly, as to not alert them to my presence. They would not have known about the hidden entrance, but I could not take any risks in this. ‘Get to the basement. Rachel is coming down. Get out through the tunnels. I’m taking the long way home,’ I rushed out through the link. I slipped out of the pantry, hiding the way Rachel left. I darted down the corner hallway. I had only gotten halfway when loud shouts sounded from behind me. Presence known. Not the plan, but I could improvise. I needed to lure them away regardless to give my people time to make a clean getaway. I darted through the second door on the right which was the hallway bathroom. It led to my old bedroom which had its own exit. This was why I insisted on coming alone. I knew every inch of this place, and only I could accomplish this. T
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Chapter 78
EMMA The first thing I became aware of was being submerged in darkness. The last thing I remembered was Johnson carrying me across the border. We did it. We saved her. Ezra had his mate back. Not to mention that their unborn pup was also saved. “I can’t believe she did that,” Ethan hissed quietly, but anger laced his voice no matter how softly he spoke. I never heard him that pissed before, and now it was aimed at me apparently. I could not figure out why he was so pissed. We succeeded. The mission was a success. So, what was I missing? “Really, Ethan, you can’t? This is Emma. She will always run into the fire to save an innocent life. She knew the risks, she knew the rewards, and she made a choice,” Xander said, his voice ringing out with pride. He and Kai were both proud of me. I was fucking proud of myself too. Honestly, I was surprised that we were able to pull it off like we did. And without a hitch or almost without a hitch. I realized that I was not as horrible with missio
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Chapter 79
EMMA He glared at me and held up two fingers. I rolled my eyes, and his face broke out in a smile that actually met his eyes. “Pleasure doing business with you, sweets.” He laughed, finally letting himself realize that I was truly okay. He hugged me, and I stiffened in his arms the moment that he touched my back. He pulled away and apologized. “Ethan, shut up. I stiffened because of your aftershave, not because of anything else.” He smirked even though he saw right through it. “Why didn’t Phoenix heal you, love?” Xander asked, rubbing his hand over my arm. I relaxed into him further let the sparks work their wonder. I turned to Rachel and explained who Phoenix was and that we would fill her in on everything in a bit. It was a lot for someone to be introduced to, so I did not want to introduce everything to her at this exact moment because it should be about her reunion right now and nothing else. “Because she wasn’t supposed to be here yet. I should be fine for training in the
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Chapter 80
EMMA I woke up still on top of Xander, but he was wide awake and watching me sleep. I groaned and buried my head in his neck, inhaling his scent. I let it wash through me, waking me up and filling me with good vibes. “How long have you been up?” I mumbled against his neck. “Not long.” He chuckled which then vibrated through me since I was laying on his chest. It caused me to smile. I was glad to see him in this type of mood after the fucked-up night he had. “I highly doubt that,” I said, rolling my eyes. The amusement in his eyes told me that I was right. Waking up next to my mate was the most incredible feeling. Starting your day next to the most important person in your life and ending your day next to the most important person in your life was enough to erase the stress and worry from last night. I untangled my body from his and got out of bed, stretching away the soreness in my limbs. I was not in so much pain anymore, but I felt like I went two rounds with a bear-shifter and
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