All Chapters of Violets and Ash: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
206 Chapters
Chapter 101
Violet’s P.O.V.“You better not have been kissing another goth.” She gasped dramatically, a smile toying at the corner’s of her lips. “Also, I said ‘I love you, you crazy bitch’. Get it right!”After laughing for several seconds, I wiped my eyes free of tears and grinned at her from across the living room. She hung off the edge of the loveseat, her hair draped over the pale leather as it spilled onto the floor.“There is something else…” I trailed off, suddenly a bit nervous. “You said to ask you this when I’m sober. It’s not my business, but are you attracted to women?”The lazy smirk that formed on Olive’s plum painted lips eased the tension coiling in the room.“Why? Are you asking me out?” She grinned, the expression lasting several seconds before being replaced by something serious. “You’ve done more for me than anyone else has. I think you’re well within your rights to ask a simple question. I just wish the answer was simple.”“Nothing’s simple.”“Isn’t that the damn truth.” She
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Chapter 102
Hael’s P.O.V.I stared down at the old lady’s corpse and sighed heavily.This job was supposed to be easy. Even my wolf was frustrated with this shit. We were supposed to have been long gone by now, heading back to Violet who I seemed to be hating less and less these days.That would have to change and fast. Until then, I had this mess to deal with. She wasn’t even my victim, which made things that much more complicated.The puddle of blood around her head and torso was still wet to the touch, which meant that whoever had taken her life had done so hours prior. From the single stab wound to her chest, I’d assume it was a silver blade that dealt the killing blow, but it was hard to be sure considering there were no obvious signs of a struggle.I had slipped in through a window around the back of the house during the dead of night. There wasn’t a single light in the neighborhood on, but even if there was, this didn’t seem like the kind of place where anyone would report suspicious beh
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Chapter 103
Violet’s P.O.V.With a sigh, I typed the name ‘Evelyn Langley’ into the search bar.It wasn’t just curiosity that drove me to search my mother on the internet. I was in desperate need of a distraction. The week had passed, and it was now Saturday afternoon and there was still no sign of Hael. No one else seemed the slightest bit worried, as though this was an every day occurrence.I’d been so desperate that when Sylvia asked me to come into the hospital for a few hours, I leapt at the chance. There was a stack of inpatient forms I needed to enter into the system, but even that passed all too quickly.I wasn’t at all surprised when the human search engines provided me with zilch. Lunar was the Werewolf equivalent to Google and had the most information on our kind than any other website.There was a large part of me that believed I’d never figure out the secrets of my past, which is why I was so shell-shocked when Lunar managed to drum up one single result. Even though the article’s tit
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Chapter 104
Violet’s P.O.V.I shouldn’t have asked. Shouldn’t have thrown caution to the wind to voice such a stupid question, but I couldn’t help myself.“Will you kill me once you get your answers?” I stared up at him through my lashes.There was this darkness—this heat—between us that drew me closer any time we were in the same room. With each encounter I began to realize that it was a living, breathing thing. A monster that thirsted for the heinous emotions we elicited from one another.I needed to fight it, but I wasn’t sure how much longer I would last.He ran his fingers over my face one last time, creating a path along my skin that burned. Whether the burn was from heat or ice, I didn’t know.“Maybe I’ll keep you as my pet, or maybe I’ll put you down after all.” He purred; his voice so soft that I was almost mesmerized. The threat behind his words wasn’t quite as believable as it had been in the past. He dropped his hand, and just like that the spell was shattered. “Now tell me what’s on
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Chapter 105
Hael’s P.O.V.It wasn’t until late in the afternoon on Sunday that I saw Violet again.She had been avoiding me, which I expected after our game Saturday night. Admittedly, I had slipped up. I’d given into the bond between us for just a split second before she reminded me why this agreement between us was in place.Now that I’d taken the time to get my head together, I didn’t have to worry about her soft smiles or the way her eyes sparkled with every emotion that passed through her. They meant nothing to me.Things were better this way. Easier.I had to remind myself of this when I walked into the kitchens and saw Violet flitting around the place like a rabbit scurrying from the clutches of a big bad wolf.There were over a dozen bottles and containers sprawled across the countertops. Most were missing their lids, which sat in odd places around the kitchen.Violet turned, noticing me looming in the doorway. There was a twitch in my chest that felt an awful lot like my heart skipping a
