All Chapters of Moon's Betrayal: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
209 Chapters
Chapter 181
EMMA The guards outside of the General’s tent eyed us with open hostility. I hated that my family was being subjected to their prejudice. It was not fair for them at all. It was taking all of my self-control to refrain from ripping the bastards to shreds. “I request an audience with General Madelina,” I said as I tried my best to keep the irritation out of my voice with how they were looking at my people. The guards snapped their gazes to me and looked me over from head to toe. I felt the possessiveness and anger rolling through the mate-bond, but we could not have that right now. ‘Don’t act or respond to them. They’ll kill all of us if they feel threatened,’ I told my mates, hoping that they would understand the gravity of the situation. I felt their reassurance through the bond. I heard the other Gaisreen whispering the same things to their mates. This had to be dealt with properly, or it would be game over for us all. This was why Nae and Barachiel insisted on bringing all the
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Chapter 182
EMMA I explained what power trafficking was, and they listened intently without interrupting. They understood how hard this was on me, and I appreciated them letting me get it out while I could. Power trafficking was somewhat similar to the Ancestral Slave Trade. Instead of using people for ancestral blood, power traffickers used them for their essence. Every creature contained an essence within their bodies. Every essence held a certain level of power. The stronger the essence then the stronger the power. Alphas, for example, held very strong essences because of the power that coursed through them. In Fae terms, the Clave was the equivalent to the Alpha. Sirens held some of the strongest essences among any species because they held an ancient and pure magic within each and every one of them. Those with gifts held even stronger essences than anyone else. Then there were the humans. Human essences replenished even though no other species did. Humans could also be blessed with gifts.
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Chapter 183
KAI Doll had been hesitant regarding Dylan’s vision at first, but she began to see how crucial it was for these people. She always hated the lifestyle of the Gaisreen. She mourned over truly heartbreaking things when the others saw no point in it. She even explained it a bit more to us so that we could have a better understanding of what she meant when she said that she felt different than almost all Gaisreen. During her first battle, there was a group of twenty-five humans who had been tortured, brutalized, and murdered by the Nokaura. Many of them were only children. Instead of just leaving their bodies discarded on the ground like they were nothing, Doll took the time to move them all to the side and buried them so that they could hopefully find peace after what the Nokaura had done to them. Her fellow Gaisreen taunted and made fun of her because she felt her heart breaking for those souls. We had all been severely pissed off when Doll issued that challenge, but we understood why
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Chapter 184
EMMA The crowd regarded me with varying levels of expressions. Many were expressionless. Some were mortified at what Madelina did to me. Some were even sneering at me. I could already tell how this was going to go. Before the title could officially be given to me, people were allowed to challenge me. It was a death challenge since it was a title challenge. I already explained this to my mates because we could not appear weak if a challenge was issued. We were all three Alphas, and this was no different than a challenge for the Alpha title. They were reluctant but agreed. “Caliphine herself visited an Oracle boy last night to explain that the Gaisreen current way of life is not how it should be. The first ones of our kind fought alongside each other because of the bond of brotherhood and sisterhood. There was love between parents and children. Caliphine is not pleased with our apathy and brutality. She chose her worthiest vessel to fix this. The same vessel that that Caliphine chose
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Chapter 185
EMMA Luce took us to where Dylan and his mother were staying. I wanted to make sure that they were settling in okay and walk them to breakfast. We had a full house nowadays, so I wanted to give them a head up as well. Dylan answered the door and immediately wrapped me in a loving hug. I chuckled at his enthusiasm and hugged him back. “Good morning!” I said with a smile. This boy was very special because he retained a pure heart throughout everything that he was faced with. Only the strongest could survive it all and still be loving. It was very apparent why Caliphine chose him as her mouthpiece. I was very proud of him, and I would ensure that he had every single thing he could ever want or need. “How about we go to breakfast? I do need to warn you that we have quite a few people who will be there, but everyone is very open and welcoming. You and your mom are now part of our family as is everyone else who will be there too,” I explained. It was clear to see that they were both ta
