All Chapters of Moon's Betrayal: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
209 Chapters
Chapter 161
EMMA ‘Luna…Luna. I need you,’ a voice shouted through the link. The sheer terror in her voice woke me right up. I looked at my mates who were still sleeping. They had a huge whirlwind of bullshit thrown at them today. To know that Freya was responsible for so much pain and bloodshed in our two packs was something I had not anticipated. I had a feeling that Freya was responsible for more than my pack once she mentioned about Heath knowing the patrol schedules and what she did with Blacktree. It broke my heart in half to see and feel their pain. It was not fair for them to have to deal with so much heartbreak. She destroyed much of this pack and all so that she could become Luna. She was willing to kill off anyone that would stand in her way. No wonder she had such animosity towards me from the beginning. The fact that she knew of me for ten years was really messed up. The fucked-up part was that she found joy in the torture they put me under. ‘What’s wrong, Everly?’ I asked as I unt
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Chapter 162
EMMA “I need to go make supper,” I told my mates softly. I did not want to leave them, but I promised Peyton spaghetti. That little girl would have a hard time adjusting to everything, especially if she ever found out what Freya did, so I was determined to give her a reprieve from everything for as long as I could. “Good. We’ll help, doll,” Kai said before kissing my shoulder and getting out of bed. There were still negative emotions running through them, but there was also a determination stronger than anything I felt before. This was them trying to get out of their grief. I knew that they also felt responsible for Everly and Peyton. Xander got out of bed as well and went to the closet to get us all some clothes to change into. He handed me a pair of shorts and one of his shirts. I took them with a kiss to his lips in appreciation. They both changed out of their suits and pulled on some jeans and tees. My mates were both exquisite creatures. They looked very different in appeara
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Chapter 163
EMMA Papa stood with his hands behinds his back as he weighed what he wanted to say. It made me nervous because I had no idea what this was pertaining to. So much happened recently that I had not even had the time to properly think through it all. Betrayal, pain, heartbreak, and loss was on an endless loop it seemed. I never anticipated this outcome when we decided to move on Blacktree. It was the first push of the snowball down the side of a snow-covered mountain. Each passing moment seemed to add a little more to the mass of the snowball until it threatened to crush us all. “Do not fret, Emmaline. There is nothing wrong,” he chuckled. Papa always had a knack of reading me like an open book. I was able to hide myself away from most people, but those closest to me could always see the truth behind my masks. He gestured for me to take a seat and sat next to me. He held my hand as he offered me a smile. “I am certain that you have noticed a large number of mates finding one another
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Chapter 164
EMMA I could not even wrap my head around the bombshell that Papa dropped on me. It was an amazing honor. I could not deny that. My mind replayed the instances where I witnessed mates finding one another. Nae said that I led her to Ethan. That was cool. They deserved it. Then we had the Blacktree wolves who were separated and found mates. Damien found Tank. Kestian, Py, and Barachiel. Then we had Leonidas and Everly. Not even I could deny the truth of it all. I did not believe in coincidences, so this was factual. I could not deny facts. I opened the door carefully because I was sure they would be asleep. I turned out to be wrong. They were playing a video game and had waited up for me. I felt bad for that because they had a horrible day. But I was happy that they were awake because this was something they needed to be aware of. “I thought you two would be sleeping,” I said softly as I kicked my shoes off and sat down between them on the couch. I laid my head on Xander’s shoulde
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Chapter 165
EMMA My dream started out like any dream did. It was a slow fade as my subconscious became aware of a reality inside of my dream. It was pitch black, but it was warm this time instead of cold. It was not an Asry nightmare at least. Soft whispers caressed along my skin. I tried to focus on them, but it was difficult. They were just out of reach. It took a few minutes until the words became clear. “See Freya. Not what seems. Did not die…” My eyes shot wide open, and I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was a message and not just a random thought within a dream. Luckily, my mates were still asleep, so I untangled myself without waking them up and threw on some clothes before sneaking out of the room. I felt like a damn ninja half the time with all the sneaking that happened so that I would not disturb people. Perhaps we should find me a new title along those lines. ‘Papa, I need you. I’m sorry. I need you,’ I linked him. I hated forcing him to come to me after the night he had
