All Chapters of Urban Vampire: Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
332 Chapters
Chapter 191
I knew that I was chattering too much about things he probably could care less about, and I met Alexis' eyes anxiously. He nodded. He wasn't even looking at the room. He was watching me. "Feel free to make yourself at home on the main level. The office is strictly my assistant's area and … you might not be very comfortable in the family room. It's where my daughter plays.""Show me the family room," he requested."Sure." I began to walk out of the room, but Alexis clasped my wrist. "Let's use the shortcut," he said."Oh. Right." I flashed us to the large and cluttered family room. We always ended up here whenever the Ladies in Waiting or the Wolf Pack gathered. The sectional was big and comfy and had been broken in nicely.Alexis stepped forward and looked around. He stooped to pick up a stuffed bear that had been washed so many times it had gone thin in in the paws. We couldn't get rid of it, though, because BJ had named it. It was Bee Bee. You can't throw away a toy that yo
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Chapter 192
"No!" I said to Alexis. "Not going to happen."He crossed his arms and stared at me. "This is a ridiculous argument, Kim. I am going to the Council meeting with you because either your first lieutenant or your wolf always accompanies you. You told me that yourself. The last thing we need to do at this critical stage is to act out of character.""Alexis, you hate Malarias. You tried to kill him!"He tilted his head upward. "It is possible that one learns from past mistakes, my love."I tried not to cringe at the mocking way that he said "my love." "Every time you show up in someone else's body, vampires still recognize you. Remember Esmerelda? Do you really think that Malarias won't know that it's you peeking out from behind Ran's face?""He won't as long as I do not want to be detected." I searched his face but he seemed confident about that. "No," I said. "What you want is too risky.""What if this is the evening that Malarias decides to punish your Council? Is this not the
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Chapter 193
Damn, I thought. She was obviously in a bad mood.The young vampire cringed and transported away. A split-second later, Monica disappeared after him. None of us moved. We'd seen the young ones do this often enough. A split-second later she returned, holding him suspended in the air by his throat. She had gone "hissy face," her teeth longer than normal and her face etched in a monstrous scowl. She brought the vampire down to her mouth and ripped out his throat. Seconds later, young vampire Charles was nothing but ash."Monica," Tony began, his brow gathered in a frown."Leave it alone, Tony!" Monica snapped.My mouth formed an O while a faint smile crossed Kaniji's lips. I could tell that Kaniji thought Tony's and Monica's relationship had run its course.I looked up at Alexis to get his reaction, but he was only staring at Monica. With a flick of his wrist, Malarias cleaned away the blood and ash and replaced the white tablecloth with one that wasn't splattered by gore. "Per
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Chapter 194
The next evening I called Paul. "Can I see you?""It's difficult right now. I'm a bloody mess, and it seems as if I'll never get to the end of biting and ripping flesh." I could hear the exhaustion in his voice, and it caused me to worry about him. "The wolf is showing me what to do, but it's anxious. When I think it's time to stop, it pushes me.""Oh, Paul. Is it terrible?"He sighed. "No. It's wonderful."The succubus twirled inside of me, and I squashed her back down, promising her that she would have her time to play."And how is Ran?""He's handling the pain better than anyone. He never screams."I swallowed back the lump forming in my throat. Technically I knew how Paul had been turned into a werewolf. He had been bitten repeatedly over the course of two months—two months because the virus didn't take the first time. And with Jason and Tyler, well, they had been partially devoured.My stomach flip-flopped and I began to understand what the humans would need to endur
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Chapter 195
I sat up with a jolt and looked around. I was on a pristine white sofa in a strange room. The pale, dusky light of dawn seeped through windows and a French door that did not obstruct the light with sheers or blinds.I saw Alexis standing at one of the windows, gazing out, his back to me. And then I saw that Monica lay opposite me on a hunter green velvet chaise. We were in her home. She slept, and although the sun crept over her porcelain skin, she did not burn. As my child she also had the ability to withstand the sun."She will awaken soon," Alexis said. "This one is very strong." I rubbed my head feeling as if I had a hellafied hangover. It had been a long time since I'd felt that way. "Ugh. I gotta get to BJ.""Samantha is awake and tending to her needs." Alexis turned and joined me in the living room where he stood with his hands clasped behind him.I shook my head. "Oh, Alexis, this is trouble," I said as I looked at Monica, my progeny, my child, my friend. "Why me? Why is
