All Chapters of Fated to More Than One : Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
479 Chapters
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Nine
Theo's POVI can feel them out there in the distance, so I leave the confines of Theseus's house to go find them.They both seem happy and content as I walk down through the wooded area.It's serene here, much like home. The trees cover the majority of the mountainside.Greens, browns and a smattering of colour where random wildflowers have grown.It isn't hard to follow Khai's scent, his being the more potent of Lilith and him.I wonder why that is... surely it shouldn't be, but it is.His scent almost devours hers. He is overpowering her to redirect anyone's desire to follow along to find her.It's quite the weapon...A large man brushes past me, my thoughts distracting me from the fact that another person is walking towards me.Our shoulders meet as he hisses his annoyance at me, but I cannot fret over his words because a torrent of images overtakes me.The man is much the same, yet he seems younger somehow.He's walking amongst people, wolves, I believe, whilst dressed in a long
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Chapter One Hundred and Forty
Lilith's POVI'm sure I experienced a flashback.Isn't that what they would call a vision of the past?The vision depicted a conversation between Damian and Zeus, though Damian wasn't Damian.Well, he was. It was his body, his face, but his eyes were deep black, and his voice was the voice of my nightmares.I think I was the child his Damian's hands, but I didn't have time to assess whether I was because the vision morphed into another.Snippets of Zeus talking to a godly woman. Her skin was bronze, and her face angelic.He was talking about me, about how I am trapped in one of his disciple's grasps whilst Celeste and Theseus are non-the-wiser. The vision morphs again.Zeus is watching me play in the woods. My hand inside Khai's. I remember that day. Damian had allowed me to go play with the other kids.Khai, Andrew, Tipper and I were running around the woods, grins on our faces as we enjoyed the freedom of being children.I hadn't known someone was watching me. I hadn't felt him w
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Chapter One Hundred and Forty One
Theo's POVStripping quickly, I enter the water, taking a sharp intake of breath at how surprisingly warm it is.Now the fog makes sense. The air is cooler than the water; it must be a natural spring of some sort.I've heard of these types of pools where they every centre of the earth heats them up. Mother Nature's wonder dad used to explain it as.I let the water ease my stiffness, the anxiety and recall of the vision I had just experienced dissipating from my body."Come?" Lilith summons me worth her forefinger, and I go willingly towards her wanting to immerse myself in her. To submerged in her aura to forget everything going on inside my mind right now.She stands up, revealing the perfectly round mounds of her breasts, and I growl.I'm all fairness, it is Rex who forces me to.The pure and unadulterated need to claim her as mine but also the fear of having her seen by another, besides Khai, surfacing at the same time.The inside of my body is in a frenzy.The inability to choose o
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Chapter One Hundred and Forty Two
Lilith's POVI think I needed that.Some deep sort of me craving the mate bond to be solidified again.Maybe it's a fact I was unable to take my eyes off of another man that wasn't mine.The indescribable feelings of betrayal that's been sitting in the back of my mind since it happened.The aftermath of my sex round of sex is nothing like the first. This time instead of jumping into a third round, we just sit along the ledge and enjoy the warm water.I have them both on either side of me, caging me in with their husky scents.I've noticed that after we fuck they smell stronger. They smell me, all of us.It's the smell of home, I think.We stay there as quiet as mice for a long time—the sun descending in the sky above us. Leaving not much time before the daylight ends and moonlight starts. "We should go; we don't want to be out here in the dark," I suggest having a stomach-sinking feeling that we should indeed be sitting in Celeste's home where it's safe.I hate to admit that, but it
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Chapter One Hundred and Forty Three
Celeste's POVThe pool of human souls has been gathering to the point of overcrowding. Their little lights swimming around trying to find the one they belong to.My children are procreating yet I've ceased to choose a wolf soul to pair their pup with. I've had a lot to think about.The pro's and con's of letting the pairs chose themselves and knit together.Lilith's dismay is the root cause of my problems. Her words of disgust making me think over my choices regarding matching a pair.I shouldn’t allow her opinion to cloud my judgement and stop me from completing my job but I do and have.And this is what Zeus bangs on about.Love, it colours your judgement and I love Lilith and now her opinions or overruling my duty because of that fickle emotion that I’ve kept away for millennia.Perhaps it was easier with Theseus because he understood. Working the same as I, having the same rules.I think that’s why we work. There’s no expectation when it comes to harsh decision.He fully understa