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Chapter 166
EMMA Papa came and handed me his Toslati and an extralong shirt for her. Luckily, Papa had people bring in clothes for the Blacktree wolves as they split. So, we learned a lesson. We did not want her to be uncomfortable with being nude in her own new body after all. I had Belle stand up and explained the process. She seemed nervous but eager at the same time. I drew the sigil and watched as Belle became a Krosthani. It was a glorious process that I would never tire of witnessing. She was about 5’9 slender but with hips that any woman would kill for. Her ivory skin was blemish-free. Her hair was a beautiful brunette color with undertones of red, and her eyes were a piercing blue with yellow rings around them. She was undeniably gorgeous. “Welcome to your own body, Belle,” I told her and brought her to stand next to me. I commanded Freya to have control again. She looked at Belle, trying to figure out who she was. “This is Belle. She was innocent of everything, so I gave her the cho
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Chapter 167
EMMA “How?” Xander whispered into my ear, unwilling to let me go. I looked up into his copper eyes that always made me feel like I was drowning. I pushed some of the stray hair out of his face. You could tell that they had all been sleeping, but I doubted they minded being awoken for this. I could see and feel the utter joy and love inside of him. I felt the exact same from Kai. I nodded my head to Freya who was being guarded in the corner. Her head was still bowed. I felt Xander stiffen, but he did not pull away from me. “I had a dream that led me to talk to her. Her wolf Belle asked to be separated. Freya told me that Ezekiel had a Witch help him make it look like your families died but kept them here to use as leverage. I apparently bulldozed his plans once you saved me. She offered to bring us here and return to her cell willingly,” I explained as I nuzzled his neck. He nodded and drew me even closer into his embrace. I basked in my mates’ utmost positive emotions. They comfor
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Chapter 168
EMMA I had been banished from cleaning up because apparently my guys would have been skinned alive if they let me. Well then, I would happily leave it to them. I basked in their positive emotions that were sweet and wrapped me in their warmth. However, that same question was still nagging at me. Why did Ezekiel keep them alive? I excused myself and wandered down to the War Room. During the questioning of the traitors, Damien showed me how to access Ezekiel’s other private server, so I decided to check there first. There was no end to the horrors that he documented. I would take my time and comb through them all later on. Perhaps Damien would like to join me with it. We both felt the need to cleanse this world of Ezekiel’s stain. This could be a first step to that. After spending fifteen minutes looking around blindly, I found a file marked Blood Alpha. It was damn near a neon sign pointing me in the right direction, so I began reading through the reports. He spent decades research
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Chapter 169
EMMA I nodded and walked over to take the babe from her arms. She watched every movement I made as if I was going to attack her. There was no telling what she had been through since Ezekiel was involved. I stepped back and peered down at Xander’s baby brother. Oh, he was such a handsome babe. He had copper eyes just like his big brother and a full head of hair. His mouth was sucking hard on a binkie, and his eyes were locked onto mine. “Tell the truth. Were you willingly working with Ezekiel?” Papa asked her as I stepped over towards the crib. “Absolutely not. He killed our pack. Only me and Suzie were kept to watch over the pups. I swear that we tried to fight against his commands so that we could get help, but we were powerless. Please believe me,” she pleaded with Papa. Papa looked to me for my opinion. He wanted to know what I felt we should do with her and Suzie because this directly involved my family. He was also looking to me as a leader. I did believe her because she was
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Chapter 170
KAI “Doll. Stay with me. Can you hear me? Doll,” I shouted, trying to get her to focus on me. Her eyes glossed over, and her breathing grew shallow. I got the veins to recede like normal, but she was not responding to me. I even tried striking her face to snap her back, but it did nothing. My Doll was not responding. “Save her, Zane. Please save her,” I begged him as I held my unconscious mate in my arms. True panic and fear were what we all felt right now. I could see it as clearly in his eyes and face as it was in mine and Xander’s. I did not have the heart to look around because I knew the same would be etched on each face. Even our parents and Ethan’s parents had already grown attached to her because they could see how happy she made us. They were impressed as we took turns telling them all about her. Seeing how she took care of everything this morning reminded me how lucky we were to have her as our Luna. Doll was perfect to us and for us. Zane’s eyes glazed over as he sent o
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