All Chapters of The Alpha's Human Twin: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
152 Chapters
Chapter 121
Chapter 121*.*Cora let out the breath she has been holding and watched them in the ring. She had lost track of the one that she marked to be Max and was looking for ways to detect it again.She observed that one was moving effortlessly with the armor, while it was difficult for the other and she was instantly able to tell which of them was Cole.The drums of war stopped beating and were replaced by a fast sound made from the xylophone and there were shouts of cries from the fighters as they attacked each other with their clubs, while Cora had her heart in her mouth.One of the fighters used his kit skillfully while the other fumbled with his. Max used his sword and landed it on Cole's head and he went on his knees instantly, then he kicked him on the chest, sending him flying to the other side of the ring with his club and shield flying out of his reach.Max grinned and turned to look at the spectator, raising his sword and shield above his head as the crowd cheered and clapped on h
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Chapter 122
Chapter 122.*.*Hazel walked to the spacey lab and opened the door in a hurry. She stepped into the dark hall without closing the door after her. The hall was pitch dark and she could scarcely see where the wooden fire torches or lamps were situated in the hall.She closed her eyes, opened her palms, and murmured some words under her breath. The lamps in the room were all lit up, illuminating the hall as she swiftly looked around. Owen was not in his usual spot in the lab as he was also in the hall where the entertainment was being carried out. Without further ado, she walked straight to her lab room and opened the door.She stepped into the room without bothering to lock or close the door after her. The room was also as dark as the bigger hall and she had to murmur some magical words and the lamps in the room were lit up.Stepping with long fast strides, she moved to the shelves and started rampaging for the right herbs she needed to mix. She gathered some recipes and tossed them i
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Chapter 123
Chapter 123.*.*Azura walked into the tournament hall when it was almost time for the next round. She scanned through the hall with her eyes and saw Hazel seated back at her spot, alongside Nora.Heaving a heavy sigh of frustration, she looked down at the new bite mark the bunny had given her which she has washed up before finally walking down to take her seat.Immediately after she took her seat, she turned to look at Cora who was, in turn, staring at her. She nodded and returned her attention to Max and Cole in the ring.They peeled off the costume that they wore and were just putting on normal clothes. While Cole wore a plain white shirt in which he placed the locket necklace under the shirt, with a pair of black trousers, a cloth was used to tie around his fists and he was barefooted. After taking the potion Hazel had given to him in his dressing room, all the pain he felt was gone but the bruises were still there.Max wore a black plain shirt and a pair of black trousers. A piec
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Chapter 124
Chapter 124.*.*He suddenly stopped viewing the portrait as goosebumps were sparse all over his body. Furrowing his brows, he stepped away from the wooden fire torch, with his mind wandering elsewhere.Looking around in the direction Athena had taken, he was searching if he could still see her while he pondered if she was really sane or insane."Akad?" He tasted the name on his lips for the first time, still not sure of what he should do. He turned to look in the direction Athena had taken again, trying to picture the look on her face when she handed the paper to him.She had looked so scared as if someone was watching them and had refused him to open the portrait in her presence. And Bryan still could not fathom what that attitude entails.He was so preoccupied with his thoughts that he didn't notice the guards and servants that were passing at regular intervals, staring as he was just standing as if he was lost and was trying to rethink the route he should take.The thought of tel
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Chapter 125
Chapter 125.*."That's a silver dagger. You'll surely die. You're not Alpha Creed that the witches help and you would surely die before anyone would see you or take you to Azura" Kira spat at him.Bryan could not speak or shake, he just kept struggling with this life on the floor. He tried to scream and call out for help, but the more he tried, the more burn and pain he felt just like she had told him."Now, I would need that portrait" she grinned and squatted next to him, watching as blood was gushing down his nose and his mouth."You should have just shut up and stopped acting like a stupid hero!" She frowned and began trying to pull his slowly dying body away from the drawing he squeezed into his fists and was lying on top."Tobias tried to play smart on me, but I finished him off" she giggled and continued trying to turn him over, but he was too heavy.She was just like any frail lady without strength and without her wolf side, she couldn't roll him over and it was seriously stre
