All Chapters of Moon's Betrayal: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
209 Chapters
Chapter 141
EMMA “Should I call you Carrie now, sweets?” Ethan chuckled, but Nae elbowed him in the side. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her temple. “I was only kidding,” he whispered in her ear. I knew she would not let him get away with his crap. I just smirked at him. There would be nobody better suited to keeping him in line than her. Hell, they marked and mated the day they official met as mates. I had never seen those two as happy as they were when they proudly showed off their matching marks. Macario came over and looked over the front and back of my body. “I see that the blood helped with the veins,” he said. He ran his finger over some of the cuts and pulled his hand back when I hissed. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to hiss,” I said apologetically. “These are actually quite a bit better than they were before he applied the blood. I think it’s helping heal them as well. Ethan, do you have your files backed up that has our blood results in them?” I asked, heading to the console. I did
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Chapter 142
EMMA Kai had a fair point about me hiding my pain, so I decided that I would do my best to try and fix that issue. First of all, I would start with my Dipshit. That was why I stood outside their suite before breakfast. Opening up had never really been my strong suit, but even I could evolve. I hoped at least. Nae opened the door right before I brought my fist to it. She winked at me and waved me in. She knew that I always hated never getting the jump on her. Oracles did not see everything, but they were more likely to pick up things regarding those they spent enough time around. We spent centuries together, so she picked my shit up easily. “So, I’m going to go wake Brian up,” Nae snickered before leaving Ethan and I to talk. His eyebrows drew together and stared at the door. Yeah, he would love being mated to an Oracle once he got used to it. He loved always surprising people, but he would not have an easy time surprising her. “Do I need to worry that you will murder me?” Ethan j
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Chapter 143
EMMA We ate breakfast, and I knew it was time to talk to Papa. What could I say? Kai was right. Papa led me to the third floor which had such incredible works of art. I recognized some famous ones from different points all throughout history. Many were ones that were said to have been lost. It was interesting that they ended up here. I pointed that out to Papa who just chuckled and told me that he had been friends with the artists, so he was given a duplicate of the same ones. History only ever just assumed there was only one created. Papa sat down on a bench that overlooked our beautiful kingdom. I could not believe that I was now their Princess. That was something that I could not wrap my head around. However, I already felt the innate need to protect them and provide for them. Xander had been right before that an Alpha had that need. It would only make sense for me too. “What is on your mind, Emmaline?” he asked, offering me a soft smile and a pat on my hand. I was about to hur
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Chapter 144
EMMA We all had the plan put in place within the hour. The entire squad eagerly agreed to join us. They also agreed that we needed to have a show of power. Thus, they would be gathering our patrols and the seasoned fighters who were typically used for special missions. With the Royal Guard, the Ancient Spirits, and our pack, there was a total force of nine hundred and sixteen souls on our side. Papa said that he would be sending an additional three hundred guards to look over Blood Moon while we were all gone. That helped relieve all our stress since we would be removing the safety net of the patrols while we were dealing with Blacktree. Once we were done with Blacktree, we would be heading straight to Blood Moon to come clean about who we were. Xander and Kai were incredibly proud to show off the strength and power of their Luna. Yes, they convinced me to officially do the Luna ceremony as well. It would be a very packed day indeed. Ethan was ecstatic to show of the new Beta fema
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Chapter 145
EMMA ‘Papa, how are we going to make sure everyone is gathered?’ I had not thought about that until now. I wanted to slap myself because this had been my idea after all. It was a plan quickly put together, but that was no excuse for not having all the details planned out. ‘All of us with the power to issue an Alpha command will issue it all at once. It will resonate throughout the entire pack, and they will have no choice but to comply.’ Holy hell that would be very effective and efficient. It would also be fairly amusing as well. ‘Did I ever tell you how brilliant you were?’ I asked, smiling over at him. ‘Hmm. I do not believe so. Feel free to write it on a card so that I can have it framed,’ he teased. I just stuck my tongue out at him. I caught some of my pack’s looks of horror when I did that. I was sticking my tongue out at the Alpha King, but they had not fully comprehended that he was my Papa. It was not the same as them doing it. Oh well, they would get used to it or wou
