All Chapters of Urban Vampire: Chapter 241 - Chapter 250
332 Chapters
Chapter 241
He nodded. "Not too many should know. We will include your First Lieutenant as well as Monica.""Why do you think the Elders won't handle this appropriately? You and I know that we don't want a worldwide war. They have to know the same.""The Neratomay do not care about human life," Alexis said. "Before you, I did not either. Through you I have learned to care about much more. But not all of us have a human filter to think through."I hugged him. "Thank you for everything you've done and are doing."He stroked my hair and held me for a few moments before releasing me. "In this day and age, it would be impossible to conceal our battles and keep our identity secret. In the past, we have been able to hide our casualties by creating natural disasters and pandemic epidemics. But with videos and modern technology there will be no secreting our actions. People will see us for what we truly are. Especially if this is a war including all of the Supernaturals.""It wouldn't just be a war be
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Chapter 242
I shuddered as I thought about Alexis removing my mating mark and how I wanted to fight against it from happening. My neck still hurt, but so did ninety percent of my body. I nodded. "Let's do it." No use talking about it. I wanted it over with.Bernard placed his index finger against my temple.I prepared myself, tensing at the contact.Ran sat on the opposite side of the bed, preparing to hold me if needed. I felt good that he was there. I trusted that he wouldn't do something crazy if things went bad, like ripping out someone's throat to feed me…I felt a familiar buzz in my head. Oh no! It was the same insane bee buzzing sensation that the Elders gave me when they infiltrated my thoughts! It felt like a million flies in my ears. It made me want to run while slapping my head.I whimpered and remembered what I had learned from Paul. He had taught me to build a wall. It was with sadness that I built a mental wall, this time to separate myself from him.I imagined the wall going
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Chapter 243
When I returned from the bathroom, Bernard was gone and Ran was holding BJ, who was sucking on her binky and clutching him. He was walking around the room talking to her quietly, trying to comfort her. He was her protector, her Rannie, the reason that he hadn't killed himself after he had lost his one true love. They shared a special relationship. Ran knew more than most the pain of a severed bond.BJ's face was puffy from crying, but when she saw me, the binky fell from her mouth and she reached for me desperately. "Mommy!" She kicked and squirmed to get to me.I picked her up and held her to me, and she wrapped her arms around my neck and clung to me. I should have never listened to anyone tell me that I was too beat up for her to see. There had been too many changes in my daughter's life for her to be without both her Dad and me."It's okay, baby girl," I crooned. Feeling her weight in my arms and the smell of her baby shampoo soothed the shredded bits of my soul. I walked her ar
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Chapter 244
How had Paul handled the eradication of our bond? Was he still chasing me?"What can you tell about Paul's plans? Have there been any changes?""The situation is critical. We will secure your Angel of Death immediately, and tonight you must speak with the Council of the Elders. They have been patient, but that patience will not extend much longer." Alexis left the kitchen.I had Sam bring down a change of clothes for BJ. Sam looked exhausted, and I felt bad for depending on her so much. "Thank you for being nanny to BJ. I know that's not what you signed on to do.""Nonsense," Sam said. "BJ is my family and I wouldn't have anyone but me watching her." Sam smiled mischievously. "Mr. Wolf is getting along well with her, don't you think?""Yes, I trust him with her, and that's saying a lot.""I feel better knowing that he cares about her."I looked at her in confusion."Well, you know…because." Sam's cheeks turned crimson. "Well, you and Alexis…""There is no me and Alexis, Sam. I
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Chapter 245
I shook my head. "I had no idea about any of it. I still think that I can talk some sense into Paul."Alexis glanced at me, his brow drawn together in displeasure. I shut my mouth."Was it not Paul Kinninsky who is responsible for the condition that you are in now?" the woman asked."Well, indirectly…" Damn, I worried that I sounded like a woman about to tear up a restraining order. "We fought, but others were involved."The woman's expression grew cold. "But of course. Council woman, why do you think your husband failed to disclose his treachery to you?""Well…of course he knew that I could compromise his plan.""So, you are saying that you would not have gone along with this plan?"I frowned. "Of course not. I don't want a war."They looked at each other, talking silently.I turned and looked at Alexis, my mouth gaping open. Did these people think that I would be a party to something like that?Alexis didn't look happy but gave me a slight nod indicating that I should remai
