All Chapters of Fated to More Than One : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
479 Chapters
Chapter One Hundred and Ten
Celeste's POVContinued..."I've come to give you back your Goddess aura," Zeus announces loudly the very moment I place my cutlery on the plate."Already?" I ask before I can stop myself."I've seen the error of my ways. I understand you cannot make Theseus come home. It is him that I should be punishing.""Oh," but that isn't what I want."Come?" He summons me, standing from the table with his glasses of wine.He nods to mine as he walks past, so I grab the glass to follow behind him.We walk through the downstairs back to the living room."Play me a song, Celeste..."The piano sits grandly before us, beckoning me to play him his favourite song.The one he always has me play.I sip my wine, drinking the deep red with enthusiasm, and then I place the glass on the sideboard to sit on the bench.Zeus smiles at my obedience as I start to play his favourite song. My fingers dance on top of the keys as the music fills the house with its melancholy.I finish the first piece, moving into th
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Chapter One Hundred and Eleven
Lilith's POVThe sonogram was astonishing.The doctor moved a small wand over my tummy to render images of our baby on the screen in front of her.To see an image of this little girl that I hadn't known about until recently really affirmed the fact that I am, indeed, pregnant.Our future is set in stone now; the three of us are to become parents, which means we must ensure this little girl is protected beyond any means of doubt. The Luna ceremony cannot come quickly enough. My integration into the pack seems imperative now.I need to earn the loyalty of all within the pack. I need to know they will protect my child's life with their own if the case were to arise that I needed to depend on them.That's all I think about as we head home in comfortable silence.Theo gushed about how excited he was as we walked out to the car, his voice a soothing balm on my soul as he spoke about how enthralled he was to have a child, a daughter to hand down our pack to when once upon a time he thought
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Chapter One Hundred and Twelve
Theseus’s POVMy heart started to beat erratically inside my chest as if it were going to die from a heart attack.I know that isn’t the case, I’m a god, and normal human ailments do not affect me in the same way.Something was happening, something wrong, and I didn’t immediately click on why I felt absolutely terrible.Then it started, the mark on my neck. The slim lines of teeth mark Celeste had left behind not eight millennia ago burning.There’s only one reason such a thing would present itself.Celeste, my love, was sleeping with someone else.I tried to fight the sinking emotions daring me to destroy this world and the next over as I stayed in the kitchen with my child and her friends and partner, trying to keep my head in the now, but I couldn’t.Outside was brewing with my emotions, the weather syncing to my agony.My body is burning with betrayal.Yet, in all the emotions sinking themself into my very being, I knew something was wrong.I knew Celeste would not do this to me.
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Chapter One Hundred and Thirteen
Khai's POVI cannot believe Theo would call Tabby here on a day such as today when we were supposed to be celebrating the child that is going to be our future. As soon as I saw them, I had to walk away, and I did so quietly as not to make a fuss.Tabitha cannot be trusted. She slept with the enemy, and I don't doubt that she still would be if Celeste had not chosen her another man to be her fated mate.Leo's arrival had been a welcome distraction for Tabby, and his insistence on taking her away had been a happy ending for me.Tabby often interfered with my smuggling of the children.She always questioned me and intercepted me when I was sneaking around.She was a royal pain in my arse, and I hated the fact she knew my future.You see, Damian had her watching everyone's decision, and she informed him of changes in the future courses.Things quietened down after she left. And that meant I was able to go ahead with my private dealings without the backlash I had previously suffered.So
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Chapter One Hundred and Fourteen
Celeste's POV I can feel him as soon as I stand to look out of the house and into the distance where Zeus had flown like a feather in the wind at my demand. Theseus is here, in the god realm, and he's angry. Of course, he is. What I just did. What I partook in must have heart-wrenchingly hurt him more than anything ever has in his existence. Mates and the bonds that come along with that intertwine our souls with one another. We've been soul mates for as long as time itself. Walking life beside each other, making decisions as a unit to one another and promising to love each other for eternity also. Not three or four months after I came here did I find him, and despite not being a wolf, something inside of me told me he was mine and I were his, and despite him only being a witch, he felt that deep connection to me too. And we marked one another. My teeth marks scared into his neck as one of my wolves would do with their mates, and his magic lived beneath my wrist as witches ma
