All Chapters of Parsey's Saviour: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
49 Chapters
Break In
It was quite a pretty fun conversation as they all got to talk about the Big Brother America. The house was really very entertaining. And after they had their lunch and finished the program. They were all exhausted and before they knew that, they had all gone to sleep in the Living room. They all slept for quite long but as time goes, eventually they need to wake up. Dad eventually woke up first and was really amazed at the fact that they all dozed off in the living room. The living room was actually a mess due to the fact that when they were sleeping, they actually turned some plates over. So when Dad was awake, he started to clean the mess up. He was taking the plates from the living room to the kitchen sink, when suddenly a spoon slipped from his hand and fell on the granite kitchen counter. As normally, it made a noise and he thought that it would actually get to wake them up. He carried on with what he was doing and when he was done transferring the plates to the kitchen sink, he
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The Group
Raven has a thing for kids and her nightmare is seeing a child die in front of her.Raven wonders whether something bad is about to happen . Could this be a bad omen, she says as she walks down to bake. Raven opens the cabinet and sees her grand PA's art so she rushes to her parents to ask why they'd keep it there. Her dad was so excited because he thought something had happened to his dad's art work .Raven's dad remembers the neighbor's kids came in and were playing with it so that's how it got there.Both her mum and dad felt a huge relief as no one was responsible. Raven decides to call CalebCaleb; hi RavenRaven; im baking right now and I'd really love you to come over and taste this . Caleb; I'm sorry Raven. Stella's sick so I can't leave herRaven ; what's wrong with your sister Caleb; she got stabbed with the witches stickRaven; how did that happen Caleb; I'll let you know whenever we meet .Raven ; I'm sorry you're going through this . It'll be over soon. I promiseCal
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Raven rushes to the basement where she keeps Valaria. Valaria is a plant or more like a herb that helps cures injuries and sicknesses with vampires and warewolves. She goes back to her room and serves the plant to Sternberg. Sternberg becomes absolutely fine and makes it clear that she doesn't have much time left. Raven looks at her phone and it's Devon calling.Devon; Raven! Brownie I found a cure so I'm guessing it's safe to call you Brownie now.Raven; really? You have no idea how excited I am . This mean alot . I'm so excited Sternberg; can I talk to him?Raven; yeah sure . Sterberg; Devon, I forgive you. I've always had this huge crush on you and that's why I blackmailed you. I wanted you to find me powerful and hit but I ended up looking like a douche and when I noticed how cool you were with Raven I lost it and tried to hurt you .Devon; you'll be fine. I promise you'll be okay . I wish I knew you liked me. I should have noticed . I'll be there with the cure in a bit. Caleb
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The History
Jake asks Sandy if she'd love to have the finest evening with him and she replies with " I solemnly swear to be open to romance with you and just you my Jake" Jake kisses Sandy on her forehead and her nose and her lips and they both agreed to go on perfect date. Sandy; I'd see you in the evening babeJake; alright beautiful. I have this class right now so I gotta go.Sandy winks at Jake and goes straight to her locker to pick up her pills . Sandy complained she has been having insomnia for a while and has been taking pills for it . She picks her pills and a bottle of water and just as she tries closing her locker, she sees Camilia right behind her locker .Sandy; what is it again ? haven't you had enough . are you stalking me ?Camilia pauses for a second and makes a sad face and pouts for some seconds then smiles and holds Sandy .Camilia; I'm genuinely sorry for everything I've put you through. I know I've been entirely rude and I don't want to de escalate issues anymore so I'm her
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I Love You
I'm evil and bad and cruel filled with so much darkness so when I die, tell my story to kids to learn love and not hate , to learn Joy and not sadness , to learn peace and not war, to learn happy and not unhappy . my parents didn't teach me that. they taught me to be better by than everyone else and I honestly don't blame them. I blame me because I'm evil and thats just how I was born. I'd rather die then feel how I'm feeling and the look in everyone's eyes right now like " to hell with this bitch , she should die , she's miserable , I hate her " I'd see Sandy on the other side and I hope she forgives me because no matter how evil I am , I feel so much pain right now and ... and ..and ..she falls and dies right there because Camilia didn't just take two of those pills , she took five . she wanted to die and she did and no one was sorry for Camilia . Camilia was carried away and school continued like nothing happened. The death case of Sandy was closed because the cause of death as we
