All Chapters of The Alpha's Human Twin: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
152 Chapters
Chapter 141
Chapter 141.*.*Boston turned to look at Cole who had asked him that question and heaved. Then he lowered his gaze to the locket pendant he was holding and spoke without looking up."During the next full moon, me, Ethan, and the rest 12 new members of the armory ventured into the woods with mainly silver weapons." He began again and looked up at Cora, wondering how she was feeling, hearing about the chaos between the humans and her species."We were well equipped with a lot of silver weapons and machines and that very night, we were able to kill four of the wolves and brought them back here to the cottage" "Even if we lost a few of our brothers, others from the neighboring villages were still joining us and we created an army with a dozen blacksmiths creating deadly weapons for us" he twitched his lips."For months, we were able to regulate the killings by the wolves and we lived in peace. But we were not satisfied because there was not a battle we go to that the wolves doesn't kill
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Chapter 142
Chapter 142.*.*Anastasia turned to look at the boys who were gazing at her in surprise and anger. She frowned and turned to face Ethan and shook her head sideways."I don't know how your species deal with trust issues. But the witches trust no one and I insist they go away" she maintained."Hmm..." A bleak expression appeared on his face as he turned to face the boys and nodded. The boys gathered and grabbed their weapons around the room and started walking away, straight to the basement, but close enough to be alerted by anything."Make no mistake, Anastasia. If anything happens to me, my boys would hunt you down" She scoffed and shook her head sideways, then took a few steps forward while he moved backward."I am not the enemy here, human. In fact, we have a common enemy" Anastasia exhaled sharply while Ethan furrowed his brows at her.END OF FLASHBACK."Did you say, Anastasia?" Cora interrupted him.Cole and Boston turned to look at her as she steadied her gaze on Boston."Yes.
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Chapter 143
Chapter 143.*.*"What do they propose?" Anastasia cocked her head to one side."They don't want to attack during the full moon anymore. They want to take you all off balance and finish you off" Ethan was astounded but he didn't let her notice the look of panic on his face and just kept on staring at her, his expression deadpan."And I found out they were desperate when they proposed to give us a place in the Pack if we join forces with them" she grinned."Since that is what you and your kind have always wanted, why didn't you take it up? Why are you here telling me this?" Ethan questioned. She hesitated for a while before opening her mouth to speak."We knew they were lying. The wolves have always been sly creatures and they are never truthful" she responded to him."They have lied to us countless times in the past and we would be stupid to believe anything that would come out of their sugar-coating tongue" "So I came up with a proposition" she stopped talking and turned to look a
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Chapter 144
Chapter 144.*.*The story kept on developing and becoming more captivating that Cora was gradually getting the answers to why most of the things happened which she had no explanation for."Before Anastasia left, she told Ethan they would find a way to stall the wolves so they wouldn't have to attack when we weren't ready" "Ethan related to us all she had discussed with her and how she would be our greatest ally if things go according to plan" Boston grinned."Did she come through?" Cora asked."She did" "After three days, she returned to the cottage at night with something she called 'Wolfsbane' that she was not sure if it would work but we could give it a trial" Boston mumbled."To build our trust for her. She asked us not to give her our secret weapon until we have tasted and made sure the wolfsbane does work" he exhaled sharply."And what happened when you tasted the wolfsbane?" Cole asked."It worked, but it wears off after a while."FLASHBACKEthan and Anastasia stood right ou
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Chapter 145
Chapter 145.*.*She kept an awkward look on her face as she looked down at the man laying flat, face up in the hole."Hello?" She called but was greeted by silence."Can you hear me? Are you okay down there?" She called again but he was too weak to speak.All he wanted to do was ask her to go get help or anything. It would be better if she could find her way to the cottage and get the guys. But he was too weak to speak, so he just lay there, looking up and feeling dizzy with the sun dancing on his skin and tormenting his eyes."Hold on!! I am coming down to get you!" She said and stood erect, then she looked down carefully and figured where she was going to land, and to his dismay, she jumped right into the hole close to him, on her back."Ohh!" She grunted and remained that way while she waited for the pain to subside."Stupid girl! You should have gone to get help instead of jumping in! Who's gonna help us now" he said in his head as his visions began to get blurry and his hearing