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Chapter 146
EMMA ‘You guys ready for this?’ I asked my mates. We came across eight other patrols who all sided with us. It was interesting to see that the wolves all hated what their humans did. It was unfair that the wolves had to live with such monsters. I had not been the only one being hurt in the pack, and that was disgusting. I swore to the wolves that we would protect the victims today. ‘Yes, love. We’re more than ready to end their sick reign of terror and destruction.’ ‘Yes, doll, we’re ready.’ I appreciated them not saying that they were ready to hold them accountable for the pain they inflicted on me because this was not my focus of today. The accounts of what they did to other packs, what they did to my pack, would forever be burned into my memory. I demanded justice for all those who suffered. I looked to Ethan and Papa who both gave me a nod. We made it to the edge of town still undetected. That was why it was brilliant to move at this hour of the morning. Many were still sleep
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Chapter 147
EMMA My eyes scanned the crowd. They were all shaken by my wolf. Rightfully so since my wolf-form was completely badass. Far larger than any wolves I had seen which included Alphas. Words also came from my wolf’s mouth. All new things. The crowd was now beginning to understand how fucked they truly were. My eyes bore into Marsey’s. Her fear was nearly palpable, and I loved how the tables had turned. “I would like every single one of this pack to know this one simple fact. You failed to break me. I allowed these scars to be carved into my flesh, my bones to be broken, and nine years of utter torment to occur to protect you all. Ezekiel was killing people to keep me in line. No matter how low I thought of you, I knew that Papa, the one who helped build such a supporting and loving pack, cared for each of his pack members. He instilled that pride inside of me. I refused to let others die because of Ezekiel’s fucking obsession. So, I took the bruises and breaks, the taunts, the wolfsban
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Chapter 148
EMMA “Damien, can I talk to you for a moment please?” I asked and nodded for him to join me in the kitchen of the packhouse. Damien joined me and looked at me shyly. I could tell that he was still ashamed of what Ezekiel had done. Ezekiel was a real piece of shit. He held nothing back with his torture techniques of me. I could not even begin to imagine what he did to others. I hoped that within time Damien would be able to learn to let go and place the blame where it truly belonged which was not on him. “How are you doing? I don’t want to hear that you’re fine, because we both know it will take time for you to get to that point.” I raided Xander’s whiskey stash and slid the glass over to him. He knocked it back in one go without flinching. That was impressive given it was the first time drinking in his new body. “I’m pissed off and angry and ashamed of what Ezekiel did. I had to witness every person he tortured and all the lives he took. I also had to witness everything that he d
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Chapter 149
EMMA “Emma, my lovely,” Diana chirped as she and Sylvie made their way down the hallway. I had Ethan bring them in the backway so that they did not get swept up in the hecticness going on out front before I had a chance to talk to them about all of this. It would be a lot for them to understand, and I wanted to talk with them privately. They were important to all of us. They both looked absolutely gorgeous as always. They had a natural beauty about them that could not compare. I noticed the faint dark circles under Sylvie’s eyes like she had not slept well. I knew it had to do with Devon, so I could only hope that the truth would somehow help her move on and heal. She still had a mate out there somewhere, and I would do everything in my power to help her find him or her. “Girls, it’s great to see you,” I said, smiling widely. I had truly missed them. They wormed their way behind all my defenses within the first ten minutes of meeting them. We embraced one another, and I ushered t
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Chapter 150
KAI “Dude. Chill. You look fine,” I said to a pacing Ethan. “Fine? This is my first formal impression for her. She’s going to absolutely amazing. And I just look fine,” he whined. Ethan went back over to the mirror and straightened his already straight tie and his three-piece suit. This whiny Beta was one we had never seen before. Xander and I exchanged looks of pure exasperation. I walked over to where Brian was just finished with getting his hair fixed by a tall guy with cat eyes and pointy-tipped ears. It was really cool to see the diversity of Aedrul. We had not gotten a chance to see it all yet, but we would one day very soon. I knew that Doll was chomping at the bit to visit it but had been focusing on all the other shit first. We had a few things on our plates lately. I knelt down in front of Brian and placed my hands on his shoulders. “Please save us from the misery that is Ethan. He’s freaking out about making a good impression on your mom. He’s whining like a she-wolf w
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