All Chapters of Simply His: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
235 Chapters
Chapter 141: Bonus - Craig and Bella Part 7
*Making Life Changing Choices*Meadow laughed hard and Caleb began to chuckle. Craig sighed with frustration and remained quiet."Crista is a really smart woman Craig, she would have realized you were hovering around them too often. Don't worry, I am sure she will change her mind when you tell her the truth. Because you are going to tell her the truth, right?" Meadow told him and he frowned."I can wait for her to be gone first, and then court Bella..." Craig said and Caleb shook his head."I bet even you don't believe in that to be possible... you crave to be near her since the moment you left. I felt as if a piece of me was missing each time I had to be away from Meadow, I know you must be feeling the same." Caleb pointed out.Craig sighed again and looked through the window. "I really don't know what to do.""We have plenty to do here Caleb, but I am sure Alex can take care of the reconstruction while we make a trip? I would love to see Crista again and maybe I can ease some o
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Chapter 142: Bonus - Craig and Bella Part 8
He was jealous and angry at the same time, but he controlled himself watching them walk slowly to the entrance. She seemed lost, though; as if she was being forced to listen to him. He kept talking to her while she would simply nod and draw a small smile. When they were about to reach the door, she instinctively looked towards Craig, and her smile brightened her face. She waved at him and in return, he smiled back at her.The talking companion seemed at a lost when he found himself talking alone, she had ran to Craig and jumped to his arms squeezing him. "You came back!"He chuckled and closed his eyes, letting his arms wrap around her to hold her softly. He took a deep breath and filled his lungs with her scent. "Yes, I said I would. I keep my promises." He lied, and he felt very guilty for having thought about being away from her until Crista was gone. After all, she was Bella's mother and was only trying to protect her, he should be thankful of the special attention the woman gave
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Chapter 143: Bonus - Craig and Bella Part 9
*The Kiss*As Bella walked into her mother's room, she was bearing a bright smile. "Hi mother, I am sorry, I found Craig at the entrance and he told me you were with Meadow, so I waited there."Crista smiled to her daughter and kissed her cheeks as she waited for her to sit at her side. She then saw Craig standing at the door with his head down. "Hello Craig, it is very nice to see you again, please come in."He walked in slowly, closing the door behind him. Then he took a deep breath and turned to see Crista. "Hello Crista, I am glad to see you are better, and I heard you are coming out tomorrow."The woman nodded and smiled, she was a little nervous too. Not long ago she found out who Craig really was and what her daughter was to him. She still had trouble completely believing in what Meadow told her but it was hard to deny the truth when Meadow herself had shifted in front of her.Craig offered Bella her school bag and she giggled taking it from him, turning around to speak to
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Chapter 144: Bonus - Craig and Bella Part 10
She soon joined him and both shared a well-deserved moment of relaxation with chuckles when Bella walked back into the room. She smiled watching them both get along."Bella darling, I want to sleep early tonight, and I have my show on tv about to start, so why don't you and Craig go home? I have a big day tomorrow, the nurses will throw me a farewell party." Crista said while she pulled the tv control and turned it on.Bella looked in surprise to her mother and then at Craig. "Are you sure mother?" She asked."Of course I am sure dear, go ahead... I hope to see you tomorrow Craig." Crista said without taking her eyes from the tv.Craig chuckled and nodded. "You can bet on that, Crista. I will be here.""Good, good... good bye you two." She dismissed them both and Craig pulled Bella's bag from her again, holding the door open for her.Bella was still surprised by the way her mother acted when she walked into the taxi with Craig. Once inside, he sat next to her and smiled to her as
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Chapter 145: Bonus - Kyrios and Eloise, "Reencounter"
He observed her new routine, as it was not the same as before; she was still working on the same bar, but no longer did she work at the Library. He thought it odd, she seemed like the kind of woman who would prefer the books than serving other people. Instead, she was working one shift but with extra hours. At least, she had been doing so for the last four nights. It took him that long to decide to go and introduce himself to her.She locked the bar as her shift finished, and with her handbag tightly pressed to her arm, she started walking to the bus stop, the one that was three blocks away.He watched her walk cautiously and rush her steps as she got closer; he didn't interrupt her at any moment, he wanted to make sure she got home safe.She walked out of the bus and headed to the humble apartment building where she lived; she made a stop on the first floor, where she gave Miss Hather a bag with leftovers for her dinner. The other bag had some for herself, and she felt more than ha
