All Chapters of Violets and Ash: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
206 Chapters
Chapter 81
Violet’s P.O.V.I took a deep breath, and then another, letting out a low hiss when it failed to calm my frantic heartbeat.My body throbbed with the weight of my heavy pulse, refusing to calm regardless of all the happy thoughts I dredged up. The tactic my therapist had taught me, which only seemed to work when I was chock full of medications, was now failing spectacularly.It didn’t help that Hael, his annoyingly perfect face set in its usual glare, was standing right next to me.While we waited for his father’s assistant to come and fetch us, his words circled my head.“Stay on your toes and pay the fuck attention. If you think for one second my father isn’t watching your every move, you’re wrong. He’ll watch you so closely he’ll know the number of times you blinked, how many breaths you took, and what secrets are hiding that head of yours. Do not underestimate him, Violet. Ever.” He’d called me by my name, something he did at seemingly random since he adopted that stupid nickname
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Chapter 82
Violet’s P.O.V.I barely registered Hael’s presence the entire way home. As far as my overwhelmed brain was concerned, the seat to my left was empty and the car was driving itself.We could’ve been coasting down the sidewalk, plowing into pedestrians left and right, and I probably wouldn’t even have noticed. I was too busy trying to wrap my head around the results of my gene test.‘We don’t have the rogue gene, which is a definite plus.’ Lacey said soothingly, but even my wolf couldn’t erase my worries.I gnawed on my lip, ignoring the tingle of Hael’s eyes on my face. ‘That’s wonderful and all but having the rogue gene would’ve explained the blackouts and why I’ve been so quick to anger lately. Also, this whole carrier thing royally sucks. Hael’s our only option if we want to have healthy children, and I’d rather reproduce with Blaze of all people over Hael.’Alright, that was a blatant lie, but who could blame me? My options were spectacularly limited. I doubted that even Holden wou
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Chapter 83
Violet’s P.O.V.The first was Hael’s, which I was stuck on for longer than I care to admit. His unruly hair had been tamed, slicked back to show off the shaved sides. I very much noticed how his suit matched my dress, both a deep shade of black with a slight navy hue but decided not to comment on that fact.It was most likely to show off a united front, though that would’ve made more sense if Sylvia matched us too, which she didn’t.Every one of my suspicious thoughts were cut short when Elijah sauntered in after Hael, his lips already pulled back in a warm grin. Ignoring the weight of Hael’s stare on my face, I raced into Elijah’s open arms and swatted at him when he went from hugging me to holding me at an arms length.“Look at you, Violet! You look stunning.” Elijah exclaimed, eyes sparkling past his curly hair. He held out his arms, drawing my attention down to his suit. Making a show of it, he turned slowly and asked, “How’d I do? Tell me I don’t look at stupid as I feel.”“You l
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Chapter 84
Violet’s P.O.V.The crowd split and people began to mill about, venturing left and right, merging with others in a sea of color and fabric that quickly became disorienting the longer I stared at it. Thankfully, it wasn’t long, because half a minute later a Olive’s head of choppy, layered hair appeared in the crowd.With her resting bitch face alone, she carved a path through everyone, practically sprinting to side. Neither of us spared Hael a glance, lacing our arms together and melting into the sea of people. Stares were tossed left and right, each one soaking into my skin, tickling the puckered scars that marred my body, but Olive’s presence helped tune them all out.“Thank Goddess for that entrance of yours or I never would have found you.” She moaned, forcing a puff of air through her lips to blow her bangs out of her face.Laughing at her dramatics, I scanned the violet streaks in her hair and glanced down at her dress. “Sticking with the violet theme, huh?” I pointed out, fighti
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Chapter 85
Violet’s P.O.V. This wasn’t a good idea, not by a long shot. I glanced around the sea of people for any sight of Olive. She’d have my head if she saw me talking to Blaze Madden, and rightfully so. The temptation to speak to him was too hard to pass up. Normally, I’d avoid confrontation like the plague, but what Blaze was doing to Olive was nothing short of monstrous. I schooled my face into a pretty little mask that oozed obliviousness, and delicately lifted my hand to place in his. “Of course.” My stomach churned at the feeling of his skin on my own. I wondered if Olive had the same reaction any time he touched her. Blaze wove in and out of the crowd, tugging me close behind. Once we made it to the outskirts, where a couple of tables sat for those who had found their mates, he turned and made a show of towering over me. It was an intimidation tactic, one even the silly boys in my old pack tried to use. “So, Violet. You have any luck finding your mate tonight?” He questioned, ar
