บททั้งหมดของ Moon's Betrayal: บทที่ 111 - บทที่ 120
Chapter 111
EMMA I woke up to the most amazing sight – both of my mates. They were gazing at me with smiles on their faces. I would never be able to get over having them both here with me. Do not get me wrong. I was incredibly grateful to have Kai in any form that I could. However, having him here alongside Xander instead of them sharing control was something I would never take for granted. “Do I have something on my face?” I joked. They both littered my face with kisses. Nobody would believe that my Alphas were that way, but it was true. Only with me, but that was okay. I got to see a side of them that they showed to nobody else. It showed me how truly blessed I was. “Now you do,” they both said in unison. They smirked and hopped up from the bed. Kai decided that it was his turn to pick out my outfit because Xander did yesterday. This could go very badly. Thankfully, it did not. He chose a cute spaghetti strap sun dress that had an open back. I was curious to see how the scars were doing. Xa
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Chapter 112
ZANE Having Emmaline back in my life had been the most incredible thing. It was nearly impossible to let her go as a newborn, but there was no other option. Selene would have killed her immediately if she had known about her. I watched from the shadows as she was raised a Gaisreen. I had contacts who were able to keep an eye on her. Barachiel was the perfect teacher for her. He made her strong and unbreakable. To become Commander at the mere age of sixteen was the highest honor there was. She had always been strong and resilient. Then I got nine years with her in Blacktree before I had to leave. That was the hardest thing I ever had to do because I knew she would have to face uncertain horrors, and I could not watch out for her. Leonidas followed me into the office and sat at the desk. He was impressed with Emmaline just like everyone else. Her magic was very strong and had untapped potential. However, she also had a strong personality and did not waver in the face of uncertainty. T
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Chapter 113
KAI Xander and I were waiting for Doll to return. She took it upon herself to attempt negotiating with Zane about bringing the pack here. It had been her idea, and we were absolutely on board with it. All of us were worried about the pack even if no time had really passed there. It did not matter because those were our people. The two of us also saw this situation for the other factor that Doll would never voice. These were her people here even if she did not know them. That was why this negotiation needed to work. Xander was groomed from birth to one day take over the pack as Alpha. I was also groomed to take over once I entered the picture. The wolf counterparts were also taught how to rule over a pack. Protecting our pack was instinctual, but it required navigating politics as well. That part was not instinctual for us. Xander and I had always worked very well together though since we merged seamlessly from the moment I was awakened. Dad, as he insisted that I called him as well
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Chapter 114
EMMA “How about we go exploring a bit? I would love to see the gardens again.” I asked my boys. They agreed, so we got up from the floor. I certainly felt better after talking to them. I knew that I could not do this without them because they were the only thing keeping me from having a nervous breakdown right about now. They always gave me clarity and strength regardless of the problem. They were the absolutely best mates I could have ever been paired with. They were my entire completion. This kingdom was new to us all, so I would love to explore it in its entirety one day. Perhaps Papa could give us a tour soon. It looked like something from a picture book, so it made me insanely curious. I never imagined seeing such sights, and I was eager to begin learning about the inhabitants. My love of learning would aid me so much here. All of us were equally amazed by it all. “Luce.” It popped up bright and happy. I loved this orb and had become quite fond of it already. “Hello, Princess
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Chapter 115
EMMA That was fifty steps above what not to say. My anger burst out of me as I lunged at him. My wolf-form shifted mid-air. The spike of fear in Kestian’s eyes was rightfully earned. He tried to mask it, but I knew him all too well. I knew every single tell and weakness he had. He knew none of mine though because I never wanted him to. I had always been the master of controlling my emotions and reactions. It was not Blacktree that taught it to me. It was my time as a Gaisreen. Part of training was learning to withstand torture of all kinds and degrees. I had also been tortured by the Nokaura more times than I ever wanted to think about. They had no qualms about fileting skin from someone’s body. As such, I became the master at this. Kestian was puppy chow or about to be. He was about to learn to keep his damn mouth shut. I warned him more than once. The only thing that ever got through his thick skull was pain. I would make him hurt so much right now that he would learn not to fuck