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Chapter 106
Cooking dinner with Hael had left me more than confused, especially after our little game Saturday night.I couldn’t even think about it without having to clench my legs.He had vanished so quickly after dinner on Sunday that I didn’t get the chance to talk to him. What made him want to learn how to cook, I wasn’t sure I’d ever know. Spending that time with him, watching him get out of his element and learn something new, it filled me with all sorts of fluttery feelings that I didn’t want or need.When he wasn’t being a raging asshole, Hael was actually kind of fun to be around.Who could’ve guessed it?Olive picked me up for classes, chattering the moment I slid into the front seat. I tried my best to participate, but my head was somewhere else. More specifically, it was trailing after a moody Alpha with eyes black as night and hair softer than a raven’s feathers.Eventually, Olive had enough of my self-imposed silence and demanded to know what had happened between Hael and I.At lea
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Chapter 107
Violet’s P.O.V.I found the answer to Hael’s question easily enough.Alpha Xavier was taking in an extra eight hundred thousand a month, which totaled to almost ten million dollars yearly. The sheer number of zeros on the screen had made my mouth go dry and my vision blur.That was life changing amounts of money, and it was all going to one person.Why?As much as I wanted to know the answer, I couldn’t stop myself from avoiding Hael the following day. Tuesday came and went without one sighting of his dark hair and eyes that seemed to track my every breath.What he said in the empty classroom on Monday still rang in my head.You’ve ruined me. The hunger in his voice made it sound like he almost liked me. Like this thing between us wasn’t just so he could get his rocks off and torment me at the same time. It was a dangerous line to tread on, and I couldn’t allow myself to become swept away in his allure.No, I needed to protect myself.Hael hunted me down on Wednesday when I left my a
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Chapter 108
Hael’s P.O.V.The break I took to get Violet out of my system clearly hadn’t fucking worked.Since this game between us started, I’d been waiting for the moment where her memories snapped into place and she remembered what she had done. I had the scene mapped out in my head, and not a single thing had gone according to plan.She had been oozing guilt, her pain clear in her big blue eyes. I smothered that down easily enough, blocking out the pain with lust. What I hadn’t been prepared for was what she said after I brought her to orgasm again and again.She had wanted to touch me.With her hand on my chest, on the imprint of herself that she’d left on my skin, she whispered words that could’ve easily changed everything.I never wanted to hurt you.Even after twenty-four hours, I could still taste her on my tongue. Her sweet pussy and the sounds she’d made. Fuck, I never experienced anything like it.I knew how to invoke pain. How to wield it the way an artist wields a paintbrush, but ne
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Chapter 109
Violet’s P.O.V.“Oh, girl you have some explaining to do.” Delaney squealed, plopping down in the seat across from Olive and me.Olive had just bitten into her apple and her mouth was full as her eyes darted between the two of us. A crude blush had already formed on my face, and the chargrilled burger I’d been eager to bite into now looked unappetizing.“Yeah, I don’t think that’s—” I began.Olive coughed, having swallowed her bite of apple whole. “Wait, wait, wait. What the hell happened? Violet, why do you look like you were caught doing the dirty?”“Because she was!” Delaney said much too loudly. Several heads turned in our direction and I just about shot up out of my seat to clasp a hand over her mouth. Her tongue darted out to swipe my hand, and I reeled back with a look of disgust.Delaney smirked and Olive let out a laugh that bordered on utter disbelief.Thank the Goddess Holden hadn’t come to sit at our table yet. I could only imagine how this conversation would blow over wit
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Chapter 110
Violet’s P.O.V.I blinked several times, and even sucked in a sharp gust of air, but nothing changed what I was seeing with my own two eyes.Hael wouldn’t tell her to do something like that. No, I was sure of it. He’d punish me himself if he were that pissed off.He would. Wouldn’t he?Pain wracked my chest in ice-cold waves, the scar above my heart throbbing from its impact. Betrayal stole the air from my lungs, but Mykelle’s words made them seize and prevented me from taking any more.“Like I said, mutt. You’re a pet, and you know what happens to pets with behavioral issues?”The dark spots that hovered along the edges of my vision were a clear warning that I needed to get out of here and fast. I couldn’t have a repeat of what happened with Blaze, especially not with these three.If I murdered Mykelle Vanderbilt, I’d unleash hell on myself.Mykelle leaned in, her nose inches from mine. She was so close that I could smell the sugary sweet undertones of her lip gloss.“They get put do
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