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Chapter 246
My friends showed up bright in early the next morning, all except for Tyler who was afraid that Paul would be able to track her to our location.The Ladies and I hugged each other and cried. They touched my face in misery at the sight of my healing injuries. They cuddled BJ and gripped Sam as if she was one of their long-lost sisters. I tried to give them time to rest after their long flight, but they were too anxious to tell me about all they had been through with Paul and his Wolfpack."In the beginning he was reasonable," Karen said. Her normally pressed hair was in a curly mass around her head, and she had shadows beneath her eyes that marred her normally perfect milk chocolate complexion.Karen described how he had tracked each of them down, bursting into their homes with his security, and sniffing out their belongings for any evidence that they had been with BJ or me."At first, he called the house searching for you and we talked for nearly an hour. He kept beating himself up
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Chapter 247
I thought I was going to black out when I heard those words coming from my daughter's lips. I knew without a doubt that Paul was here somewhere on the grounds, but I couldn't sense him or even smell him. And then I remembered that I was no longer connected to him. He could be out of bounds but still close enough to pounce.When we reached the bottom of the stairs, I was elated to see Alexis' Elder Council was waiting for us. The cavalry had arrived!Ran, however, didn't look happy. He took a defensive posture in front of the Ladies, who were terrified. Alexis rushed forward, but my footsteps faltered."My security is being alerted to the possible presence of the beasts breaching the compound," Alexis said while holding his cellphone to his ear."No," Ferris said. "Your security has been made…indisposed."Alexis' face seemed to crumple when he realized the Council's treachery. Bernard hadn't sold us out, but the group that Alexis had served for decades had. Alexis was livid but qui
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Chapter 248
The sound of crashing waves awakened me. With a groan, I opened my eyes, squinting against the bright sunlight.BJ!I sat up quickly and looked around. The wet sand stuck to my legs and back. I jumped to my feet and looked around in desperation. A few yards away was a familiar beach house."Alexis!" I screamed. My eyes hurt as I searched the beach until I saw an unmoving figure on the rocks. I ran across the beach, and as I grew closer, I saw an unconscious man."Ran?"I crouched carefully beside him and patted his cheeks. He mumbled groggily and then his eyes flashed open. He had stubble on his usually clean-shaven face, and his lips were dry and cracked."Shit." He rubbed the back of his head. "What the…?" He looked around. "Where are we?"I shook my head, unsure of what to tell him. "We have to find Alexis."He stood on shaky legs. "I cracked my head…and I'm…thirsty." He seemed surprised at this, even more than waking up in daylight on a strange beach.I scanned the beach
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Chapter 249
I pushed his pants down roughly over his firm ass then held him at bay by placing my hand on his chest. I gazed at his nude body. Finally, my Alexis, and he was beautiful.His hard chest held soft dark hair that trailed down past his belly button to the dark hair surrounding his thick cock. I reached out, wrapped my hand around his hard root, and heard his soft moan. He didn't move forward, watching me with dark eyes filled with desire.I tugged on his cock to pull him forward until he lifted me in his arms and my legs encircled his waist. He cupped my ass with his hands while his mouth and tongue devoured mine. He walked us blindly to the bed then lowered me to it gently.I expected us to fuck with years of pent-up desires, him between my thighs pounding away, his cock claiming ownership of me through my pussy and my pussy weeping with need as it clutched and pulled him deeper inside. But instead of ravishing me, Alexis lay beside me and looked at my entire body—from the expression
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Chapter 250
On the rare occasions when I wanted to listen to music from my club days or dance those old tired line dances that now felt nostalgic, I would play "Cupid Shuffle" or R. Kelly's "Step in The Name of Love." I would dance, my body somehow remembering all the moves. Alexis laughed at me, I mean really gut-busting laughter, until I challenged him to dance.He took me up on the challenge, and I discovered that he moved like water! He was a natural-born dancer. The Cha-Cha Slide, Wobble, even things that I made up to throw him off, Alexis picked up with no trouble. Ran couldn't resist joining in, compelled by the beat of the music to forget, even to laugh for a while. We would all dance for what seemed like hours. Shyly, Ran even taught us how to clog, and no one made fun of him for knowing how to clog.They took me out of my comfort zone and taught me how to ballroom dance. We had nothing but time on our hands, so there was no reason not to learn and enjoy the various dances of their time
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