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Chapter One Hundred and Fifteen
Eight Years AgoDamian's POVI hate the ugly monster looking back at me in the mirror. His black beady eyes are a mixture of my own dark brown with the depth of the very hell living beneath us, yet it's my body, my face, that looks at me as he teases me with the image of myself in the reflective glass.They suck me in and chew me up only to keep me inside instead of spitting me out—my whirlwind of emotions circles around and around as I live inside this monster of my own body.An internal loop of the same shit, day in and day out.I'm trapped. Trapped in the darkness, Onyx allows me to live in. My only saving grace is the mere thought of escaping one day and ending the pair of us.I've long since had the inability to surface fully. My only option is to watch through the eyes that were once mine—watching people believe that he is me, hating his ability to mimic even the slightest mannerism to fool any innocent bystander. What have I become?Who have I become?The number of stolen chil
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Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen
Theo's POV Leo and I hang back as Tabby and Lilith walk through the woods, discussing Tabby's time with a witch called Gretchen. Poor Tabby describes a gruesome life with the witch experimenting on her because of her visions. Damian wanted to harvest her gift. He wanted the gift of vision to use to his whim. Leo grits his teeth as Tabby describes the dark magic used to try and siphon her magic. The growl sitting at the base of his throat when she explains how painful it was sometimes makes me wonder how he hasn't killed Damian himself. I think over the times I've seen him near Damian. At how he's able to control the urge to be angry. His ability to be neutral in the face of the man who had hurt his mate, his girl. I don't know if I'll be able to be as Switzerland in the face of that man as he is. In the face of seeing everything he has done to Lilith and Khai, I don't know whether I will now be able to prevent myself from hurting him how he deserves. "Theo?" Lilith calls me.
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Chapter One Hundred and Seventeen
Lilith's POVTabby and I work around one another in the kitchen, making food from the cooking book.We went for a curry with rice and a side of spiced potatoes and coconut bread.Luckily Calley was home when we arrived, so we had her help; otherwise, we might have struggled to decide on dishes, let alone start the prep for dinner.She finds some flatbread in the fridge and carefully cuts a small opening to shove coconut inside, then bastes it in garlic oil.She has Tabby dicing chicken for the curry, which looks disgusting.The meat is slimy as Tabby takes it out of the plastic bowl it lives in, and it slips through her fingers and into the side, leaving a small trail of blood in its wake as it splattered with a slapping sound on the countertop.I watch disgusted as she picks it up again to place it down on the wooden chopping board readying it for her knife.I hate to say the knife slices so quickly through the meat that it makes my stomach churn. The image of a girl, similar to Tabb
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Chapter One Hundred and Eighteen
Six years agoDamian's POVI think the boy is her mate.It's in the way he looks at her, the way he hangs off of her every word, his inability to keep his hands off of her and the protective stance he takes over her, yet not anyone else.Onyx is becoming suspicious; watches Khai intensely. He is assessing his every move.And I’m sad to say Khai is fairing the bunkers more times than ever before.One wrong look, one wrong move, even sniffing the girl too closely, has Onyx in a tis of hatred for the boy.Khai was the son I chose for myself. The child I never had genetically, yet the boy I had adopted in a way that meant I had someone to pass my pack down to.Legally he is the heir, the successor to take over from me, yet here my wolf is destroying him.The boy has turned from the bubbly child I adopted to a quiet, subdued kid that jumps at the slightest sound.I hate watching his confidence dwindle before my eyes. Yet I cannot look away either.I could ignore all of this happening aro
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Chapter One Hundred and Nineteen
Celeste's POVI mope around the house, neglecting my duties in the following days after that... mistake with Zeus.Neither he nor Theseus has been near nor by, and I'm starting to wonder whether it was just my overactive mind making things up to punish me in some way, shape or form.But then I look into the mirror again, seeing the nasty marks on my neck. The bright purple and green blotches that are evidence to the contrary that indeed. Zeus had forced me to sleep with him to punish Theseus.I wonder, though, if he thought about how he was punishing me.I trusted him.We had a good relationship, and I thought he was abiding by the agreement he had made many, many moons again, but he wasn't.I guess, maybe, he was waiting for a time to use me much as he does all of the other female goddesses that come and go.Perhaps it has something to do with the fact I have been so long-standing that temptation finally snapped his restraint.I have been the longest-standing goddess since the likes
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