All Chapters of Simply His: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
235 Chapters
Chapter 131: Epilogue Part 2
*Meadow*I finally shook my head and three of them laughed at me. "I am not nervous, I am excited to begin the next step..." I replied."Well, it is time to get ready, are you sure you want to do this?" I asked Agape as I got up and she smiled brightly while she nodded."I really want to, it has been a while but now I even have practiced, so you better be there." She chuckled and walked out the door."Now let's see the final touches on your makeup and we are ready to go." Cara pulled me to a stool and grinned. "Bella, can you let everyone know that our Luna will be down sharply in 30 minutes? And they better be ready!"Bella giggled and nodded as she headed out and we were both left alone. She seemed a bit nervous but happy, and I tried to hold myself from asking her what was going on, but before I could think of anything at all, she started sobbing. I pulled her to me, not even caring if my dress was ruined and I held her tight. "Shhh... relax... calm down... what is wrong Cara?"
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Chapter 132: Epilogue Part 3
*Meadow*So there I was, standing in front of the doorway, my breath heavy and my heart beating fast. Bella and Cara both in front of me as we waited for our signal. While we waited, I heard the beautiful melodies of Agape's violin begin and I half closed my eyes to hear her play. "She is really good at it." I heard Bella say and I nodded, looking at the proud Gideon standing close to her."Yes, she is... and she is also a very nice person." Cara replied, her and Agape had become friends during the last months and I was very proud of them both.I could also feel Caleb close by, he was as anxious as me but a little more restless. I have felt his presence around during the day while I was getting ready but he and Alex were on a bet, to see how long would he stay away and leave me alone with the girls without him contacting me in any way. Caleb wanted to win the bet, yet more than once he had been close to lose it.The truth was, Caleb and I share a very unique bond, one that allows u
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Chapter 133: Epilogue Part 4
*Meadow*He smiled at me as he began, speaking calmly. "In your eyes, I have found my home. In your heart, I have found my love. In your soul, I have found my mate. With you, I am whole, full, alive. You make me laugh. You let me cry. You are my breath, my every heartbeat." He cleared his throat once more and I realized I was holding my breath when he whispered to me. 'Breath...' I chuckled and breathe heavily as I tried to hide my blush and he continued. "I am yours. You are mine. Of this we are certain. You are lodged in my heart. The small key is lost. You must stay there forever."As I heard the last words, he rubbed away a tear that I didn't know I had, running down my cheek. I kissed his hand and took a deep breath to share my part of the vow. "You are my inspiration and my soul's fire. You are the magic of my days. You help me laugh, you teach me love. You provide a safe place for me, unlike I've ever known. You free me to sing my own song. You are more of an amazement to me,
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Chapter 134: Epilogue Part 5
*Meadow*He sat me in bed and pulled a chair in front of me where he set. I began to chuckle for all the ceremonial he made and he ran his fingers through his hair, a little unsure of what was happening. "I am sorry love, if I worried you... I swear those were not my intentions." I began and he nodded, taking my hands in his and squeezing them tenderly."That is ok, Princess. I just know you are always up front about things, so you holding something that required my attention made me worried. It must be important." He assumed correctly.I nodded and sighed, holding his hands as much as he held mine. "I haven't been feeling well lately, so I went to the clinic and they ran some tests... The results were very conclusive..." I said and his eyes grew wide with worry. I couldn't let him go through that for long so I finished it quickly. "We are going to have pups... and by pups I mean... three pups..." I finally laid the truth and I could see his face change drastically with a wide grin.
