All Chapters of Urban Vampire: Chapter 221 - Chapter 230
332 Chapters
Chapter 221
Before I could finish the thought, we were back in the darkened room and Alexis was removing his fangs from my neck. The drastic change from light to dark caused my surroundings to seem unreal. The sound of the ocean was instantly gone and the quiet was almost abnormal.I stood, pressing my fingers to my neck. I looked down at Alexis. His mouth was closed, still painted with the blood of his recent feedings. His eyes were black orbs as they watched me. Gone were his golden brown human eyes. Gone was the sun-kissed bronzed skin. He was white but glowing, and although he was now animated, he could never pass for human in this condition."Alexis." My heart felt as if it had moved to my throat. I didn't know what to say, but I had to say something. I wanted to tell him that I was sorry, that I knew that it was hard for him, too. I wanted to kiss him and be wrapped again in his arms. I had to say something! "Are—are you still hungry?" I stuttered. Ugh, am I stupid?"I am sated. But I m
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Chapter 222
My eyes were wide when I brushed past my husband and got right in her face. "Listen to me, Monica. Listen to me and hear me once and for all. I don't love you. I won't ever love you. If there is even the smallest amount of the real Monica still left inside of you, then you would understand why. You have no human capacity left inside of you. The real Monica would know that the worst thing you can do is try to be me, to sleep with the men that I still hold in my heart, to keep fucking pushing for something that I don't want. I don't want you, Monica, and this is going to end right now!" Spit flew from my mouth as I lost it and blew up at her."I don't love you," I continued. "I don't like you and I don't want your creepy ass anywhere around me!"Paul tried to take hold of me to calm me, but I shook him loose."Do you get it?" I asked. "Do you finally get it?! If it didn't mean my own death sentence, I'd kill you! That's how much even being around you disgusts me!"Monica looked down.
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Chapter 223
Paul and I pulled up into the driveway, and before he could turn off the motorcycle, he covered my hands, which were still embracing his torso. I felt him sigh."I'm worried, Kim.""She can't hurt me," I whispered while placing my cheek against his broad back."There's just so much that I can't control…"I nodded. It's why he had done everything, why he turned into a Werewolf, why he created the agreement with the Neratomay. It was to have some form of control over anything that could hurt me. Monica was the exception to that."Who's babysitting tonight?" He asked."Sam."Sam slept over often now that Paul was away with the Wolfpack. It worked best since she was over at the house every single day as my assistant anyway, and someone had to be alive in the house in order to keep tabs on BJ.Hand in hand, we walked to the door, his hand dwarfing mine with a strong but gentle grip. It was the second time tonight that a man had held my hand as we walked together, and I felt disjoint
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Chapter 224
On Thursday we had a Council meeting that I hoped would be cancelled since Alexis would not be able to attend as our Elder. But no, it didn't work like that.Ferris was sent to fill in for Alexis. Ferris and Alexis were the closest things to friends as Elders could become, so none of us got amped up at the prospect of being in the presence of someone who hated us the way Malarias had. Ferris wore the customary white robe, which was the attire of the Elders convening over a Council meeting, although they had their own individual designs. Ferris' design had intricate gold stitching around the neckline. He was blonde and attractive despite the black eyes and corpse-like skin.It was nice to attend the weekly meeting without having to look at Monica or to see Alexis. And with Malarias off somewhere being punished for sabotaging his own Council, it was a downright good time.Ran was already there. For the most part the meetings were only supposed to be attended by the Council members and
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Chapter 225
I was surprised to see Paul when I got home. My Succubus was not the only one that needed sex. Paul's Wolf demanded that we mate regularly, especially as the full moon approached.Paul was standing in the dark right where I would appear. I heard a growl full of sexual need, and when I reached up to touch him, I found him completely nude with a stiff cock.He was in hybrid form and used one long talon to slice my pants open from crotch to ass. Then he hefted me up roughly, and I called my Succubus when he lined up his cock and rammed it inside of me.It turned out to be one of those nights when Sam would surely need to wear her earplugs.When I rose the next evening, I saw Paul was getting dressed."Hi, honey," he said while looking at me through the reflection in the mirror. His expression seemed oddly tense. He didn't jump into bed and lathe me with kisses as he normally would."Hi." I fluffed my hair, running my fingers through a few tangles. When I looked at the clock on the n