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Chapter 126
Chapter 126.*.*Cora saw this and swiftly stood from her sitting position with her hands in her mouth. Cole stood at the spot, with all his vigor leaving him and for once, he felt like Cole, an ordinary human and not the mighty Alpha Creed.Max was still on the floor, looking at the great scar on his palm when the human scene hit his nostrils. The scent was so fast that it hovered all over the room in a split second and everyone started standing and murmuring.Lucas saw they have been busted and swiftly tried to get to Cole just as Cora was doing, but it was so difficult because the crowd has scattered, trying to search in the direction the scent was coming from.Still afraid of what was happening, it was so difficult for Cole to find his way and without thinking properly, he started looking for the locket pendant in the ring but couldn't find it and began to panic.That was when Max stood up and looked directly at the crowd, seeing as they were panicking without minding the burn he
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Chapter 127
Chapter 127.*.*The rest people in the room said nothing but just fixed their gaze on the pendant. They heard footsteps walking outside the door and they instantly turned to face the door.They waited, listening to get the exact place the footsteps were heading to or what they intended to do when a loud knock came from the door."Sh..." Lucas said quietly, turning to look at them while placing his right forefinger on his lips. And the other palm was holding the pendant that was placed on his white face towel.The knock came louder and impatiently this time and the room became even more apprehensive."Hazel! Are you in there?" Hazel instantly recognized Nora's voice and she saw the people in the room were staring at her now. She shook her head sideways, indicating they ignored Nora and when Nora knocked for a while and still didn't get any response, she walked away and they heaved a heavy sigh of relief and eventually shifted their gaze at Lucas, giving him looks to proceed with the
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Chapter 128
Chapter 128.*.*Hazel wished she could turn them down, but she couldn't. She loved Cole so much and can not imagine being in his shoes. And the way they all looked at her when she turned to stare back at them all seriously broke her heart."Yes... I can" her voice spoke and was accompanied by a sad smile."Oh... Thank you so much" Cole walked to her and pulled her into a hug, patting her back while a drop of tears fell from her eyes.Lucas just went on to watch while Cora was staring into space, trying to vividly recall what had happened to her inside the tournament hall and what Azura had told her."Hazel... Are you sure you can anchor this alone?" Cora spoke when she finally came back to her senses. Even at first, she and Cole just wanted to use Hazel, they have grown to like her, and making her do what would put her life in jeopardy sent chills down her spine.After all, Hazel had saved them countless times from impending doom. They shouldn't pay her back by asking her to do what
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Chapter 129
Chapter 129.*.*Nora was still looking for Hazel and was getting seriously worked up about it. All she hoped was that Hazel didn't do anything crazy because she didn't like the mood she was in when she left."Hazel!!! Hazel!!" She called out biting her lower lips in frustration. Guards and servants kept running past her but she didn't care what they were up to. All she cared about was her sister.She turned when she reached a dead end in the castle and started running back in the direction she had come. She hadn't run for long when she saw a great light, shining out of the hall she had previously knocked on but got no response from anyone."No... No no no no!! Hazel!!!" She screamed at the top of her voice, raising her long gown above her feet so she could run as fast as she could."Hazel!!!" She called out again and just as she got to the door and held the doorknob, she began struggling with it, trying to open it as it was locked from the outside.With a great scowl on her face, she
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Chapter 130
Chapter 130.*.*Just as Lucas was reaching the hallway, he saw a lot of servants standing in the way while the guards were running around, looking for whoever they were searching for with Aden being the lead."I said I can't!! Let go of me!" He heard Azura scream at the top of her voice when he was close to where the noise was coming from.He began pushing past the members of the pack that was onlookers until he was almost at where the commotions were coming from."Stop bugging me already! He is dead and there is nothing I could do about it no matter how hard I try!" He heard Azura's angry voice again. He grunted his teeth, cursing at the way the servants and Pack members were standing in the way, making it difficult for him to pass through."You fixed the Alpha, right? You should fix Bryan too!" Cohen barked at her and she couldn't help laughing hysterically."As if you don't already know that that human is an imposter and not the Alpha. I can't help Bryan... So leave me alone!" Thi
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