All Chapters of Urban Vampire: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
332 Chapters
Chapter 181
"We each need to gather our Master vampires," Cyrene said. "They're targets, too." Cyrene appeared more than a little anxious."I can't say that I completely trust my Masters," Frank said. "What if they are in on this plan to get rid of the Council so that they may take our place?""See what happens when 'rogues" are allowed to kill our Councilmen and take their roles on the board?" Kaniji asked snidely.Alexis' face darkened. "It sounds as if you are questioning someone's appointment to this Council, Kaniji-san. Evidently my time away from this Council has done nothing to improve your attitude. If it wasn't necessary to determine if you have anything of value to add to these discussions, then I would remove your tongue … again." I saw the blood drain from Kaniji's already too-white face. Although I don't know exactly what Alexis had done to her when he had punished Kaniji after she gave me the information that would allow me to take the death sentence of my Sire, I knew that it h
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Chapter 182
"Excellent," Cyrene stated, "mainly because it's basically true."Kaniji's expression seemed to say that she would hardly intervene to prevent the death of either me or Monica, but she wisely kept her mouth shut.Frank gave me a curious look. "You might very well be handed over to Malarias for punishment.""No," Monica said adamantly. "That won't happen because that would require me to make a formal complaint against Kim and I won't do that." She looked around. "So are we in agreement?""Wait," Paul said.Cyrene sighed in exasperation. "What now, Werewolf?""I'm not in agreement that my wife is the only one who might face some form of discipline," Paul said. "I want a blood promise. No one will turn my wife into a scapegoat over the events that are occurring."Tony readily agreed, which made me feel a little better about the events that had transpired, even if everyone else was a bit slower in their acceptance of his terms. Good thinking on Paul's part, although I didn't give hi
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Chapter 183
"What in the hell is wrong with you two?" Since they were stranding on opposite sides of the room, I had to keep swiveling my head back and forth. "We're fighting for our lives and you two are acting like teenagers trying to flex your muscles!""You know what is going on better than anyone else," Alexis replied in a chilly voice. "And therefore you should know that if anyone hurts you then I will hurt him." His eyes filled with darkness as they turned totally black. "I will not apologize for that. So perhaps you should remember that fact whenever you feel the need to engage in deadly sex play."His words served to completely squash my anger. "I …" I blew out a resigned breath. "You're right. I apologize for my part—""Fuck that!" Paul interrupted, pushing off the wall. "You don't apologize for what we do together--not to him, not to anyone!" His eyes were yellow and his hair was nearly standing on end. "As long as you're my wife, we will make love any way that we choose!"I loo
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Chapter 184
I laughed mirthlessly. "I'm infected by the undead, a succubus, and now some rage monster."He shook his head. "No. It's you, honey, not something else. You smell like you, okay? When I'm the wolf or a hybrid I'm adding something else to my true self. You're the same except filled with rage." I digested that information. I didn't want to claim that rage as all me. That meant that I did attack people I cared for. What if … God, what if I hurt BJ or one of the Ladies? "I don't want this.""We have to figure it out, just like we figured out the succubus." He sighed. "It means that we have to continue to open our minds and not limit ourselves to what our human side might think is right or wrong. It's not only you who is no longer completely human. We have to learn to embrace our monsters." He looked at me as if the idea of it overwhelmed him.I leaned forward and kissed him. "Neither of us has been superhuman for long. We deserve a learning curve."His hand came up to cup my face, an
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Chapter 185
There are surely moments in life—or afterlife, in my case—where people have life-changing epiphanies. Post make-up sex with my husband, I had one such moment. He had said we had to embrace the monsters since that was the only way we would ever learn from them …I bathed carefully, soaking in my tub and thinking about things I had not wanted to admit to myself. I replayed Paul's words in my head, finding truth in them. I dressed and told Paul that I had some things to settle. His expression was curious but he responded with a nod of his head."I love you." I kissed him.His uneasy look disappeared. His lips lingered against mine and my heart swelled with love for him. His brief smile showed me that he felt the same way. Trust me baby, I thought to myself. This is one more step toward accepting who I am. Then I flashed myself to the manor house and to Alexis. I stood in the front room amidst the beautiful artwork and expensive designs and felt nothing more than the coldness o