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Chapter 146
Chapter 146.*.*She continued to yell at him while he stared at her frightened."This is my place and whatever I say, stands! I don't care to know if you are some sort of runaway alpha, beta, gamma, delta, omega, or even rogue! You just have to listen to me!" "I could have left you there to die with that injury on your leg but I didn't. I saved you and brought you in here, but you don't trust me?" She rolled her eyes and gave a hysterical laugh while he didn't understand what was wrong with her that was getting her suddenly heated up."I should be scared of you and take precautions because I do not know if you were some sort of assassin or not! But I wasn't! I saw you needed help and helped you, but what did you do in return?!" She frowned."You're ignoring my questions as if I am some sort of dangerous wolf when I am nothing but a harmless sweet girl!" Her eyes glowed instantly and he felt he saw his life, flashing before his eyes.He saw furs growing on her skin while her fangs sp
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Chapter 147
Chapter 147*.*"Wait... Hold on a second" Cole interrupted him as they turned to look at him."How were you able to have sex with her with the necklace around your neck? Didn't it by any chance...""Burn her?" Boston completed the sentence for him and he nodded, recalling how he had had to toss the necklace away when he was about to have sex with Cora at the fortress."Well, Cole" he began."I never take off my clothes anytime we are doing it" he shrugged."Funny""Why? You were scared of the necklace touching her or her finding out?" Cora asked this time."Not really. I was scared of her seeing my tattoo of the armory and making her ask questions I couldn't explain" he said."That would have been awkward. Didn't she ask questions?" Cole asked."She did"FLASHBACKBoston and Nala were on the bed, kissing, smooching, and in a heated romance while she unlocked their lips and peered deeply into his eyes."What is it?" He asked when she had looked at him far too long."I don't know... Bu
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Chapter 148
Chapter 148.*.*Boston shrugged and turned to face elsewhere while Cora and Cole remained speechless for a while."Okay... I would have felt the same way she felt" Cora nodded her head repeatedly."Why didn't you tell her what you were?" Cole questioned his father."I didn't know I would fall in love with her that deeply!" "The plan was not to fall in love. It was to stay with her until she finish taking care of my injured leg while feeding me so I wouldn't die of starvation" he stopped to catch his breath."But you know the heart, it does stupid things even if you try to tame it" he finished with a bleak expression on his face.He was about to open his mouth and speak again when his stomach grumbled for food, making Cora and Cole's stomachs grumble too."I guess I have been talking for way too long" he breathed out."I'll make hazelnut soup and potatoes" Cole stood up."I'll help you out" Cora slowly stood up too.Cole handed the locket pendant to his father who took it from his gr
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Chapter 149
Chapter 149*.*The trio finished having breakfast and lunch in the sitting room. Cole was clearing the table right now while Boston was wiping his mouth with a tablecloth."The food is satisfying, even if it isn't__""What? Delicious?" Cole asked and Boston grinned."I didn't say that, you did" he replied and Cora couldn't help laughing.When the table was cleared, they sat around the table and waited for Boston to finish picking his teeth so he could continue the story. And when he eventually stopped, he took in a long deep breath and rested his back on the chair, then continued the narrative."Sorry... Being old is something tough. When you get to my age, you would understand what I am talking about" he chuckled."If you are going to ask where you left off in the story, then it's where you said the moon goddess visited you" Cole said, resting his elbows on the table."Thank you, Cole" he returned."Do you mean you saw the moon goddess? I don't think anyone has ever seen her" Cora h
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Chapter 150
Chapter 150.*.*Boston sighed and took in a deep breath and by this time, tears were all over Cora's face."That was how I found out the figure that had visited me was the moon goddess herself" he went on to explain."What about the pregnancy, what did you both do about it?" Cole asked."Nala told me the moon goddess has already told Alpha Rex about the pregnancy and he was to keep shut about it. But Nala was scared she might give birth to a human baby" Cora blinked her eyes when she heard that as she was in the same shoes. But she didn't allow the men to see the look of uneasiness on her face."But the moon goddess was ready for anything" Boston continued."No one was to know the pregnancy does not belong to Alpha Rex and it was a secret between me, Alpha Rex, Nala, and the moon goddess" "And the moon goddess didn't wipe off my memory about the wolfdom because she was prepared for anything. She wanted the baby to be returned to me if it turns out to be human. And the Pack was to b
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