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Chapter 86
Hael’s P.O.V.Bowing with a hand extended, the way I’d been taught at the ripe age of seven, I waited for Violet to stop her trembling and accept my offer to dance.If she didn’t—if she instead rejected my offer as an attempt to embarrass me, I’d likely throw her over my shoulder and cut this entire ridiculous event short. We’d see who was more embarrassed. I, rejected by a single she-wolf in a room full of others who would slit their families’ throats for a speck of my attention, or Violet, dragged from a room of werewolves who would happily watch her kick and scream rather than dare lend a hand?Her hand fit perfectly in mine. It was small and soft where mine were anything but. There was no denying the dark, devastating pleasure that came when she actually fucking listened for a change. Something about her obedience soothed the monster that was my soul.I’d been forced to take dance lessons as a child, but it was obvious the same couldn’t be said for Violet. Despite that fact, she f
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Chapter 87
Hael’s P.O.V.His lips were locked on another she-wolf’s, feverishly moving along her skin to trail down her neck. The gaudy yellow gown she wore was shoved nearly to her hips, showing her spray tanned legs which were wrapped around his waist.Looks like the drug Blaze tried to slip Violet wasn’t meant to kill her. As good a thing as that was, I couldn’t possibly imagine his reasoning for wanting Violet to be so…compliant. I’d have to have a chat with him, that much was certain.I took in the expression on Violet’s face, the blatant hurt written across her eyes and hidden within the rigid position of her lower lip. She did a good job hiding it. Anyone else would’ve been fooled, but not me. Never me.“Hurts, doesn’t it?” I said low in her ear.She jumped, slapping a hand over her mouth to stifle her yelp. Not realizing how close I stood, she slammed into my chest as she spun around. Instantly, her defenses went up, hiding the pain swimming in her eyes behind a wall of ice and granite.
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Chapter 88
Violet’s P.O.V.I’d been at Sylvia’s Find-A-Mate event, I was sure of it. One moment I was wading through a sea of colorful gowns, pressing past women who belonged on a runway and not in a ballroom, and the next I was standing amongst a sea of rubble.Peering down at chunks of brick, I lifted my head and looked at where the wall had once been standing. It wasn’t there anymore, though, and once I realized that, the world yet again faded from my fingertips.Four walls of solid cement surrounded me. Their roughness was permanently etched into my memory, scratched into my subconscious as thoroughly as it was my fingertips. These walls held secrets of blood and pain; secrets of the raven-haired boy who sat hunched against them.His head snapped up as it always did when I entered the room. Those eyes of his, the same color as the darkness he rotted in, were always so quick to notice the way my hands shook, and lip quivered. They noticed my fear like it was a tangible presence filling the ro
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Chapter 89
Violet’s P.O.V.“What did you just say?” I stared at Hael blankly.He blinked, wiping the surprise from his face before I could even think to savor it.“You remember me?”“Hael, what did you just say?” I repeated, harsher this time.His lips thinned and I fought the urge to glance down at them. Instead, I shoved the comforter off my body and swung my legs over the side of the bed. There was a slight ache in my muscles, and my head protested the movement with a weak throb, but I felt loads better than I had prior to the event.“You’ve been feeling like shit, right? Headaches, nightmares, cold sweats, nausea, mood swings…” Hael trailed off, clearly waiting for a reply.I nodded my head slowly. “Yeah…that about sums it up.”“It’s because you’re withdrawing from Wolfsbane.” He said bluntly.“No, that’s not possible. I’ve never used Wolfsbane in my life. It’s probably me withdrawing from the medication I’ve been on for the last eight years.” I said pointedly, making the fact that I blamed
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Chapter 90
Violet’s P.O.V.After that heavy conversation, I was more than ready to clear my mind with the loud thunder of heavy-metal and rock music.There was something soothing about flitting from customer to customer, memorizing drink orders and mixing them in the correct amounts. It was easy to get lost in the art that was mixing drinks, even if most of the gruff men here wanted nothing more than a bottle of beer.The younger crowd, which was brought in solely because of Erik’s initiative to make this place more like a club than a seedy bar, primarily ordered cocktails and other colorful concoctions. They were the one’s that embraced my creativity and knocked back damn near anything I placed in their hands.Hours flitted by like seconds when I worked at the Violet Lounge. Olive switched between sitting at the bar to keep me company, harassing Erik, and helping the two newly hired cooks in the back kitchen.Somehow, Olive was even more popular than the two lingerie-clad waitresses. I quickly
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