All Chapters of Fated to More Than One : Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
479 Chapters
Chapter One Hundred and Forty Nine
Lilith's POVI've gravitated to the room with my daughter's soul again—something pulling me up here as everyone goes about their afternoon quietly. The pools all sat at equal intervals on the floor, their contents glowing, illuminating the room with enough light to be able to see before me.Immediately I walk to the one she resides in, dipping my hand inside the liquid to find her unique purple soul. I note the liquid is warm, possibly at body temperature, and it illuminates in a blue hue. It's there, hiding at the bottom of the pool all by itself where, as the others are huddled as a unit, somewhat like a pack, if I could use that as a way to describe them.They mingle within the smallest of circles yet never part.I pick my daughter up, her form going rigid as she frets at being moved.But then she blossoms, spreading out in my palm as if trying to hug me, and I can feel her happiness at being near me."Are you so sure of wanting to be paired with Aspen?" I ask aloud, even with th
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Chapter One Hundred and Fifty
Theo's POVWe've been up here for four days already, and I'm kissing my pack. My father... the ability to be the alpha rather than a lowly omega that has to follow every rule.The one good things about being up here are the fact that Calley is learning not to black out every time she exerts herself.Theseus is a good teacher, his guidance is sure and slow, but I think that's what Calley needs.She bowls into things at a superhuman pace whilst her body lags behind.I'm watching them now,Lilith is sitting on the swing for the third day in a row, whereas Calley is standing beside Theseus, sitting on the floor in front of Lilith, hidden up within the tree that houses the swing and standing at the bottom of the house staring up to the second floor where I'm stationed to watch them.Her fourth version waves at me with excitement, and I chuckle.This is all Calley has dreamed of, the ability to use her ability without faulting out.I’m glad that in this mess of a situation, I have found a w
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Chapter One Hundred and Fifty One
Two Years AgoDamian's POVWe are walking down a long dark corridor in a building I've never visited before.It's dark, drag and erie.Unwelcoming at its best.I've yet to figure out how to gain control, so I remain in my mind watching Hati... Onyx, control my life.Have you ever heard of that saying you walk through your life with blinkers on? Well, I have, and I have first-hand experience with it."Hati..." a small girl dressed inappropriately greets him."Ah, Abigail. How beautiful you look this evening; where is Zeus?" He asks."In your room, waiting for you, sir," the girl recites."Very good, don't go too far... I may have time to squeeze you in," he laughs."Of course," the girl mumbles quietly as if she doesn't particularly want to hang around, but she knows it's imperative to for her safety.I fear for the girl, but there's nothing I can do, so I swallow the feeling down to watch on quietly as Hati greets Zeus."Ah, dear Zeus. What calls for this meeting?" He asks."Just a c
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Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Two
Lilith’s POVWe train again in the yard all morning, but despite Theseus’s desire to hone in my skills, I make him help Calley.What an extraordinary gift to be able to project herself in more than one place.But she’s struggling, her ability only lasting for a short amount of time and the more challenging to she’s at making her extra versions of herself seem real, the worse her ‘blackout’ is.Celeste states she needs to use the energy from hosts around her, but she’s finding it hard to tap into us.Not that Khai will allow her to borrow anything from me.I’m a big no, no, according to him. This is precisely why he’s stood out here with us, lending his energy and strength for Calley to practise with.The first round goes well, and her second version appears before me.She looks identical to Calley.Her mannerisms, the way she talks. Even down to the way she breathes.Theseus asks Calley to push herself, telling her to feel for Khai and to take some of his energy. His essence that sits
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Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Three
Lilith's POVWar is raging all around me, wolves fighting wolves, humans fighting humans.There's not one ounce of serene happiness for as long as the eye can see.I'm standing at the tree's edge, Khai on one side of Theo and me on the other. They are one step ahead, protecting me. Using their bodies as shields, but no one can touch me; no one's as strong as I am, and that's why I move between them, breaking through their security to walk amongst my people.No one notices me as I walk in between them. My bare feet hit the grass silently, and it's as if I'm regal.Moving at a slow speed as time halts to the slowest pace it can.Wolves are lunging for one another, striking for each other's necks.Humans are drawing weapons meant to kill.Knives, guns... the claws of their wolves.Blood spurts, people fall in slow motion to the ground, and my heart hurts zMy people cannot be fighting this way; they shouldn't be fighting."Stop," I yell. My voice sounded across the horizon for anyone to
