All Chapters of Moon's Betrayal: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
209 Chapters
Chapter 131
EMMA I woke up with a start. My breath was coming out in pants. Thank fuck. It had not been real. It did not feel like a nightmare though. It felt real. It felt like it actually happened. Was it possible that it was a vision of what was to come? Nae once explained to me what her visions felt like. She said it felt like she was really a participant. Visions always felt real because they were a real possibility of the future. She said the way she could tell it was a vision was because it left a tingling sensation in her mind, just like I felt at that moment. Fuck. I never had visions before. Was it because I was coronated and now tied to Aedrul? I really did not want to have visions, but I would take them as they came if they would help us. I did not know when the vision would come to fruition, but I knew a few key things. First, he needed my magic for something. Second, he needed Lenora as a vessel. Third, I saw where it would take place. Even if I did not know where it was, I was su
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Chapter 132
XANDER This had been the thing that Emma needed us to trust her on. Even with that foreknowledge, I could not have been prepared for this. The pain she was feeling had been enough to bring Kai and me to our knees. Seeing her suspended in the air, screaming in agony, I felt helpless. I felt useless. It was hard to wrap my head around something like this being necessary to find an enemy. Kai and I had already figured out who it most likely was. We just had to trust that there was more to this than that. Q gently pulled her down and handed her to us. Kai and I carefully laid her on the bed and laid beside her. We were both still terrified from coming into see that. The terror we just faced was unimaginable, and we were useless to help her. She looked pale and tears had streaked down her face. I brushed them away with my thumbs, but it did not make much difference. Seeing her that way would forever be burned into our memory. It was infuriating how she always did whatever was necessary
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Chapter 133
EMMA I asked everyone to give us a little bit, and I would call them back because we had something very serious to discuss. Xander was on my right, Kai was on my left, and they were waiting for me to talk. I needed to explain everything to them before the rest. I owed that to my mates. I could still feel the lingering pain and worry that they felt. I just prayed that I would not hurt them more. “I’m truly sorry for what that did to you. I swear that if there had been any other way that I would not have done what I did. When Lenora touched me last night, it felt wrong. It wasn’t cold like the shadows, but it was like a different frequency. I knew something was up with her reappearance because it didn’t make sense as to how I was able to break down the through the prison that Selene herself put up.” Kai began rubbing his thumb in circles on my stomach and Xander was rubbing my arm. My amazing mates were comforting me even after what I put them through. “The nightmare I had was actua
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Chapter 134
KAI Doll had her arms around us, and I knew that she was not thrilled with the vision that she had. Xander and I would do absolutely anything for her. Hearing that the vision ended with her death nearly destroyed both of us. What hurt even more was the pain she was in when she said she could still feel him and begged us to make her forget. I was thankful that we were able to do that. Zane linked all of our minds together so that we will all view the vision at the same time. It was good that Nae was here since visions were her specialty. We watched as Doll was tied to a tree with wolfsbane ropes. The pain was bad, but she refused to act. Seeing that she was in just her bra and panties infuriated me because nobody had a right to see her body like that except us. This was the Asry douche that had been tormenting and laying a claim to our mate. Now we had a face to the name, and we would carve that face from him as he died. Doll felt so alone without a connection to us. She wondered i
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Chapter 135
EMMA Kai placed his hands on my hips, and I leaned into him. I took a deep inhale of his scent and let it wash through me. My mates had always been my centering points. “We could tether me to someone, or multiple someone’s, actually. If I’m tethered to multiple people, he would be unable to drag me down further. You would be able to pull me out and back to you.” “I don’t like this, love,” Xander murmured. “I second that, doll,” Kai chimed in. “I third that, sweets,” Ethan continued. Phoenix was the one who disagreed with them. She always had a way about her that commanded people’s attention. “You are underestimating our Warrior. Look at everything she has accomplished so far! She can do this, and she will succeed.” Phoenix came over and wrapped me in a hug. “Babe, you have all of us, and we do believe in you,” she said, kissing my cheek. I always appreciated her confidence in me. Papa, Macario, Leonidas, and Q were mind-linking, and while that annoyed me, I just let them have t
