All Chapters of Love in Thorns, Guns and Shackles: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
80 Chapters
Elena's first mission
Elena walked to the middle of the road and lay down, she was really terrible at acting but this wasn’t a difficult scene, was it? In a few seconds, she could see the front light of the incoming car; she began to raise her hand like asking for help.She was nervous and a part of her wished that the man wouldn't stop the truck. Yes, if he didn’t, he would run her over, but wasn’t that better than becoming a criminal? She had no idea what these men were going to do to the truck driver but it would definitely be something bad, and she already felt guilty about it.If anything bad happened to the man, she would be responsible for it. She didn’t want to live with such guilt, especially when she was not sure how long before she was killed as well. But on second thought, did she deserve to die? Was it right to die for someone else? She might not be a criminal but she was no saint either, she had done some pretty bad things in her life.The truck was fast approaching, honking loudly and contin
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Who is to blame?
“Don’t blame me, it was you that gambled with thugs when you knew you had no money!!” Elena’s mother yelled back at her husband.“Really? Well, if you had trained her well, then she would have been married by now and we wouldn’t even have to worry about her getting abducted by some random thugs.” He retorted in his defense.Chiara rolled her eyes at him. “Our daughter was not abducted by thugs, she was taken as collateral by the people you owe money. Why would you even gamble with such thugs in the first place? You know very well that he is a member of the Lupi family and yet you had something to do with him.” she scolded.Elena’s father staggered around trying to gain balance, he had gone out as usual tonight and had a lot to drink, now he was tipsy from all that. “”Don’t blame it all on me alone, how was I supposed to know that he would come here and take our useless daughter?” He queried.“Stop giving flimsy excuses and admit you are wrong, this is your entire fault. Useless or not
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The night visitor
Anna knocked on the office door and checked her watch; she was dressed in regular house attire- a short sleeved light shirt and pajamas down. She glared at the camera impatiently, while wondering what Baron White was still doing here by now.Finally, the door opened and the white skinned man stared at her with keen eyes, probably surprised to see her. “Anna? What are you doing here so late at night, and in Pajamas?” he queried with furrowed eyebrows.“I should be asking you that. I went to your house hoping to find you there, but I was informed that you were here, so I had to come.” She replied.“Well, my wife is mad at me, I am kind of sleeping in the doghouse tonight, so I thought it would be better to crash here,” Baron uttered and took a bite from the chicken wings in his hand.Anna wrinkled her face and looked at him with mixed expressions. “Your wife kicked you out of the house? What did you do again, Mr. White?” she asked and smirked.“Hey, don’t give me that look, it wasn’t my
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Her second mission
Elena stood before the mirror, adjusting her outfit to perfection. She was dressed in a long pink gown that went down to her ankles; it was split on one side, from the knee downwards. She packed her long hair to the left and clipped it together; she still had no idea why Leonardo had asked her to dress up.This was practically her third night under the roof of these vile men, she was beginning to get a bit comfortable around here, considering the things she had now that she wouldn’t even dream of before, but however she still wanted more than anything else to go home.She had been served the best breakfast of her entire life earlier today, and a maid had brought her lunch in her room later as well, she would never get such treatment at home. Was she foolish for wanting to go back home? Or was she greedy for enjoying the advantages of her new home?Not like it was guaranteed, but she had more faith now that they wouldn’t kill her, what would they gain from ending her already miserable
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Partying with the millionaire
The party was bubbling with entertainment, music in the air, flashy lights illuminating the whole place. Elena was sitting alone at a table, she had come here with three of the gang members, Mateo and two other made-men.The two men were outside while Mateo was inside, keeping an eye on her. Even though she couldn’t see him, she knew that he was watching her from a corner. The man she had come for was two tables away, he was surrounded by about five able bodied young men, obviously his guards.Elena was trying to come up with a plan, a way she could get closer to him. she wouldn’t just go there and sit, he was a high profile fellow, he could have his men toss her out of the party the next moment.She also couldn’t confront him and ask for his phone at gunpoint, his men obviously had bigger guns; they would off her before she even made a move. Elena was confused; she had no idea what to do next. Leonardo had made it clear that if the mission wasn’t successful, he would kill a member of
