All Chapters of Moon's Betrayal: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
209 Chapters
Chapter 101
EMMA I turned around to see everyone watching the scene unfold. I blushed under their scrutiny, but I kept my head held high. I was not a snobby Princess, but I was a Princess. I was the Alpha Princess. I might not understand what all that entailed yet, but I definitely was it. I was also Luna Emma. I was a mate, a best friend, and a mentor to an awesome little dude. “We want to wish the birthday girl a happy one indeed,” the singer on stage called out into the mic, breaking through the tension in the room. Everyone looked at me expectantly, so I waved at them. There were now probably five hundred or more spectators just in here. It was the largest crowd focused entirely on me that I ever encountered. I kept a smile on my face even though I wanted to run from the attention. With Kai beside me, I could do this. His hand was firmly planted on my lower back so that I could feel the sparks to keep myself centered. I was not certain if humans could truly feel mate sparks or if it was b
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Chapter 102
EMMA It was weird because I knew exactly what needed to be done without ever having done it in this lifetime. It was something I had done many times during past versions of me. It was foreign and not at the same time. Talk about confusing. The sigil was simple and not overly complicated. I drew the interconnecting lines on my side right where the cutout of the dress was, hissing as it burned into my skin. I could handle cuts and bleeding any day of the week, but this did not feel pleasant at all because of the magic that powered it. Gaisreen did not have magic at all, but the Toslati did have magic in it which gave power to the sigils they drew. Kai held onto my shoulders, providing me what comfort he could, and it did help. My Handsome always helped me in all things. I pulled his shirt up and gave him an apologetic look before I drew the same sigil. He growled with the pain did not flinch. I would give him that. The sigils disappeared, and I watched in amazement as his body began
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Chapter 103
EMMA “Um…” I frowned, looking around the bedroom of Selene’s puppet. Kai’s jaw clenched, showing a singular muscle tighten that ran from his ear to right underneath his jaw. His eyes darkened, just slightly, showing me what the temporary loss of the bond could not. He was worried. As much as he loved me, my mind, and my everything, this was not a place he wanted to spend the rest of our days. I could not blame him either. This was mild compared to the demons that lurked inside of me. Selene was nothing compared to those, and I wanted to get out before their welcoming committee came. “Just kidding. That’s what the Toslati is for,” I winked, waving it in my hand. I walked over to the doorway and drew three large sigils along the frame just as Barachiel had done. Portal jumping had never been my favorite thing, but it was useful in times like this. Over the centuries I preferred to either fly everywhere or use a nifty little sigil I created to give me incredible speed and just run.
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Chapter 104
EMMA Xander pulled me into his arms and kissed his mark. I relaxed into him, relishing in his touch, his arms, and his sparks. He did not hate me or blame me or anything. It was hard to even wrap my head around everything that had happened. So much occurred in such a short span of time, but it brought us to this moment and to this place. “How long was I gone?” I asked. I was trying to focus back on the group as a whole instead of just my mates. Although, we definitely had some catching up to do between the three of us. I looked at Kai and smiled because he was here beside me too. I had them both again. Sure, it would be different now that he had his own body, but it would still be the same because it had always been the three of us on our journey together. “Three days,” Xander informed me. I looked at him incredulously. Three whole days? His eyes showed his sincerity, so I knew he was being serious. Well, damn. “Oh. It didn’t feel like that long. It all occurred over the course o
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Chapter 105
EMMA I hugged Papa back and took a minute to relax into his embrace. I missed him so much. As much as I missed him, I could not imagine what it had been like for him. He always had to see me from afar. Sure, he raised me for nine brief years in Blacktree, but after that he had to leave. He saw me in Blood Moon, but it was from afar once again. “Thank you, Papa. I will be back soon. Xander, will you come with me please?” I missed him too much, and I needed a moment alone with him. I also needed his clarity. Right now, I was not sure of much, but I knew he could ground me. Both of my mates had that ability, but Kai had been with me in the dreamscape while Xander had been left alone with Ethan. I wanted to make sure that he was okay. I hated to think of the pain this had caused him. No matter how much he tried to show that he was okay, I still saw the pain behind the mask. It was not something we would forget in a quick moment, but we would move past it. We had to. “Of course, love.”
