All Chapters of Mated to Three: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
85 Chapters
Sixty One
We spent another immensely enjoyable two hours in bed together, ending with a long while snuggling, exhausted and satisfied. Eventually, we reluctantly got up, showering together before heading to each of our rooms, one by one. They were insistent on still being cautious, checking the rooms for any sign of disturbance before dressing, while the others waited, then moving onto the next room. Thankfully, they all still seemed untouched, and it gave some hope that they might remain that way. We headed downstairs then, stopping for a late breakfast, before heading over to the hospital. As we walked over, I couldn't help but notice the odd stares and whispers that followed us, or the mood that seemed somber and suspicious. I glanced over at Finn, noticing his small frown and slight tension, and realised that he'd noticed too. Even the nurses seemed significantly less welcoming than before, with Camille seeming to avoid us entirely, ducking back into the nurses' office the moment she saw
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Sixty Two
Cole took my hand gently as he saw my sadness, lifting it to press his lips to my knuckles, while Finn reached over to stroke my cheek gently, before taking my other hand. "It was just another facet in our decision to remove our father," Cole continued quietly, "It wasn't just Thane getting hurt like this, but so many. And her jealously, over those she'd consider hers.." He trailed off again, shaking his head sadly, and Finn continued, his voice wavering with the pain he still felt. "We suspected her involvement in our mothers death," he said softly, and I stared at him, stunned, "There was never any proof, but.." he paused, and Cole continued for him, anger in his tone now. "Our father would never have allowed it to happen, without Samantha's corruption affecting him," he said heavily, and Finn nodded agreement. "She had power like that, even over a Lycan Alpha?" I asked, both horrified and impressed, and they nodded sadly. "How did you overthrow them then?" I asked, wondering if t
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Sixty Three
They both looked thoughtful for a long while, and Cole sighed, shaking his head gently, "I hate how we've come to second guessing everyone's intentions," he said quietly, as he stood. Finn nodded agreement, and stood too, gently pulling at my hand until I stood beside him. He put an arm around my waist then, as we headed back out of the room. When Cole opened the door though, we were hit with a tirade of voices, followed by an angry sounding Thane, shouting, "ENOUGH!"It was clear he'd used his Alpha voice, and the din quickly ceased. Surprisingly, it seemed to come from only four people, who I recognised as Elsie's friends who had confronted us previously. They turned, hearing Cole close the door behind us, and their faces were suddenly full of anger. "You!" one of them said, pointing a finger at me accusingly, "You did this! You hurt her!" they continued, and Thane growled angrily from behind them. The young-looking girl quickly dropped her finger, backing away from me, as much fea
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Sixty Four
"They've been spreading rumours that it was Laila who hurt Elsie," Cole said, his annoyance clear in his voice, and Dorian hissed angrily. "Oh my, those vicious little.." he began, but Thane raised a hand, silencing him. "Apparently they all saw the same.. dream, or vision, or something, of Elsie repeating the words, 'She did this,'" he said, and Dorian frowned. "I just checked her a few hours ago, there are still no signs of brain activity," he said, sounding thoughtful, "Should we assume this is the work of Samantha, attempting to sow discord?"Thane nodded, and Dorian sighed deeply, "She is persistent, that's for certain," he said, then moved past Thane and into Elsie's room checking her over once more, "Still the same," he said, shaking his head sadly. "What did you tell them?" he asked Thane, who shrugged casually, "I told them we were all there, that we know Laila didn't harm her," he said, then sighed, "They didn't want to hear it, of course." Dorian shook his head, looking ann
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Sixty Five
We watched her leave, waiting for her to be out of earshot before I turned to Finn, "Thane wasn't exaggerating about how quickly they spread rumours, was he?" I said, and Finn shook his head, looking somewhat troubled. "Not at all," he said quietly, "We just need to ensure that they're spreading the right ones." I nodded agreement, but couldn't help but feel unsettled by it."That might be hard," I said, making him raise an eyebrow, "They already seem not to like me very much." Finn frowned at that, but gave a small shake of his head, "They don't know you well enough to like you or not," he said comfortingly, "But they will soon enough, you'll see." He gave me a warm smile, and I returned it, before resting my head on his shoulder again.We sat in silence again awhile, snuggling and content in each other's company, until Luca came in a while later. "Hey, any change?" he asked, and we both shook our heads gently. He nodded sadly, "Thane wants you both, his office. Planning for tonight,