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From a captive to a fugitive
“What do you think you are doing?” the man queried with furrowed eyebrows.“Don’t ask me any questions, turn around and put your hands up in the air,” she ordered. She had suddenly found courage after he called her a bitch, she hated that term a lot and wouldn’t mind killing because of it.The man chuckled. “You are really silly to threaten me, do you know who I am?” he asked and made to come closer.“Not another step, I am not kidding,” she warned with a stern face and the man paused.“Stop this and put down the gun, it's obvious you haven’t shot someone before, your hands are shaking,” he said and laughed.Even though he was acting tough and fearless, Elena could see the fear visible in his eyes, she knew she got him where she wanted him, she just had to put more effort or she would be gone.“You are right, I haven’t shot someone before but I really want to know what it feels like, so don’t piss me off further or I will blow off your fucking brain!!” she threatened. “Now, hands in t
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The Mafia Lord's plan
Lorenzo stood at a dark spot watching as Leonardo dragged Elena down the stairs, he couldn’t understand what was going on between those two. Few minutes later, Leo walked out of the basement.Lorenzo quickly hid away behind a pillar and waited for Leo to walk past, the Mafia Boss walked past him muttering some inaudible words, he sounded really angry; Elena must have really pissed him off.Leonardo suddenly paused; he sniffed and turned around like he could smell something odd. Lorenzo hid himself properly, moving very gently to avoid making a sound. He noticed Leo walking back slowly towards him; this wasn’t good, if the Boss caught him spying on him, he would be in big trouble.Leo got closer to him and his heart began to race. It didn’t matter that he was older than Leonardo; the Don could punish anyone he wished to. If Leo could sentence his own uncle to death, how much more someone that wasn’t blood related?Even if Leonardo doesn’t feel the need to punish him, this would be a re
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Rejecting her a second time
Baron White groaned when he heard another knock on the door, he had just sent the last person away a few minutes ago, who was at the door again? He might be the Chief Editor of this media outlet, but he didn’t see it as a reason why he should be bothered and bugged by the workers constantly; they should give him a break.Baron was someone who really didn’t like anything stressful in his life, he just wanted to live a happy, comfortable life and out of trouble. First, his wife now was nothing like the woman he saw before marriage; thanks to his gentle, stay out of trouble nature, he had become the female in the marriage, while she took the position of the head of the table.Not like he was complaining, in fact he still loved her very much, but he just wished she was less demanding and bossy with him. Was he weak for not wanting any troubles? Was he weak for living a life of nonviolence?All he ever wanted was a nice comfy life where he gets everything he wants served on a platter of go
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The new Captain
“Alright ma’am thanks for providing us this information. We would look into it and find out if it's the truth. If it is so, I promise you, we would bring the offenders to justice. We are yet to get a formal complaint from the man in the picture, but our men will investigate right away and confirm from him.Please note that we would not be able to carry out further investigations if the Victim refuses to make a report, as long as he doesn’t file charges, we won't be able to do anything. But if he does, I assure you that the culprit would be brought to face the law, they would be brought to justice.” The police detective replied to Anna.She had just reported the incident to the police as an eye witness, not minding the implications of her actions and how badly it could affect her. Right now she was really angry and it didn’t matter to her if she was putting her life at risk. Although she had threaded carefully by not mentioning the Mafia in her statement, it was better the police found
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A warrant for Elena
Marco Vincenzo and his team arrived in front of the house; they pulled up and took positions outside. He signaled four men to stand watch for the suspect while he proceeded to the front door with two men.** * * * * * * * * * *Captain Marco had seen the report that Anna made on the day of his arrival and he decided to take it as his first case. He intended to wipe out crime and corruption in the city, starting from the smallest units.From petty thefts, fist and knife attacks to high profile killers and fraudsters. He was going to stop at nothing to bring all the bad men down. The captain was a citizen of the country and state as well, he was from that very province- the Sicilian region.After hearing all the bad reports about the crime rate in his hometown, he had begged his superiors to let him come down here and thoroughly wipe out crime in this city. He hoped that the cops in the city were capable because if they were not, he would have to request a new team from the higher autho
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