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Chapter 186
I didn't see Alexis again for two days, which is when we all reconvened at Johan's house. I learned that Ran had taken up with Alexis, trailing him whenever possible in order to make sure his body remained in good condition. He allowed Alexis to pretend to be him and to interact with his humans so that they would not be left wanting when it came to the donation of blood. Through him I kept tabs on Alexis. I knew that I was chickening out by not facing him after our discussion, but I had to prove to myself that I could be stronger than the demons inside of me.After our weekly Council gathering, we decided to test our ability to shield our intentions from Malarias before formulating a plan of attack. No need to have him detect our plans before we were ready to act. It worked like a charm. Frank took a great deal of joy playing his part as the one to share gossip with the decrepit Elder. I played my role pretty well by being silent, brooding, and morose-- which was pretty normal. Paul
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Chapter 187
Paul, Tyler, and Jason turned to each other as if in silent communication, and then Paul nodded once and turned his attention to the rest of us. "We will increase the number of the Wolf Pack, but …" I could feel the tension in the air. "We won't be your slaves or your army," Paul said. "But we will agree to aid in your protection—as long as you do the same for us. There will be rules and a lot of them which we can negotiate, but this is a hard one: you don't attempt to control us and we will willingly aid you."Kaniji tilted her head in interest. "And your Wolf Pack agrees not to war against us?"Paul nodded once. "As long as your vampires don't break our agreement."Frank grinned. "This is exciting. I would agree to your terms just for the excitement factor.""You are an idiot," Cyrene spat out with a dark look. "This can easily backfire on us. We live freely among the humans because we are stronger than they are and can control them."Paul smirked. "Doesn't feel too hot havi
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Chapter 188
"Okay, okay enough." I chuckled when Jason playfully tugged my pants leg to prevent me from stopping. One by one they morphed back into human form, stretching and coming to their feet. They were comfortable with their nudity but slipped on pants and shirts."How was the pack meeting?" I asked.Paul leaned in to kiss me and smiled. "Better than we could have ever imagined."They explained that by the weekend they could secure an old farmhouse on the outskirts of town. It had once been a horse farm and had a number of acres as well as barns and anything else they could need to begin the werewolf selection process. I propped Julie on my knee as I sat on the sofa listening to their excited chatter. "The safe houses," Julie smiled. "The humans living in them are accustomed to the supernatural, and given the opportunity I think any of them would desire the chance to be equal in strength to those who have tormented them."I frowned. "Yeah, as long as they understand that they aren't g
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Chapter 189
I searched his eyes. Did he know about the offer that I'd made to Alexis? Maybe I had underestimated my husband. Maybe he would not have agreed to such an arrangement. He was understanding about my monsters, but that didn't mean he would embrace Alexis. Well, it was no longer an issue. And although I didn't think I'd need protection, I remembered Paul's previous pack and the way they had swarmed the manor and killed two of the most capable vampires I knew.I nodded my head. "Okay."He watched me for a long time. "Okay."No. This was not an easy decision for him either.After dinner I called for Alexis and Ran to meet me at Johan's manor. I gave them enough travel time to allow Ran to be driven there. He was essential to me in maintaining some form of control when I was with Alexis. When you love a man, it is hard enough to control your desires, but having a sex demon as a part of your very makeup ups the ante. If there was going to be a relationship between me and my two husbands
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Chapter 190
Paul was waiting for me at home, the house quiet without Sam or BJ.I appeared in the living room where he waited for me. "He said yes," I said with no beating around the bush. He nodded, not appearing surprised. "Where are the baby and Sam?" I asked."Sam is keeping her for the evening. I asked her to move in here while I'm away." I nodded. I considered myself to be a good mom, but my sleep is like death, and that wasn't conducive to parenting a toddler. He pulled me gently into his arms and held me. "Ran contacted me. I like his idea, and he would be a valuable addition to the pack. He's got battle training, and he's fearless."I felt relieved that Paul wasn't worried that being turned into a werewolf could affect the vampire in Ran. Besides, there were other more pressing matters I felt we needed to discuss, so I shelved my concerns about turning Ran."Paul," I sighed. "You don't have to worry about … Alexis being here.""I'm not." He pulled back enough to look into my
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