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Chapter 186
EMMA I felt like a fool for blowing up on Barachiel like that. He did not blame me, but I still hated that I pushed him away when he was just trying to be helpful. He did not know that Caliphine took her rebirths away. Ethan had originally been upset with Nae for doing that, but he got over it when she asked him to imagine him being reborn after she and Brian died. To live life after life without the two people who meant everything to him. He then took her and disappeared for a few hours, so everyone knew what that meant. We had a bet going that Nae was the dominant one in the relationship. Nobody expected it to be him. Then it was time to officially split my magic. My mates were excited, and nearly everyone decided to become spectators. I could not fault them because I would do the exact same thing if it was someone else splitting theirs. “How are we going to split the magic?” I asked Macario. I knew how we split my aura, but that just redistributed it. This one had to be specifi
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Chapter 187
EMMA We had quite a large group going with us today, but Barachiel was already aware of it and assured us that there would be no problems. I was not naive enough to think everything changed overnight, so to speak, but I did know that there was positive change already taking place. Here was to hoping that we had a good trip. “Ready?” I asked as I looked around the group. Everyone nodded their heads eagerly. I could not help but chuckle at their enthusiasm. I opened the portal, and we all stepped through it. I heard the pups gasp, and it warmed my heart. I loved how excited they got with every new experience. The guards looked surprised with our large group, so I left them and took my mates up with me to talk to the guards just incase they were hostile like before. “Commander Valecostina,” the guard on the right said. “At ease. Actually, it is Venscothi. That’s my birth name,” I said with a small smile to set their nerves at ease. They both nodded in understanding before opening th
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Chapter 188
EMMA Barachiel came over to me when he showed up. The Commanders still had not arrived, but everyone was relaxing and eating some food. Nae was showing Ethan and Brian all the cool things that our place had. He leaned into my ear and whispered, “I need to speak to you and your mates in private right now.” The urgency in his voice chilled me. I turned around and linked our mates to follow us. There was one place I knew for certain that it would be completely safe to talk freely, so I led them into my office. “This office is completely soundproofed. What’s going on?” I asked him. Barachiel looked very distressed which was something I had yet to see from him over the centuries we fought alongside one another. He was always the epitome of calm and controlled. “Madelina was not alone in dealing with the Nokaura. She did not have all the names, but she did mention that one of them had to be higher up in rank. Those she did name were actually the ones who became her guards like Richard.
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Chapter 189
EMMA “I have a special guest coming to train with us today,” Q said with a devious glint in his eyes. I was not certain if I should be concerned about his intention or not. Q was a very mischievous person who loved to mess with people. “Who would that be?” I asked. He chuckled and zipped his lips. I set him with my best no-nonsense glare, but he saw right through it. I had a soft spot for the big guy, and he knew it. Q turned to the door as a woman stepped through. Who was this? She was as tall as Xander and had thick muscles that showed her strength. Her brown hair was styled in small box braids, but her eyes gave away her identity. They were the same seafoam color as Q’s. “Princess, it is my honor to finally meet you. My name is Leticia,” she said, bowing her head to me. “It’s my honor to meet you, Leticia. If you punch your brother in the arm, you can call me Emma,” I said with a smirk as I looked at Q. She did not even hesitate as she turned around and punched him really ha
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Chapter 190
EMMA When I was a pup, I believed in fairytales because there was something incredible about the impossible becoming possible. There were no rules because even the most outrageous outcome could become reality. None of my lives had ever been easy. There was a lot of pain, heartache, and helplessness woven into the threads of each one. With every victory as a Gaisreen, there were many failures that I also had to face. It was not just Pelsent that I felt helpless to the Nokaura. They kept me and tortured me each time. I did not care about what they did to me because it did not matter. What mattered was the torture I had to witness with their other prisoners. Nokaura were the worst evil this world had ever seen. It felt like an impossible task to destroy them, but we could never give up the fight. It was our duty to ensure that everyone is protected from them. This was why it was my duty to defeat Asry. I would one way or another. He could never be allowed to survive. We decided on lea
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