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Chapter 146: Bonus - Kyrios and Eloise, "Challenges"
He continued to observe her and felt uncomfortable with the position he put himself in; he felt as if he was spying on her, and he felt that was beneath him.So he decided to do something different. When she finished locking the bar, he stood some feets away, and cleared his voice. "Ehm, would you mind if I walk you home?"She was startled, but the smile on her face pleased him. She walked towards him and stopped right in front. "Yes, please. I would feel safer with you at my side."He bowed his head, and she waited for him to move, but he was unsure of even how to walk her home, so after some uncomfortable seconds, she made the first step to him. He ended right at her side. She chuckled, and extended her arm just to slide it around his. It was a bold move, she wasn't sure he would like it, but he didn't object it, and he walked closer to her then she expected.She knew she was crazy, from a very young age, she had always been odd and peculiar, but with him, she felt normal. Even
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Chapter 147: Bonus - Kyrios and Eloise, "Humanizing Himself"
He kept his unamused look as his brother chuckled. "You will kill everyone if you get on that bus. I don't get why you haven't indulged yourself in some human privileges… You have the gold, the money will buy you everything you need," He might not like it, but his brother was making a point."I did not know for sure how the new world would be. Now I see only a few things have changed," He answered."You will be fine in the new world, you have adjusted very well so far. I only want to meet her to see who she was…".Those words only made Kyrios frown."I don't even want to know how you met her in the past," He added.Aeneas chuckled again, but then changed to a more peaceful smile as Zareen walked into the room. He extended his arm and took her hand in his. Then he guided her to his side. "I am intrigued, that is all. But I am not going to push you for more. Do follow my advice, please. I can show you how, as I have been doing it for centuries."He then got up and bowed to Zareen. "T
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Chapter 148: Bonus - Kyrios and Eloise, "A Challenge"
The fact that she did not scream, hit him, or ran away, was a positive thing. She was not jumping happy in a jig, but she was not pushing him aside either. This simple fact, made him more than pleased to answer her questions."So I met your brother at some point, I had to interact with him in order for you to have smelled me on him, right? I just don't know who that might have been…" She pondered as she finally took a bite from her food. Only when she lifted her eyes to look at him, she noticed he was frowning and trying not to look at her. "Is everything ok?"He looked at the window and remained tensioned, of all the questions, she had to go to the sensitive ones. "I don't really want to know how. I rather not knowing."She pondered his words a bit longer then started to laugh, which made him look back at her with surprise. "Do you think I was with your brother? That I had some sort of intimacy with him?" She managed to say between giggles."I don't find that funny," He answered.
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Chapter 149: Bonus - Kyrios and Eloise, "Surrender"
As soon as she sat, he took the seat in front of her. He decided he had to go on with all he had in his mind. "Eloise… after today, I will never bother you again…" He started, and her eyes widened, a new fear formed in her. "I am here to make sure you are safe, and you are well, but I noticed that the lack of humanity in me is only hurting you. I am not happy about this, and I wish I could change it, but it might be too late for a creature like me to change anything…" As he spoke those words, he felt more and more obliged to be honest. "I sensed your scent in my brother, and the essence behind it made me feel in a way long forgotten. I wanted nothing more than to meet you, be with you… I sensed what it is my soulmate in you Eloise, and that scared me…" He paused to let the words sink in for her, and she was absolutely shocked of what she was hearing. "The world was changing, and I was one of those fighting for that change… all while my mind was set in you… I am a beast, it is my nature
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Chapter 150: "...Prelude .."
VOLUME TWO: SIMPLY BOUND"I would spit in your face if there was a possibility for me to produce spit… but for now, this is the best I can do…" Aeneas sank his fangs on the shoulder of his opponent and he screamed, just as he himself fought back and sank the talons in his chest. "That will leave a scar…""You and I both know good and well neither of us will win in this fight… why do you want to push the limit of my patience?" the attacker growled at Aeneas just as he received a hit in the guts."Back off from what you said you wanted to do… and I will stop…" Aeneas repeated just before he sent another hit to the man's throat.The man bent over and coughed; for vampires, a hit in the throat seemed to have the same result as a hit in the groin would do to a human. He started coughing blood and then he grunted. He tilted his head slightly to meet Aeneas' eyes and growled."Tis not what I want… tis what I will do… and you won't stop me from meeting my Anima Alterum…" His eyes glowin
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