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Chapter 135: Bonus - Craig and Bella Part 1
*Eight Legged Intruders*He stared at his hands as his foot tapped on the floor repeatedly, his back leaned against the hospital wall as he checked the clock one more time. It was only 6 minutes after 7 in the late afternoon and all the nurses kept smiling at him, offering him drinks or snacks, their phone numbers.He sighed with some frustration, why above all the gifts the Goddess could give him, she had to give him a charm for the females in both were and human world? He didn't have it in him to flirt around or chase tails, as his mother would say.He was a man who wanted nothing but to do his job, make his Alpha and pack proud, get home with a smile. Well, and now her."Hey baby... do you want some free candy?" A voice startled him, he lifted his gaze and his nose twitched when the sting of alcohol and pot from the body of what it would look like a 30 year old woman a few meters away, reached him.A cop pulls her from her wrist and makes her yelp and focus on him again while t
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Chapter 136: Bonus - Craig and Bella Part 2
Of course he would hear all of that before hearing the smallest movement of a spider inside their room. In other circumstances he would have shook his head and let it pass but he was now in the very important task of being a knight in shining armor.He was about to give up as he was listening to other people's private conversations instead of what he wanted when a small tiny whisper of movement caught his attention. His head snapped to the source of the sound and he spotted the fat but tiny eight-legged target."Is there a plastic cup I can borrow?" He whispered to the girls and Crista instantly moved her free hand to the side table and laid her pills on it, giving him the plastic container. "Thank you, my Lady." He smiled at her and her wrinkled face seemed to look younger with her own smile.He walked slowly to his target, almost too slow, but enough to make Bella almost gasp as he jumped in one foot over the pristine couch and aimed the cup up, trapping the spider inside it. He t
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Chapter 137: Bonus - Craig and Bella Part 3
*Preparations*The phone rang and he quickly picked it up at the second ring. "Yes Alpha.""I might have some things which may need to be done over there Craig, if you don't mind doing them while you wait for your mate." The unamused voice of his leader made him sit up straight in the blink of an eye."My pack is first, Alpha. Tell me what it needs to be done and I will do it." He replied without hesitation.On the other end of the line, he heard his own personal hero sigh. "It should not be always like that, Craig. Your mate will become also the most important thing in your life sooner or later, I am going to try my best to make it safe for her and all of us in the future... so you never have to pick which one comes first..."Craig smiled, he knew he was right and he was just not used to have someone else to look after; but there was no doubt that everything, including his dreams, were now filled with Bella's face and fragrance."I will do anything you want Alpha, how are things
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Chapter 138: Bonus - Craig and Bella Part 4
His Alpha had already gave him the number of a "cleaning team" to help but he was decided to do it all by himself. Suddenly his phone rang and he quickly looked at the number; he wasn't expecting anyone else to call him except Aeneas, but he was surprised to read it was actually Alex."He... Hello?" He hesitated at first then heard Alex grunt on the other side of the line."Craig, why did you have to change the shifts of the tower watchers? And why on earth would you move the traps that far behind! You should have called me before doing any of this!" A small growl was heard and quickly he started to laugh. "It's not funny Craig!""I am sorry Alex, but Alpha ordered me to make some changes... if you check on the report I left you, you will see I made all the right justifications for those and other changes I made...""What?! More changes?! What else did you do?! And where is that supposed report?!" Alex snarled at someone else near him and Craig laughed harder. He wouldn't be laughi
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Chapter 139: Bonus - Craig and Bella Part 5
*Uncertain Future*He was waiting for her on the waiting room when his phone rang. He saw a private number and took a deep breath before picking up. "Hello.""Craig, am I correct?" A voice sounded faintly from the other side."Yes, Aeneas I suppose?" He replied."The one and only..." The amused voice chuckled. "Me and my people are ready to go where your leader is.""At four in the afternoon, meet me in the restaurant where you met my Alpha. I will pick you and your people there and lead you to your next destination." Craig replied, as serious as he could be."Until four then." Aeneas said and cut the call.Craig sighed and slid his fingers through his hair, his heart was both with his pack and his mate, yet he hadn't been able to advance more with the second one."Is everything ok Craig?" The soft voice of his mate made him smile, he lifted his gaze and saw her standing close to him."Yes, just work stuff, I might need to make a trip tomorrow... how is your mom?" He asked her
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Chapter 140: Bonus - Craig and Bella Part 6
They both joined Crista and had some sandwiches to eat, during the time Crista couldn't stop smiling as she saw Craig joke and make both of them laugh. She sighed thinking what a nice guy he was, and how much she wished he would be younger to date her daughter. Maybe that way she wouldn't have to worry with whom she would be left once she was gone. She pushed those thoughts aside and tried to enjoy the moment, her daughter was going to turn 18 soon and she wanted her happy about it. "Are you going to be here for Bella's party tomorrow, Craig?" She asked him and he sighed."I just found out it is her birthday, I have to travel tomorrow back to Caleb and Meadow, they both need me, but I told Bella here, that I would compensate her for that, if it is ok with you of course..." He offered Crista a smile; Bella was blushing deeply."Awww that is very sweet of you Craig, please give my regards to Meadow, I am sorry I couldn't say goodbye to her before her trip. Where is she, by the way?" Cr
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