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Chapter 106
EMMA My words seemed to sink in. His shoulders relaxed, and he gave me a genuine smile that light up his face. “Slight attitude, love? You’re underselling that,” he said. His lips pressed into mine, and I melted into every touch and caress. My stomach grumbled and I glared when Xander pulled away from me. “While I could sustain myself on eating that delicious pussy of yours, I think your stomach may try to devour me whole if I don’t feed it something sustainable,” he tried to say with a straight face, but his lips twitched up in the corners. He pulled me up off the bed, but I swore to myself that we would make use of that bed tonight. Oh, lord. The three of us would always be together instead of them sharing control. We had not realized that it would become a reality when Phoenix had split them before. “What dirty things got into that wicked mind of yours, love?” Xander asked, placing a kiss to his mark. “Kai is his own entity now,” I said somewhat breathlessly. Xander leaned d
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Chapter 107
EMMA “Emmaline,” Papa greeted me warmly. He stood from the head of the table and pulled out a chair beside him for Xander so that I could sit in between my mates. Kai had not changed, but he did lose the jacket, undid the top three buttons, and rolled his sleeves up. The revelation in the suite really made this moment even better. He caught me staring but did not stop it one bit. A hand from both mates found my thighs and squeezed since they could both feel my lust. ‘Behave, and we’ll give you your heart’s desire tonight, love,’ Xander promised me. Having them both with me made my heart full. I gave them both a peck on the cheek, and they looked at me with smirks because they felt my determination. I was bound and determined to get that reward. The three of us were together again, and I could not be happier. Across the table was Ethan who was talking animatedly with a guy I had never seen before. He caught me staring and smiled at me, nodding his head. The guy patiently waited fo
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Chapter 108
EMMA All I heard were their snickers, and I really wanted to punch them both in the face. So much for them worrying about my damn safety. If this guy even sneezed on me then I would most likely break into a million little pieces. Who would suck their cocks then? Macario brought Quentin over who observed me closely. His seafoam eyes had swirls of black in them, and they were very striking. I had never seen that color before. It almost made him approachable and not like he was about to murder me. However, that verdict was still out. “This is Emma, Zane’s daughter. Emma, this is Quentin, your physical trainer. He is well versed in a particular magic style that I think may benefit you,” he said with a sly smile. He was enjoying this a little too much. I could not show weakness and fleeing from the room would show just that. This guy was like the size of three Lyles. He would not kill me right? Surely, that would not look good if he just accidently offed me. “Hello, Emma. You can call
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Chapter 109
EMMA Both of my mates held me to them, and I felt safe. My breathing was evening out, and the pain in my body had left. My hand already healed, but Xander placed a kiss to where Kai had to bite it. Knowing now what the shadow was, and what it did, made me far more concerned about the situation than when I was ignorant about it. The Nokaura were no joke. They thrived in chaos and pain. They enjoyed filleting their enemies, and they did that to me more times than I could remember at the moment. The seven times that I fell in battle was because of them. I was certainly not looking forward to those memories coming back. What we saw them do in those dreams was child’s play compared to what they truly enjoyed doing with their enemies, and everyone was their enemy. That was why Selene needed to be taken out of the equation. She was aiding them and making them stronger. “When I was thirteen, Heath and Ezekiel began regularly dosing me with an unknown black substance. Were you there the day
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Chapter 110
EMMA “As you wish,” he said, smirking. He angled me down and thrusted into me. He filled me in the best way. The initial thrust always felt like it did the first time. It always felt like he squeezed into me, and it felt amazing. I moaned as he thrusted in harder and faster, setting a delicious pace. I needed them more than I needed the air around me. Xander captured my mouth, dominating it. His minty taste had me moaning. His teeth nipped down my neck and to my breasts. I knew there would be marks tomorrow, but I would wear them proudly. I would take anything they gave me and be delighted. His hands caressed my skin, teasing every inch he touched. The only sounds in the room were the water cascading against us, Kai thrusting into me with our skin slapping, and the sounds of pleasure from the three of us. Their names flew from my lips along with incoherent praises. I was close, and they could both feel that. Kai picked up his pace, thrusting deeper if it were even possible. He h
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