All Chapters of Moon's Betrayal: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
209 Chapters
Chapter 91
EMMA ‘Waking up without you in bed isn’t my idea of fun, love.’ Even through the mindlink, I could tell he was pouting. The Alpha Xander that I got was just for me. Everyone else got the disciplined, tough, and unyielding Alpha. I was not complaining though because I loved both sides of him, but I coveted the one that was just for me. It was the same way that I got the sweet and gentle side of Alpha Kai. Likewise, they got the unfiltered and vulnerable me. We never had to hide from one another, and we were the only ones who got to truly see each other without barriers. ‘It’s not mine either,’ I replied honestly. I hated to do it, but I woke up with a nagging feeling, so I followed it. ‘I’m in the War Room. Why don’t you bring Ethan in right quick?’ I focused back on my task. I had been at this for an hour and found a lot of shit in that time. Bellamy mentioned that there were traitors in our pack. We found Devon, but he used plural instead of singular form. Phoenix agreed with my
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Chapter 92
EMMA Now, I sort of regretted that we put off the ceremony. There were bound to be others like Ashley that doubted who I was or if it was my rightful place. I did not owe them anything, but it would have made this a little easier. Or at least I thought it might have. ‘You must keep to the story you told Devon about how you knew you were mates before your birthday. Any of Ezekiel’s spies may be here. Also, you must protect against people saying you are not fated,’ Phoenix said. Well shit. Hopefully, I sounded convincing because this could go badly. I could not believe that I had to lie to my pack. I relayed Phoenix’s comment to my mates and Ethan. That way they would also be aware in case they had to talk about it. Johnson led a pissed off Ashley towards a single chair that was placed on the other side of the squad and far from me. Her wrists were bound by handcuffs. She said something too low for me to catch, causing Johnson to all but shove her into the chair. It had me curious ab
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Chapter 93
EMMA I was not sure what to expect with the trial, but I felt Marcus was extremely fair with his ruling. I knew that Xander and Kai wanted Ashley to suffer more because she attacked their mate, but Marcus had chosen a just punishment in my opinion. I knew that she would have been done for if there was actual damage. Plus, I was certain that Tyree would keep her quite busy. No doubt he would enact little punishments here or there as well. Both for her bitchiness and for his own amusement. I did not miss the look on her family’s faces as they watched me with guarded eyes. There was no doubt that they blamed me for the entire event. They watched me with the careful eyes of the lion who zeroed in on its prey. Either they were just pissed, or they were a threat. I was unsure which it was yet. We would just have to keep an eye on them. ‘Warrior, you need to trust me. Go with your mates and Shield to your room. Place a blood ward up. Hurry,’ Phoenix said once the trial ended, and everyone
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Chapter 94
EMMA Papa’s deep laugh filled the room. Goddess, it sounded the exact same. Despite the nature of the conversation, I had to smile hearing his laugh. My memories did not do it justice. It did make me wonder why he was laughing to Ethan’s question though. It was not necessarily a funny comment. “Nobody has ever found their way out of their dreamscape. She believes that it will be the perfect way to play with you, and the Moon will enjoy every moment of breaking you. However, nobody has had these souls that surround you right now, Emmaline. She does not know the full arsenal you have nor that you have me. She does not know the absolute truth of where you come from. You will understand tomorrow.” I wanted to scream in frustration and demand answers, but I refrained and acted like a big girl. As if sensing my train of thought, Papa came to kneel before me, placing his warm hands on mine. “Just remember that you must be convincing since you are to know none of what you do. You will get
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Chapter 95
EMMA I stood up and shook my fur off. I could not wrap my head around that Kai always felt this way when he was shifted. It was trippy for me, but it made me feel incredibly powerful. Like power-fucking-ful. ‘Do you always feel so powerful in wolf form?’ I asked, rubbing myself over him once more for good measure. He better still smell like me while I was gone. Even though our scents combined, there was still a slight undertone which pinpointed if it was mine or theirs. It was amazing that the sparks ran between us even through our fur. It was remarkable and addictive. He flashed me the wolf equivalent of a cocky grin. ‘Every fucking day, doll. Wolves are extremely powerful creatures. Alpha wolves have that power tenfold. You have a nice ass, by the way. It’s very biteable.’ He nipped my ass before rushing off back towards the packhouse. I growled at him and chased after him. We quickly made our way back, but we did it side-by-side. None of us were ready for what was about to happ