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Chapter 116
EMMA “Princess, you have for visitors,” Luce announced as we were headed for breakfast, before bouncing off for the dining room. The smirks on all our faces matched one another. “You don’t think Asshat came back, do you?” Kai asked, putting his arm over my shoulders. “I don’t know. He’s a bit of a sore loser, so he won’t let yesterday slide. However, Barachiel would’ve already punished him. He’ll stand by my threat, as well. If Kestian goes against my wishes, therefore giving me a reason to end Kestian’s life, Barachiel won’t stand in my way.” Gaisreen had specific customs and rules to abide by. Even though I was no longer in command, I had not officially stepped down yet. Therefore, I was still Kestian’s superior. He openly challenged me, lost, and was warned against specific actions in the future. It was my choice on the punishment if he did not comply. My threat was not empty either. I would end him if he pulled that shit again. “I already like this Barachiel,” Xander said, pla
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Chapter 117
KAI “How?” I asked urgently. This was the first time that we could not get the veins under control. Doll was thrashing on the floor, but I was holding her as best I could. She was in so much pain, and it broke my heart. Tears fell from her eyes which were opened and focused on me, and I knew she was using me to be her anchor. I felt useless because I could not help her. I could not protect her from this. Zane grabbed a silver tipped knife and sliced down Doll’s hand. He sliced mine as well before he clasped them together and uttering words that I did not understand. A faint white glow encased our clasped hands. Her cries lightened, and the veins began receding. Doll’s cries stopped, so I pulled her onto my lap. I stroked her hair and held her to me while her breathing stabilized. I hated that she had to deal with this. It was not fair at all. Her eyes were still focused on me, so I sent her as much positive emotions as I could, and I felt her muscles begin to relax. Little by litt
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Chapter 118
EMMA It broke Papa when I told him what Selene had done to our species. It was her fault that Kai never had his own body before. Papa felt like he failed everyone, but he did not. I refused to allow him to place the blame on himself for the horrible things that she had done. The rest of the day was spent just relaxing and talking with Papa and Leonidas. They told us many tales of when they were younger and all the trouble they got into. Papa apparently had a wild side and would use his magic to pull pranks on his siblings. He was a child of five. He had two brothers and two sisters. He showed us memories of them when they were younger, and they all looked like him. You could obviously tell that they were related. It made me wonder about my…mother. Obviously I had to have one, but I was not sure that I was ready to take that leap into hearing what happened. She was not here, so either she hightailed it or died. I was not ready to know which one. I remembered Papa mentioning something
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Chapter 119
EMMA We walked down the hallway while I took in what Q said. He had a point, but it was not that simple in my mind. “That was different. I led those under my charge and protected them with my life. I haven’t really done anything for the Royal Guard.” Commander Frost scoffed at my words. I looked at him with an amused smile because not many people had been so normal with me from Aedrul. It was very welcomed. It made me feel normal again instead of this Royal Princess which had made me feel like a child playing dress up. “Apologies, Princess. We would gladly lay down our lives for you. It is the biggest honor to protect you. You have given our kingdom our freedom. Word has already gotten around about how well you treat your people. It is not different.” I had not really thought of it that way. I supposed it was no different than how a pack was set up. It also made me happy to know that I was making some positive impact. “My brother is right, Emma. You may be the King’s daughter,
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Chapter 120
EMMA I gave them a moment to take that in and digest it. It was a lot to wrap one’s head around. However, I knew that what was coming next would be even more difficult to understand. They looked around at each other before looking back at me with a complete loss of what to say. Trust me, I completely got that. I still had not fully wrapped my own head around it all. “That’s actually the easiest part to understand…Ethan can you by chance get some drinks? I think we could all use some.” Alcohol would make this so much easier because the rest would be painful for them to hear and understand once they realized who our enemy had been all along. I hated the truth for what it was. Selene was a sadistic bitch who never deserved people’s loyalty and devotion. Q chuckled and went to his bag in the corner bringing back two bottles of Casteano. My smile spread wide because that was my favorite drink while Xander, Kai, and Ethan preferred the Aedrul whiskey. “I am not Ethan, but I had a feelin
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