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Sixty Six
"Dad.. do you have any idea what those things actually do?" Jake asked him, sounding hurt. Heath only stared back at Finn defiantly, not meeting his son's eyes, "They do what she says they do, boy," he said angrily, and Jake shook his head sadly. "Then why did they leave Elsie an unconscious, vacant shell?" Jess asked angrily, looking furious as she realised what was happening. Heath rolled his eyes again, the colour rising is his face more, "Foolish girl," he muttered, "Quentin always said you wouldn't catch on to what was actually going on, even if it was right in front of you." She snarled angrily, looking about ready to launch herself at him, just as Thane came around the corner, "Jess, go and get Elyanna please. Tell her there's more of them." She turned her attention to Thane, and gave him a short nod, glaring at Heath once more before heading down the stairs quickly, two at a time. "Get Laila away from those," Thane quickly said to Finn, as he came over, grabbing Heath's arms
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Sixty Seven
"How about at the beginning?" he suggested, and I frowned, "You kind of already know that part," I said, and he looked thoughtful. "Does this all have to do with when you were taken?" he asked, and I nodded, beginning to explain everything, just as I had with Sam. He listened patiently, not interrupting, but his shock and disgust was clear on his face, more and more as I continued. When I eventually finished, he sighed heavily, "This is a lot, Laila," he said, and I nodded, feeling drained, but better for having shared it. "How much of it does the rest of the pack know?" he asked, and I shrugged gently, "There are rumours, but Thane will address the Derrick part when the pack is together tonight." He nodded thoughtfully, "And the rest? This.. Fearmonger, and its summoner?" I shrugged gently, "I'm not sure, he'll likely have to address that soon, but I don't know if it will be tonight." He nodded again, "And what of your.. little blood issue. Will he tell them that?" I raised my eyeb
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Sixty Eight
We headed out from his room, finding Cole waiting outside for us, looking every bit as handsome as his brother. He smiled as he saw us, reaching over and pulling me close to him, holding me close as he kissed me tenderly. I returned both, and heard the sound of a door opening nearby, and turned to see Thane stepping out of his room, also looking incredible in his full-black ensemble. He also greeted me with a tender kiss and a smile, along with a look of reserved excitement, seeming to be full of anticipation for tonight. It caused a rush of nervous flutters in my stomach, and I looked at each of them uncertainly. Finn and Cole gave me encouraging smiles, while Thane put his arm around my waist as he began walking, leading me down the hall, and the stairs, with his brothers close behind. Most of the house was quiet, at least until we reached the ground floor, where everything was alive with excitement and activity. The staff in the kitchens seemed to working overtime, and there were
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Sixty Nine
I stared wide-eyed, from the Elders, over to Thane, who was clearing his throat and about to speak. "I, too, wholeheartedly thank you for the welcome that most of you have shown Laila, but there is something else that needs to be addressed tonight. Something you may have heard some rumours about already." His words were followed by a loud rustle of collective whispers, like the wind drifting through the leaves, before all fell silent again, and he continued. "There have been some - a small minority - but still far too many, who have not been so welcoming, particularly because of her werewolf roots." There were more whispers again, mostly seeming to sound angry this time, and I couldn't help but feel a flurry of warmth at the reaction. "Many of you know that she was kidnapped," Thane continued, "and this was the reason behind it. They sought to do her harm, to take our future Luna from us, purely because of what she was born as, something she had absolutely no control over."The angry
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As the gasps of shock rippled through the crowd, I glanced out over them, and realised that there were as many looking at me with shock as there were looking at Thane. Lisbet stirred at the back of my mind, and I knew then that mine were glowing that brilliant purple too. Looking at Cole and Finn, I saw the same, and in the Elders too, though their faces looked sterner than ever as they looked beyond, over the crowd. I turned to follow their gaze, and gasped at the sea of glowing royal purple eyes that stared back at me in amazement. Yet, many of them blinked out too, as their owners turned away from the pack, joining those who'd walked away into the darkness just a few minutes earlier, and likely to Derrick's and Samantha's side. I gave Thane an uncertain look, and he nodded understanding, sighing deeply as he turned his head, facing his pack, though his hands were still bound with mine. He waited patiently for those choosing to leave to do so, then nodded to the Elders, and Henrie
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