All Chapters of The Burning Lust Within Me : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
77 Chapters
chapter 51
When I arrive back home I went upstairs to check on Maria she was still sleeping didn't want to wake her up. I close the door went back down stairs order up food umm what should I get for Maria to eat I don't want to order nothing she can't eat. I got I'll order a seafood boil and some fry fish and greens and rice cornbread. I call my favorite restaurant that dose amazing seafood to put my order in hopefully she will like everything.I cleaned the kitchen and tighter the living room up but everything away back into it's place. Made me a drink some run and coke to calm my nerves down think about those two dummies. I Then call my mother I haven't talk to her in awhile I was always working didn't take time off to see her and my father and brothers.she's going to kill me when she finds out about to get married with a baby on the way. Mother dose not like being in the dark on things. Hay mother how you doing on this lovely day, I'm good glad you decided to call me after all this time. Wh
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chapter 52
The next two days came quickly it's Wednesday all ready I've been working on my blogs and contracts and trying to fine help for the farm. Since my mother already told Allen he would be part owner of the family farm business as soon we're married I already gave the hiring process to him he's looking for the equipment we need as well that's more his lane the mines. I love working with him we flow together as one which doesn't surprise me at all we get alone very well. If we have a disagreement about something we solve it together. this man is the perfect partner to have a partnership with.It's also helps when your mother love and trust him as well. I'm still having some morning sickness issues still but not as bad than before. Ice cream is my best friend for those sad days when I cry like a baby for no reason. Not only that I've been very horny Allen will not give in since we went overboard last time. So I made an appointment with my doctor here because I getting me some of he's lo
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chapter 53
We left the doctor office on our way to the mall I need more clothes since the doctor said I should be gaining wait in the next two months. Allen is beaming with joy since he seen our baby on the screen him self for the first time. Allen holding my hand kissing the back of my hand showering me would love and affection. I'm really glad he's happy about having a family with me I can depend on him to love and cherish us always forever.We arrive at the mall there's alot of people here we see as we enter the door coming through the entrance of the mall. We make it to a mommy and me store I began searching for clothes for me it's hard to focus on just myself when I see all of these cute adorable little babies clothes. I can't help my self I start grabbing baby clothes as well putting them in the basket I'm grabbing neutral colors since we do not know the sex of the baby yet. I always wanted to be a mother even when I was with Lawrence I wanted to be a mother he just wasn't ready to be a fa
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chapter 54
I just got off the phone with the police department they will send some people over to get the media and fans to leave.Hopefully they can get control of the situation before it get out of hand. Maria we might have to leave earlier than expected to go to New York just because of the situation that happened right now. Just in case we need to pack some bags to stay in New York for awhile till things die down. If it's gets too crazy there then we will have to go back to Minnesota at least it's quiet there. I don't think the media know where your mom stay at anyway.Ok whatever is best for our safety I have to be honest I'm not use to this I know you're not neither. I need to relax going to take a shower when I'm done I'm coming back and cook us a meal. no, no , I got it I'll cook for us tonight, Allen but I want to do it let me find but I'm helping I smile ok you're on as I head upstairs to shower. I'm trying my hardest to get her to relax even though the doctor said she fine but the fan
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chapter 55
Allen and I had already pack our bags with everything we needed then we went to sleep early that night. It's around 5am in the morning when I got up I took a shower got dress. I'm wearing yoga pants and tank top with sneakers and a hat. Allen got sweat pants and tank top with a hat we both wearing sunglasses. Hopefully know one will recognize us we try to keep a low profile. We took Allen truck instead of the car that everything seen us use all the time. Lucky know one was around when we left this morning.We're on our way to New York which about 2 hour drive there to his parents house. While Allen driving I pull up my phone to check the blogs about me and Allen. We are still hot topic I was hoping everything goes away, but nope everything still the same. Hopefully Brenda will gets to work on this soon before it's gets more out of hand.Why you looking at those blogs Maria you know that will only cause stress for you and the baby Allen said in a concern tone ok okay I then put my phon