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Chapter One Hundred and Forty Four
Three Years Ago Damian's POVThey say that your heart freezes when you're touched by evil.I think that might be the case.I've been tainted by evil for so long that I crave it in some weird sadistic way to survive, yet I hate watching it now. I've not been let out of this cage called my own mind in what feels like an eternity, yet I think it might have been as short as a year.I watch life pass through the haze-filled vision of watching Onyx walk around inside my body.He has everybody fooled, including my best of friends and my longest-serving pack members.None of them bats an eyelid my way, presuming I am me and that life is carrying on as it always should.But that isn't the case.Onyx is probably the darkest soul I have ever come across.His need to hurt others, to steal their souls and feed from their very essence, is... a tumultuous thing to experience.I've never been that way. Evil or cold-hearted, my pack has come to expect nothing more of me.You’d think the elders woul
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Chapter One Hundred and Forty Five
Theo’s POVI hang back in the kitchen, waiting for everyone else to disperse before I corner Theseus.He's quite the family man; it seems his ability to cook, and clean isn't one I would associate with a god, but I've seen it with my own eyes, so it's undeniable."Theseus?" I call from the table as he turns out the lights.His actions led me to believe he didn't realise I was still here, but surely a god would feel those around him."I wondered if you fell asleep over there; you've sat perfectly still for a while. What is it?" He asks whilst turning to walk out of the kitchen area.I stand to follow him, pushing my chair to the table out of respect before my footfalls meet his own.He walks up the stairs along the corridor, then up the next flight of stairs, moving into his room again.Immediately he heads for the pool, pushing his hand inside the water as he draws figures of eight."You want me to teach that young girl how to use her abilities," he smiles down at the water."Yes, can
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Chapter One Hundred and Forty Six
Lilith's POV"Lilith, Calley," Theseus greets us outside in the yard whilst he stands under the swing I had sulked on just yesterday.The grass is frosty this morning, and the sky is still dark.It's six am, and the day is just getting started.Khai is standing just outside the glass wall of the house, and Theo is inside talking to his father through a telekinesis call that Celeste is facilitating.She seems helpful this morning, yet flat. Her body language shows her unease, yet her actions say another thing.Theseus gets started with me, making me practise the ability we last used.The power of emotion, he calls it.I have to think of something that makes me sad, and then I have to obsess over that sadness, thinking of all the things that can make the situation worse.I think of Theo and Khai, of losing them because of Damian.My thoughts take me down the path of them dying whilst I watch. The tear spring to my eyes instantly, and I'm consumed with the loss of my mates despite the f
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Chapter One Hundred and Forty Seven
Celeste's POVThe children Theo brought back with him belong to one of the godlings, the children that were procreated up here but sent down to Earth because Zeus would not allow them to live up here.I stand at the back wall of the house, watching Theseus teach Lilith how to manipulate those around her emotionally.She's still new to it, and she has no control over herself, which is dangerous.I must talk to Theseus about it.I can feel her sorrow all the way here, and it almost takes me under its spell, and then she becomes anxious, which also plays havoc with my own emotions.Lilith is potent, but I never expected less because she's just like her father.Theseus has the same ailment, and when we had first met, he, too, was new to the situation.Having sex for the first time was vociferous. His emotions and feelings swept mine away so that I mimicked his exact feelings.That's what I worry about with Lilith.If her gift is so uncontrolled now, what will happen when she gives birth t
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Chapter One Hundred and Forty Eight
Khai’s POVHow have I lived with these two kids without noticing that they hold an age-old gift between them?Neither one nor the other can exercise their own without the other.It’s a gift that is as rare as the world we live in, and it hasn’t been recorded for decades I—in the history of wolves. I can’t believe I hadn’t noticed their strange behaviour.But knowing what I do now, I can summarise that Calley has been using her gift around us on occasion.It’s in the way her usual bubbly behaviour was more subdued and quieter. Or the fact that she seemed overly quiet, whereas she would generally talk your ear off.And then I think of Arlo, who is always missing, never having a known location when he should be around. But I guess he is around somewhere.Perhaps Theo likes it that way; maybe having Arlo hidden is a strategy and constituency plan in case there is a breach in safety.Not knowing he’s there, and not expecting him to strike, is a clever plan.And considering he’s been trai
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