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Chapter 96
EMMA I dressed in a pair of black leggings and one of Xander’s shirts. I wanted to hold their scent with me for as long as I could. I also paired it with sneakers. It was not what I would consider formal attire for meeting a goddess, but I did not really care. I dressed for comfort instead of for image. Plus, she was a bitch, and I did not like bitches. Xander held me close as we walked back to the office. Before we opened the door, he pressed me up against the wall. He leaned down and pressed his forehead to mine. His eyes bore into me, and I felt like I was drowning. ‘You’re our everything. You’re our saving grace, our Luna, and our fucking Queen. After this, we’ll both show you just what you are to us. Go kick Selene’s ass into Hell.’ I leaned in and kissed my mark. ‘I’ll be back before you know it. Remember, you and Handsome still have to fully corrupt me,’ I giggled. Xander’s eyes darkened and knew he would keep that promise. I would gladly take any experience they
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Chapter 97
EMMA “Come on, bitch! Wake up!” she yelled before jumping onto the bed and making my sleep-deprived body bounce. “It’s already after 9,” the voice of my best friend whined. Freya knelt on the edge of my bed, repeatedly poking me with her manicured finger. I was never a morning person, so 9 A.M. was actually fairly early for me. The world should not begin before 10 A.M. anyways. Anyone who disagreed were just monsters. Plain and simple monsters. “Why are you poking me?” I yawned, stretching my arms above my head, and opening my eyes. I immediately closed them because she had the damn curtains already pulled open. I loved and hated her at the same time. Sometimes I was not even sure which side of that equation held more weight. “I wanted to see how long it took you to respond to something annoying.” She smiled triumphantly and poked me once more. “You should’ve stopped the moment you walked through the door.” I rolled my eyes, standing up and heading into my walk-in closet. Today
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Chapter 98
EMMA “Anything for you,” he said with a wink. He chuckled and moved it a little higher up my thigh. My heartbeat picked up drastically. It was pounding against my chest. This was not my Xander. My Xander would never hurt me, but this one very well might. “Xander, stop it,” I said, standing up quickly and moving away. I looked quickly to Kai who was laser-focused on Xander. It was like he knew this was not the right Xander. Oh, how I wished that was my Kai, but I knew I was alone here. Alone and fucking human. Xander stood up and crossed his arms. His eyes bore into me, making me want to shrink back, but I held firm. I was human, but that did not mean I would show weakness. I was an Alpha wolf after all, and this brief stint as a human did not erase that from me. “Because of him? You were all but throwing your body at me earlier. I don’t share what’s mine, Emma.” I was livid at this Xander and at Selene for making him this way. This was not my Xander because he would never act th
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Chapter 99
EMMA I pulled into the horseshoe driveway and parked underneath the shading tent. It ensured my car stayed cool for when I would get into it next. Hit me now. Kai laced his fingers with mine, for which I was glad because I missed him far too much. I missed Xander just as much, but I could not see him until we finished this up. So, we would do that as quickly as fucking possible. We walked up the steps, and I punched in the code to access the front door. I ushered Kai in who would not stop making shocked sounds as he explored my ridiculously large mansion. This place rivaled some packhouses. Our packhouse was larger, but that was still saying something. “Doll, I’ve got to say that these are pretty fancy digs. I know our packhouse is state-of-the-art, but however will you feel it’s nice enough after this?” I took a look around now that my head was cleared. The white marble flooring matched the white columns which separated the open floor plan. A large chandelier overhead probably co
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Chapter 100
EMMA I held up the white piece of paper. Scrawled on it was Papa’s handwriting. ‘Make a scene’ was all it said. “He’ll have to teach me how he does this one day,” I said, shaking my head. We finally had a clue on what to do. I felt relief wash through me and reenergize me. “Want to fill me in?” he asked, amused with my reaction. I turned around and hugged his waist. I smiled deviously up at him. “Papa wants us to make a scene tonight, and he’s right. Selene wanted me to go along with what happens, but it shows me the true intention of the dreamscape when I fight against it. Fighting against Xander showed me his true intentions. Standing up to Freya showed me her true intentions. By making a scene tonight, if I’m correct, it’ll help filter out what’s Selene’s puppeteering and what’s my own,” I explained. It made a lot of sense, and I was thankful to Papa for guiding us. Without his involvement, I would truly be trapped in here because I never would have known to go against the gra
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