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Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Four
Theseus's POVI watch Lilith disappear with Zeus, yet I do nothing but stand and watch as he lures her away to win her trust.I should be preventing this from playing out, yet I know I can't.I must bode my time, watch and wait for the most suitable time to strike.I know his game, his need to harvest her abilities to keep his reign, but if he'd ask, he'd know I didn't particularly want to overtake him.I have no business in being him, of being god, yet for some unknown reason, it is I who is supposedly destined to overtake that particular role.I've been around long enough to know I cannot decline the position in the way of talking. The successor must fight for the title, and I know that fight is part of my fate.Last night, Zeus let me know he was willing to fight for his title, and unfortunately, I had to save face and say that I knew that I, too, were willing to fight.The only reason I'm willing to fight is for Lilith.If my taking this charge of taking on this responsibility mea
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Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Five
Lilith's POVWe land with a crack of thunder and a spark of lightning on top of a snow-covered mountain.The sky is bleak and white, and the air is surprisingly warm.My breath coke sour in a gust of warm air.My brain tells me it should be freezing, that the air should be biting my skin, but I’m surprisingly warm, considering all of the snow covering the floor around me.“Come, the walks lovely,” Zeus tells me.He reaches his hand out to offer me, but I snub his request, stuffing my hands deep inside the dressing gown adorned on my body.We walk through the snow and high up on the mountain. My breath came ragged and sparse.“Deep breaths now; the altitude is high,” he encourages.I don’t say a word, walking silently behind him as I try to take in as much of the view as I possibly can.We are high up on the mountainside.Below is nothing but mountains, trees and snow.It’s picturesque, and I wish I could just stop to take in the marvellous sight before me. But Zeus is on a mission, w
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Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Six
Zeus’s POVShe sits beside me with an air of regality.Her hair is long and blonde behind her, burnishing in the moonlight that dares to shine high above us.I’ve brought her here to show her the wonders of our realm, the wonders of being a goddess.Little birds tell me she isn’t intent on becoming her mother's successor.That’s both angering and saddening.She is the sole heir of two gods. Her responsibility is to take on those charges when her parents relinquish their holds.One parent is already well on his way to giving up his charges as the witch-kind god and vying to take my role, my legacy.I have been the GOD for more years than I’d like to count, yet there’s a chance I will give up the ability to rule anything and everyone.This has always been my destiny and my ability, and I’ll never sit under Theseus.I must aim for this child’s trust and make her believe I will protect her.She’s already vulnerable, her upbringing has done that part for me, and I’m sure, with enough work,
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Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Seven
Lilith’s POVZeus keeps to his word, bringing me home before the sun has even thought about rising in the sky.It’s still pitch black outside, besides the shine of the moon high in the sky, yet it feels right to be standing out here within the darkness.Zeus teleported us here from the top of the mountainside, which has mildly pissed me off.Why make me walk so far if he could have just teleported me there instead?I walk through the years and into the house and then climb the stairs.I feel less restless now but tired, so I climb the stairs and round the corner and slip inside the room, where I find Khai and Theo sleeping exactly where I had left them.So I drop the dressing gown and climb between them, letting their scent calm my nerves and finally allowing sleep to consume me.~~~I wake to the sound of my own heartbeat racing in my ears as I wake from another frightful dream where I was forcing the people down on earth to follow me.This time I was in a chair made from metal, and
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Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Eight
Theo's POVThe moment I woke up, I could smell something g off about Lilith.I'm not entirely sure what it was, but it pulled something deep within my gut, telling me something was off.It isn’t like her to sleep in late. Usually, she's up way before I am, but today she isn't, so I climb out of bed quietly and leave her to catch up on the much-needed rest she obviously needs.Khai is already missing, his bedside completely empty and no doubt cold.He has the worst case of insomnia I have ever encountered. I presume his previous life is to blame, but maybe it's just part of who he is.The house is eerily quiet as I walk the halls and descend the stairs.No one's around, and breakfast has already been served.The remainder was left for Lilith and me under the stovetop heat lamp.I take a plate and invite myself to sit at the large dining table, and I eat enough to convince my body it isn't hungry anymore, and then I sip some coffee that has already been made too.Allowing myself some q
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