All Chapters of Fated to More Than One : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
479 Chapters
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty
Theo's POVDinner has passed, and it was magnificent, delightful even. My stomach is full of the beautiful goodness of curry, rice, potatoes and bread. Calley, Lilith and Tabby have all exceeded themselves, cooking up a feast of goodness, and we’ve all eaten in silence.The only sounds were the orgasmic eating sounds that were in unison between all of us.Even Angela couldn’t deny how excellent the food was, and she usually complained about everything.I’ve bid Leo and Tabby goodbye out in the yard where they are walking through the woods to find their friend who teleported them here, and now I want, no need, my mates.Grabbing hold of Lilith’s hand, I guide her upstairs, and I mind-link Khai to follow.He smirks—his internal dialogue mirror that of my own.Lilith’s smell has changed drastically today, and it’s tantalising.It was seeping out from her pores and into the air around us, turning me the hell on.Maybe it was the soft touches to my thighs in the kitchen as she ate, or per
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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty One
Celeste's POVAs I walk, I watch my granddaughter's soul as we walk to the pool of combined souls, and I feel giddy.Wow, that is all I can't think of as I look at the perfectly blended souls. There isn’t a strand of their DNA that has knitted together in a perfect meld of colour.No rough edges and no incomplete bonding. No part of them that doesn’t match the other completely. And it makes me think, makes me look. The souls I just chose to put together have not combined in such a seamless way.Have I been producing wolves that are not entirely one hundred percent a match…. Could I have chosen Hati, the wrong counterpart? Is that it?Is that why he’s the way he is?Placing my granddaughter down, I pick up Leo’s son, taking him back over to the pool of wolves.I pry apart the souls, placing both back separately in the bowl.They stay still for a moment, floating close to one another yet not moving away.They seem to think over whether they want to find another or stay together, but t
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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Two
Lilith’s POVSomething wakes me from my deep slumber. Dread is sitting in the pit of my stomach, which in turn is making my little girl move.You could say she was excited, but with how I feel, maybe she’s feeling just as much dread as I am.I sit from the mattress, looking back to see both Khai and Theo sleeping soundly on either side of me.What is that woke me?Sighing, I climb from the bed, grabbing the robe laid across the chair beside the bed.Swinging it around me, I cover my nakedness before tying it around my waist.Only then do I walk to the floor-length windows to look out and across the yard in wonder.It’s deep into the night, the move shining bright as it illuminates the yard, the trees and the distance.It’s beautiful outside, and I want to marvel at the sight before me, but the dread is all-consuming. Unwilling to let go of my very soul.I’m not sure how long I stand here at the window, but time seems to pass quickly, the moon moving through the sky, staring back at m
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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Three
Theseus's POVI'm finding it hard to sleep tonight, and I think it's because I can feel Celeste's excitement.What is she so excited about?A dozen things move through my mind, and I know it is probably something simple such as a new baby wolf that she's ecstatic about, but my mind wanders.It wanders down the dark path of thinking about her and Zeus and what they did and how he did it.Could she be excited because of him?It's stupid, the hurt that takes hold when trust is broken.I end up leaving the room I have called my own, and I surface out and into the yard.Zeus believes I am the next god.As in the real god, the god of gods.That was his job.He's ruled for many eons and stood at the helm of the world, reigning over every kind that there is.I stand in the yard looking around to make sure no one is about, and then I summon him.Picturing him with everything I have, using every part of my being to materialise him in front of me.I shouldn't be able to summon such a high-ranking
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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Four
Theo's POVThe passing days seem to be taking over like a fright train that’s refusing to stop. Lilith is growing fuller by the second, her tummy swollen and round. Khai is being overprotective, to the point instead of going off to deal with his own endeavours, he’s staying here with her.He follows her around like a puppy dog, ensuring she isn’t left alone for one moment.She can sleep, eat or pee without him standing there.And we can’t fuck without him asking if she’s okay every five seconds.He also gets anxious when he cannot feel our little girl move.She’s usually very active, and we wouldn’t have to usually have to put our hand on Lilith’s tummy because of her movements. Yet, sometimes she’s quiet, probably sleeping, and it’s in those times that Khai decides to panic about not being able to feel them.It seems he’s a very anxious person, which probably isn’t surprising considering what he has been through with Damian.Today, unfortunately, I have alpha duties that need takin