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Chapter 196
On the morning after the full moon, Paul came home. When I opened my eyes, instead of being in my bed, I found myself on our private patio, sitting in my husband's lap. The sun beat down on us warmly, and I flung my arms around his neck the minute I saw him."Baby! You're home!"He kissed me.I pulled back and held his face in my hands, studying him. He looked worn out. There were dark circles beneath his eyes, and his hair had grown more than would be humanly possible in the short time that we'd been apart. It now reached his shoulder blades, and I realized why he man-scaped his body hair—the change triggered hair growth."How many changed with the full moon?"He sighed. "Only about seventy of them, less than half. But Ran was one of them." I smiled in relief that at least he wouldn't have to endure another month of the torture. But the downside was that I would have to be without Paul.I kissed him and felt how much he had missed me. The large "reminder" of our time apart p
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Chapter 197
BJ looked up and patted her daddy's cheek until he gently kissed her hand. "What happened after that?" he asked in a much calmer voice. Hmm. Maybe I had better set the baby in his lap whenever I had to tell him news I know he wouldn't like. "Well, she admitted that she's wanted us to be lovers but that my 'many' lovers are always in the way." I rolled my eyes when I made the air quotes around the word "many."Paul was not amused. "Funny how she waited until she thought I was indisposed. She is one sneaky bi—"He glanced down at our daughter. "Individual.""Or else she's just not in control yet. We gotta give her a learning curve, too, honey. We're still on ours." He didn't seem to care. "And why is Alexis with her instead of with you?""Alexis says she's like me and that we're both powerful." After he'd returned home that night when she'd attempted to seduce me, Alexis explained that he intended to find out just how useful she could be to our cause. And then he said no more abo
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Chapter 198
He looked at Paul, and there was a hint of worry in Ran's eyes. "I'm not sure that I can do this. I want to …" He looked at me apologetically. "I want to eat her."Paul rolled his eyes. "Stand in line."I scowled at him."No really," Ran said anxiously. "I feel the vampire in her, and I want to damage it."Paul placed his hand on Ran's shoulder. "Stand down," he growled. Ran's anxiety began to fade. "Better?" Paul asked.Ran nodded in obvious relief. "Yes. Much." He looked at me apologetically. "I'm sorry, Kim. This is not as easy as one would think."I nodded in understanding. "Believe me, I know. But other than a desire to shred me to pieces, how do you feel?"He smiled. "Pretty damn good."The other members began to arrive. Frank eyed Ran with open hunger as Cyrene and Kaniji arrived together, which was still as curious as ever. Then Monica arrived and not surprisingly, Alexis was with her. Last to arrive was Tony. He made a point of ignoring Monica as he stood quietly b
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Chapter 199
We were missing something big here.Paul said that by the next full moon they expected to have the one hundred and ninety-six able bodies, which included Paul, Jason, and Tyler. "We could use a few months to gain control of the wolf," Paul said. "However, the army will be complete by the next full moon. I suggest that Malarias be made aware of our existence.""So soon?" Frank gestured to Ran. "You can barely control that one.""Just keep in mind that we are not targeting vampires but rogue werewolves," Paul said. "As long as you're not in the way, we don't need to control ourselves around you.""But," Frank whined, "I thought the wolves would be like our bodyguards.""That is what you're going to tell the Council," Paul said. "The Elders need to know that the Wolf Pack was created for the purpose of protecting the vampires in our sector. That's all you need to know. We have an agreement to create werewolves for the purpose of protecting the vampires that are in your territories.
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Chapter 200
I nodded because it would have to be. He kissed me again. "I'm sorry, honey.""Why doesn't Alexis bother my wolf?" Ran asked when Alexis had finished buttoning his shirt.Alexis offered the answer. "Because I have already proven that I'm not interested in dominating you. I have let you guide me when it comes to living in your home and dining on your donors."Paul seemed to consider his words and shrugged as if the explanation was as good as any.Ran stood on shaky legs. "Then I would prefer not to return to the compound. I'd prefer my own home, and Alexis can accompany me just as before."I began to really wonder if Ran enjoyed Alexis' company … or maybe he just wanted to keep an eye on his body. If the tables were turned, I'd do the same thing.Paul looked at Alexis and nodded his agreement, seeming to come to the determination that Alexis was fully capable of taking care of himself.Alexis and Ran went out the door, and before Paul could follow, I stopped him. "Now is as goo
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