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Raven resumes school with Caleb and notices the presence of this new student. She's notice the new girl has been having similar classes with her . she goes to Caleb to talk about the new girl.Raven; that's it. She's new thoughCaleb; she's my friend. her name isRaven cuts in questioning how Caleb he would be friends with the new girl and not tell herRaven; I thought we tell each other Everything. you didn't tell me you knew her. what's her name?Caleb; babes chill. her name is Zendaya and we did preschool together so she's kinda my friend and all that. Babe you can get do jealous and he kinda smiles a little.Raven: she blushes and says that, but it ain't jealousy. Her cheeks turn red. Caleb: see babe, your cheeks are turning red. Raven: ummm. as she stutters.... just trying to make sure that my man stays my man, you can't trust no one anymore.Caleb: nah girl, I'm yours. no one can take me away from you. Raven: oh sweet mouth, I need to start going cause I'm already late for m
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The professor was quite amazed at the answer she gave and he was really impressed. He decided to ask more questions about hybrids, to see how intensive about for the subject matter really was. Professor: is there any other thing, that you would like to add concerning this subject matter. Zendaya: yes sir, I actually have something that I will be willing to add. Vampire-Angel/Demon HybridA Hybrid between an Angel/Demon and a Vampire are the second most powerful hybrids in the world. While stronger than vampires, and non-hybrid beings, they are still subjective to vampire-werewolf hybrids and it seems a hybrid of this species is violently uncommon.Vampire-Shapeshifter HybridMori-shapeshifter's are a rare hybrid species created by breeding a male vampire with a female shapeshifter. They are very hard to encounter, due to the fact most vampires and shapeshifters are mortal enemies and that female shapeshifter can't bear children Remy Liebe is the only known hybrid besides his grand
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The Example
At the back of the class, some groups of mischievous students decide to interrupt the class. They have been initially warned by the professor to stop with all their nose making. The noise actually continued from the back and it was quite disturbing for the professor. He then decided to make an example of one of the students that were making noise. Professor: you over there, can you stand upThere was a large confusion as most of the students didnt actually get to understand what was going on.Professor: you over there, you with the hoodie and brown hair.Student: Yes sirProfessor: can you define a hybrid for me??Student: a hybrid is a ... ummm.. He tries but he just stammers and mutters some certain words that absolutely makes no sense.Professor: What's your nameStudent: Patrick KentProfessor: don't worry about your CA for this semester, you've gotten nilPatrick: I'm very sorry sirProfessor: this should serve as a lesson for you students. When I call for a quiet class, I actua
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At the back of the class, some groups of mischievous students decide to interrupt the class. They have been initially warned by the professor to stop with all their nose making. The noise actually continued from the back and it was quite disturbing for the professor. He then decided to make an example of one of the students that were making noise. Professor: you over there, can you stand upThere was a large confusion as most of the students didnt actually get to understand what was going on.Professor: you over there, you with the hoodie and brown hair.Student: Yes sirProfessor: can you define a hybrid for me??Student: a hybrid is a ... ummm.. He tries but he just stammers and mutters some certain words that absolutely makes no sense.Professor: What's your nameStudent: Patrick KentProfessor: don't worry about your CA for this semester, you've gotten nilPatrick: I'm very sorry sirProfessor: this should serve as a lesson for you students. When I call for a quiet class, I actual
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Feeling Less
The whole class was impressed and everyone thought in their head that Zendaya was really cool. There's something unique about her, she's calm but tough, she looks sweet but she's able to defend herself . Caleb makes eye contact with Zendaya in class and walks up to her to talk about her speech. Caleb; that was mind blowing. last I remember, you never said more than twenty words in pre sch. How do you know so much Zendaya; A lot changed Caleb. I did , in ways I can't even explain .Caleb; you're amazing and ...Raven walks in and cuts his conversation with Zendaya.Raven; Caleb! we need to talk. Hi ZenZendaya; HiCaleb; I'll see you later Zendaya.Zendaya makes to leave when two students walks up to bro her to talk about how much they think she's beautiful and how they'd love to be friends . Raven, in that moment felt maybe that's why Caleb likes her, because Zendaya is perfect and she's not and maybe that's okay. Raven; you like her?Caleb, looked at Zendaya from the other side of
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