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Chapter 136
EMMA I had given Kai free reign to add to my closet, so I knew he would have a selection of lingerie. I underestimated how much he gave me though. Row after row after row of every kind I could think of. I was at a complete loss, but I figured it did not matter too much what it was. I decided on a deep plum corset with black silk lacing up the front and silver embellishments along the sides. I paired it with a black G-string, matching stockings, and garters. To top it all off, I slipped on a pair of four-inch black high heels. There was a vanity in the corner, so I threw on black eyeliner and plum eyeshadow. I topped it all over with a pink shimmer for my lips. I took my hair and quickly braided it in a loose French braid and brought it over my shoulder. I turned around and took in my appearance and absolutely loved it. It cinched my waist which amplified my ass and tits perfectly. I grasped the handle of the closet and took a deep breath to steady my nerves. I had never done anyth
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Chapter 137
EMMA Well, that surprise turned out far better than I had expected. I truly enjoyed getting them so worked up. It made me feel incredibly sexy, powerful, and desired. It had been explained that Alphas have high libidos, but that was nothing compared to a Krosthani. Yes, I had always been Krosthani, but it was not fully integrated until I beat Selene and especially since I was coronated. That gave me an excuse for my overly excitable desires. Could you blame me though? I had two of the sexiest males on the planet as my mates. I talked to Papa about heat and ovulation of Krosthani females. Thankfully, the heat does not begin until they were marked in wolf form by their mate. Ovulation for them also revolved around the full moon. We would certainly mark one another like that when the timing was right. As of now, we had to focus on winning against Asry instead. I would never be able to forgive myself if something happened to a pup because of his stupidity. “Would you two like to join m
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Chapter 138
EMMA Papa led us into the ballroom, and my breath was taken away. There were silk drapes and orbs floating high above the floor. The moonlight shone through the ceiling and illuminated everything in a white glow. I loved how white the moon was here. Music filtered throughout the room, but I had no idea where it was coming from. “May I have a dance, Emmaline?” Papa asked with a smile and an outstretched hand. I grasped his hand and let him lead me to the middle of the floor. He was taller than me, but the heels I wore helped even us out some. One hand was on my waist while the other clasped my hand. He moved me around effortlessly, and it was like we were floating. He spun me around and smiled when he dipped me. It was just like when I was little, and that brought a smile to my face. “My precious daughter, you are the most amazing gift I have ever been given,” he said, twirling me in a circle. “This is where you belong, but never think that you have no choice in anything. You are ou
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Chapter 139
EMMA The time came for us to put our plan into action, and we were all feeling the stress and worry of it. My magic was back, but I did not fear it as much this time. The necklace really helped to dampen it, and I spent all day practicing control. It was not very long, but it was the best I could do. Macario and Q had both been great helps when it came to a very brief lesson on control. It made me realize something as well that I should have known all along. It was not just me anymore. I had others to rely on, to lean on, and to walk through all of this with. “Remember, you are tethered to all of us. We will not let anything happen. You need to activate the sigil on your hand with your blood, and that will allow you to take the sample. Then pull on the mate-bond, and we will pull you back. Very simple,” Macario reminded me. Yeah, super simple. Nothing could go wrong. At least, that was what I was telling myself. In reality, everything could go wrong. I knew so much more about Asry
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Chapter 140
EMMA My body looked like it clawed its way up from hell. There were burns, cuts, bruises, and those veins looked even angrier than ever before. The bastard slapped my face, which was not healing as fast as it should. I looked at my boys and could tell that they were thinking the same things. I knew they were both trying to keep their anger in check for my sake. “How is this blood thing going to work?” I asked, looking up at Kai through my eyelashes, and biting and lip. “Damnit you’re so fucking tempting. Don’t bite that lip,” Kai said as he kissed the tip of my nose and took a breath to steady himself. “Macario and I were discussing it, and we figured we could just try directly applying my blood to the veins. We’ll see an immediate change if it helps at all. We’ll come up with an alternative if it does nothing.” Xander brought some wet wash cloths and dry towels over to the couch we were sitting on. I pulled my shirt off and put my hair up in a ponytail. The veins were worse than
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