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chapter 56
We are still in Allen room it's early 9am I'm hungry but I just don't want to leave the room. l don't want to be around Allen mother but I need to eat. Allen I'm hungry can we go out for breakfast and not eat here please. Maria we can't leave remember what Brenda said about going out alone without bodyguards. Right I forgot ok let's go eat breakfast with your family than. We go to the lavish kitchen where the table is laid out with fancy decor there's even a chef preparing breakfast.I really feel out of my element here but I'm not going to complain this Allen parents I keep reminding myself. We sit down and one of Butler's bought me a plate of eggs benedict some scrambled eggs some kind of tostada with bacon some fruit, grits, oatmeal, some pastries, and many other things. His Mother then said eat up dear you eating for two so I ask them to prepare everything I didn't know what you like. Oh okay thank you I said as I started to eat my breakfast.Then Allen father ask him how the const
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chapter 57
It's been months I'm still in New York I don't want to deal with anything I'm depressed the doctor a gave me meds to help me sleep and mood stabilizers. But everything keeps playing in my head it's my fault I lost our baby. Allen keeps trying to make me feel better I know he's hurting too but I just can't deal with anything right now so I just sleep. Maria bae how about we go to the park or how about we go back to Minnesota. No just leave me alone, but Maria no just leave me alone I shout out. Ok I'll leave you alone but remember I'm hurting too he said as he left. Allen I'm sorry I said before he closed the door behind him I just cry in my pillow and fell back to sleep. Later that evening Allen mother came in the room with a food tray Maria you need to eat ok. Why you being so nice now you didn't care about me before I yelled at her. You right I didn't and for that I'm sorry I really didn't mean to hurt my son by hurting you. Just go away no not going away I will tell you something
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chapter 58
We been back in my hometown for three weeks no I'm happy to be home working on the farm. Brenda Santos my bestie stop by everyday to make sure I'm ok and PR she's doing for me and Allen image is going great. The fans and media has slow down a bit with all the craziness on the internet blogs.I feel like I'm getting my quite life back I'm happy with that. Allen and I spend our evening sometimes by the lake having picnic talking about the future and where we going to go for our honeymoon we're thinking about Hawaii but we haven't made a decision yet.I decided to wait till our wedding night to make love again give my body and mind to heal from our lost. I do want to try for another baby just not now, our wedding night will be perfect timing by then hopefully. I'm still working on my blog making contracts and helping others to grow their revenue with their company. So far the blog doing well better than I expected it to do. Everyday I get new people to join for classes with me too help
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chapter 59
I return home after talking to Brenda I went to the kitchen to get some water open the bottle started to take a sip when Allen comes around the corner with nothing on. My mouth drop he's wet from taking a shower WTF I said to myself. umm bae don't you think you need to put some clotheson nope not really he laughs as he looking at me with I can't wait to fuck you face and make you mines all night. I started to get hot oh man umm I umm think I going to umm see my mother for a bit I said trying to run off. But Allen took of hold of me then kiss me passionate then a wave of lust and heat started to hit me it's been almost 6 months since me and Allen made love because I want to wait till I heal now that I am he's teasing me Allen I said as he kiss me on my neck then my shoulders umm he said bae no we need to wait a little longer. But I want you now I need to taste you please Maria he said as he continues to kiss me You only have a week and a half day left you can wait to get honey th
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chapter 60
We party with our family and friends for a couple of hours everyone in town is here also to support us. We had catering done by our local restaurant the only one in town I could have flown out and chef but I didn't I just wanted a home cook meal that everyone in town loved including me. I tell everyone enjoy themselves as they should this is a happy occasion of us showing our love for each other. I see one of Allen Brothers named James Allen younger brother of the three boys trying to to talk to Brenda.I could help but chuckle and say to myself good luck trying.We party with everyone till about 6pm it was time to catch our flight to Hawaii or should I say Maui. I never been we are so excited to get to the island to swim in the blue waters. We will be staying in one of the vacation homes that's has water on all sides we will have alot of privacy. I love the privacy aspect because me and my husband might want to be nake in the water and I don't have to worry if someone see us.We hug
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