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Chapter One Hunder and Twenty Five
Five Years AgoDamian's POV"The borders are secure, boss. Is there anything else you need from me?" Alfredo asks whilst standing before my desk in his dressed-down work uniform.Alfredo is one of my most trusted warriors.He's been in this pack for over forty years and not once has he ever shown that he's not trustworthy.That's why he's been put in charge of the borders and the bunkers."No, you can go back to your station two now. Thank you, Alfredo.""As you wish, Sir. Have a good evening."I watch him retreating back for only a second before I pick up the financial papers to look over the decisions Onyx has been making without me.Today is one of those days where Onyx had to give in to his needs. He's sleeping soundly in the back of my mind, so I'm taking the opportunity to check as many things as possible.First, the paperwork and then Lilith.I must see Lilith."Sir," Alfredo interrupts me, taking me off guard because I presumed he had already left."Yes?" I answer, glancing u
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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Six
Khai's POVIt's not every day that I get Lilith to myself, and not do we ever have the bedroom to ourselves.I've been planning today for the whole week.Lunch was a short affair of soup and bread, and now I'm pampering Lilith to within an inch of her life.The bath is drawn with peony and Lillie nail oil, and the robes are fluffed and hanging over the heated towel rail.But most importantly, she is up here rather than down in the yard with Theseus."What is this?" she asks me as I pull her through the bedroom and into the steam-filled bathroom.I make sure to close the door, shutting out the world so that it's just her, the baby and me."See it as a pamper afternoon, Khai style?" I tell her, leading her to the bath, which is still piping hot and welcoming."So you didn't go to the toilet then?" She frowns down at the bath with a conspicuous look on her face."I did, in between running the bath and turning it off."She tries not to smile, her lips rolling in as she consciously attempts
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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Seven
Khai's POV ContinuedStripping my clothes to leave them in a junked pile on the floor beside her dress, and without hesitation, I climb in behind her and pull her to me.She fits nightly between my legs, her back lying cleanly against my front.Absently I play with her hair, costing my hand in the piling condition as we lay in silence.I wonder if we will do this in the future, whether we will find time around being parents to enjoy the little things such as enjoying a bath together.Or will we be so pent up and anxious about our child's future that we miss the small moments because we concentrate on the what-ifs?I sincerely hope that isn't the case, but I tend to let things manifest in my mind worse than the factual happenings around me.It's why I close in on myself and steer clear of those around me.If I'm not around them, and if I choose to stay away, nothing terrible can happen.Well, at least that's what I tell myself.If I'm not in the equation, the bad things that follow me
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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Eight
Theo's POVI arrive not fifteen minutes later, the queue of cars holding all of the alphas across our lands lining the driveway to the large building that resembles a hotel.But it isn't; it's the house of wolves. A grand building that holds our constitution book is where alphas visit to conduct meetings such as these.Usually, these meetings would be because someone is going against our constitution, meaning a meeting would be called to figure out a way to bring in the perpetrator and heed calmness across our lands again. With what Theseus had stated, I'm thinking that it's me.I'm the one accused of such things.It'll be hard for them to hold me down to our rules, though, considering both Wolf constituencies and witches govern me.The difference is vast; witches have fewer rules and more freedom than that of a wolf. Maybe that's what Theseus meant when he said he would be of help.I suppose being half-witch might save me from the impending doom of the weight of the high Alpha's ru
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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Nine
Lilith's POV"Lilith," Obsidian overtakes Khai, speaking to me lowly, sensually even, but despite knowing he's excited for us to have this time alone, I ask him to give Khai back the control so we can enjoy this together, alone."Give Khai back control. I want him tonight," I ask him.Obsidian growls lowly as Khai obviously speaks to him privately as I trail my fingers across his tummy, dragging my nails deeply to illicit pain."This isn't going to last long, Khai. I need it too much."I climb onto the bed, crawling up his body, so I'm sitting on top of him, and he's not unaffected by me.His hands hold my hips forcefully, and I can tell he's trying with all his strength not to dominate this experience, but even so, he forced himself inside me, filling me up with a short sharp pain as he fills me to the hilt. I moan aloud, holding onto Khai as if my life depends on it. "I don't want slow and torturous, Lilith. I want fast and hard,” he demands with that devilishly sweet smile on his
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