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Chapter 226
He caught me with a happy laugh. "I wanted to surprise you. I want you here as much as possible, babe. I promise that I will do better…with everything."We kissed until Sam cleared her throat."I'm going to get BJ settled." Sam had BJ propped up on her hip, and BJ was happy to follow her "Mimi" to whatever adventure the new house was sure to hold.Tyler and Jason excused themselves to finish getting the lodge prepared for the ceremony.I wasn't exactly sure what would happen, but Paul assured me that becoming Lupa was like becoming mated and our beasts would take over.I had hoped that Paul and I would break in the new bedroom since I knew the approaching full moon made him horny, but he said we would save that for after the ceremony.I couldn't wait!After the ceremony, I would change and run with the Pack, and our beasts would fuck in a way that no humans could.It always involved blood, claws, and teeth.~*~Tyler and Jason were already at the lodge orchestrating the f
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Chapter 227
Sasha stopped in front of the raised stand and placed her hands on her hips. Long black hair ran down her back in inky black curls. She was barefoot and dressed in a simple dress that accentuated her curves. Her dark eyes flashed with determination as she stared at Paul."She's not Pack," Sasha said. "She can never be Pack because she represents all that we fight against. She is one of them!"The noise of the crowd grew. Jason and Tyler moved forward, but Paul raised his hand to stop them. His eyes never left Sasha, and neither did mine. I stiffened, barely registering the Wolfpack or Paul as I focused on Sasha. She had danced naked with my husband, had grabbed him and kept him from saying goodbye to me during Ran's ceremony. She now seemed intent on stopping the ceremony. What was really going on here?"Kim is not our enemy," Paul said. "She is nothing like the Neratomay. She doesn't have their memories, and she's not led by their instincts.""You are blind because you are mat
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Chapter 228
I narrowed my eyes. "Bitch, I don't give a fuck about any of that. I'm here about you and Paul." My eyes began to burn. This didn't seem possible. "I want answers."Sasha smirked. "You want to know how good it was? Well, like I said, Paul came back for seconds."My teeth dropped and I balled my hands into fists.Tyler gripped one of my wrists. "Kim…"I looked past Tyler but didn't move forward. "How long has this been going on?" My voice that sounded nothing like my own but that of all of my demons.Sasha didn't flinch. Her golden eyes and shaggy hair let me know that she was close to changing. "It just started. But I don't intend for it to end. Paul and I belong! We match in ways that you will never be able to.""You trifling, bitch!" I charged forward, but Tobias, Jason, and Tyler held me back.Tyler leaned in toward my ear. "Kim, it's not worth it. If you start, it won't end!""Did you know?" I asked Tyler."I'm sorry," Tyler said, "but I didn't know. I swear I didn't know.
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Chapter 229
No one bothered me for the next few days. Ran handled our meetings, and beyond him and the Ladies I kept myself blocked from everyone but Sam and BJ.Despite my anger, the bond I shared with Paul made it difficult not to feel the pain of our separation. Bonds were made to keep cold-ass Vampires from killing each other. It worked the same for a husband and wife working through infidelity.I had always been a judgmental, opinionated person. I criticized women for taking back their cheating, abusive husbands. I cat-called the television set when a woman cried over a man whom I didn't think deserved mercy. I thought women who couldn't make the hard decisions were weak. Wasn't there strength in denying yourself the pleasure of being with a man that you desired?I thought I was strong, but the pain of losing someone so integral to your life was something that knocked me to my knees. I had a hole in my soul that Paul was supposed to fill, and it was everything warm and calm and loving. All
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Chapter 230
After the feeding, I returned home to the house that Paul and I had made into a home. I had sent BJ and Sam ahead of me, and they were in the family room playing. BJ ran to me and flung herself against my legs as if sensing that things might never be the same again.I picked her up, held her in my arms, and kissed her all over her face until she begged to be put down. I looked at Sam who seemed happy to be back home but still sad about what I was trying to deal with."I'm going to call him," I said.Sam nodded. "I think it's a good idea." She hadn't asked permission to throw in her two cents and had flat out stated, on a number of occasions, that she was disappointed in Paul and his inability to keep his penis in his pants. It hadn't helped that I wanted to defend him. I wasn't much different from him and he had forgiven me time and time again.I went out to the backyard so that I could open our link and speak to him privately, but BJ wanted to come with me. I allowed it, but then
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